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Unify business data, customer engagements, ROI, and more—all while keeping your customer at the center of everything you do.</p><div class="cta_box"> <a class="act-btn cta-btn" href="signup.html?source_from=cplus_home">Get Started Free</a> <span class="watch_vid vimvideo" data-video=";dnt=1&amp;texttrack=en-x-autogen">Watch overview</span></div></div><div class="signup-box"><h2>Get Started with your free trial</h2><div id="czone-home"></div></div></div><div class="bnr_img_sec zwf_side_form_top"> <video class="bnr_vid zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" poster="//" data-sposter="/sites/zweb/images/crmplus/images/zcplus-banner-poster-img-1x.png" data-wposter="/sites/zweb/images/crmplus/images/zcplus-banner-poster-img-1x.webp" width="1920px" height="715px" title="Unified sales, marketing, and customer service tools" autoplay="autoplay" preload="auto" muted="" playsinline="" loop=""> <source class="video" src="" data-src="/sites/zweb/images/crmplus/images/zcplus-banner.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video></div> <span class="dwn_arw"></span></div><div class="cplus_brands_sec cplus_blue_sec zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="cplus_container"><h2>Over 100 million users trust Zoho globally.</h2><div class="cplus_brand_outer"><ul class="cplus_brand_inr"><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_1"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_2"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_3"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_4"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_5"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_6"></span></li></ul><ul class="cplus_brand_inr"><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_1"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_2"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_3"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_4"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_5"></span></li><li class="brand_list"> <span class="brand_logo bl_6"></span></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="cplus_cx_sec zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="cplus_container"><div class="mid_text_wrap"><h3>Give your customers the convenience of omnichannel engagement</h3><p class="cph_desc">Engage with customers across multiple channels at each stage of the customer lifecycle. Zoho CRM Plus ensures you always have the full context across different channels through real-time notifications. Manage conversations with multiple teams in a single thread.</p> <a class="lm_link" href="omnichannel-engagement.html?source_from=cplus_home">Learn more about omnichannel engagement</a></div><div class="mid_img_sec"><div class="cx_img zcp_animate active"> <picture> <source class="webp" type="/sites/zweb/images/crmplus/images/webp" data-srcset="// 1x,// 2x"> <source class="other_format" data-srcset="// 2x"> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading mobile_img" alt="Pick up chats and calls while drafting a social media post" width="1024px" height="726px" src="//" data-src="//"> </picture> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading desk_img" alt="Pick up chats and calls while drafting a social media post" width="1040px" height="711" src="//" data-src="//"><ul class="cx_img_box"><li class="cx_img_list ci_1"> <span>Telephony</span></li><li class="cx_img_list ci_2"> <span>Visitor Information</span></li><li class="cx_img_list ci_3"> <span>Live chat</span></li></ul></div></div></div> <span class="bg_layer"></span></div><div class="cx_facing_sec fixed zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="cxf_container"><div class="cxf_text_wrap"><h3>Work in harmony and win customers</h3><p class="cph_desc">Start offering better <a href="customer-experience-management.html?source_from=cplus_home">customer experience</a> by aligning your teams and making sure your customers are at the center of whatever you do. Zoho CRM Plus provides your customer-facing teams with the right tools to reach newer prospects, acquire customers, retain them, and also to create strong brand advocates.</p></div><div class="cxf_img_wrap"> <span class="cxf_img_title">Admin Panel</span><div class="cxf_img"> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" alt="Manage all users across CRM Plus from one workspace" width="1240px" height="388px" src="//" data-src="//"></div></div></div></div><div class="cx_facing_sec nrml zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="cxf_container"><div class="cxf_text_wrap"><h3>Work in harmony and win customers</h3><p class="cph_desc">Start offering better <a href="customer-experience-management.html?source_from=cplus_home">customer experience</a> by aligning your teams and making sure your customers are at the center of whatever you do. Zoho CRM Plus provides your customer-facing teams with the right tools to reach newer prospects, acquire customers, retain them, and also to create strong brand advocates.</p></div><div class="cxf_img_wrap"> <span class="cxf_img_title">Admin Panel</span><div class="cxf_img"> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" alt="Manage all users across CRM Plus from one workspace" width="1240px" height="388px" src="//" data-src="//"></div></div></div></div><div class="cplus_new_sec zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="cplus_container"><div class="mid_text_wrap"><h3>Your customer experience command center</h3><p class="cph_desc">Empower your sales, marketing, and service teams to connect, share insights, and collaborate using one-to-one chats, group chats, and screen sharing—all within a unified platform. Integrate conversations, collaboration, and automation into your team's workflow, featuring real-time data sharing and one-click approval processes.</p></div><div class="mid_img_sec"><div class="cplus_new_img cp_animate"> <img class="zlyte_lazy static_img zlyte_loading" alt="Your Customer experience command center" width="1160px" height="711" src="//" data-src="//"> <picture> <source class="webp" type="image/webp" data-srcset="// 1x,// 2x"> <source class="other_format" data-srcset="// 2x"> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading mobile_img" alt="Your Customer Experience Command Center" width="1307px" height="749px" src="//" data-src="//"> </picture> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading desk_img" alt="Your Customer Experience Command Center" width="1172px" height="749px" src="//" data-src="//"><div class="cn_vid_sec"> <video width="" height="" title="Your Customer experience command center" class="zlyte_lazy cn_vid cn_vid1" autoplay="autoplay" preload="auto" muted="" playsinline="" loop=""> <source class="video" src="//" data-src="/sites/zweb/images/crmplus/images/zakya_watermarked_preview.mp4"> </video><div class="cn_you"> <video width="150px" height="" title="Your Customer experience command center" class="zlyte_lazy cn_vid cn_vid2" autoplay="autoplay" preload="auto" muted="" playsinline="" loop=""> <source class="video" src="//" data-src="/sites/zweb/images/crmplus/images/zakya_watermarked_preview1.mp4"> </video></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="ai_sec zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="cplus_container"><div class="mid_text_wrap"><h3>Increase team productivity with powerful AI</h3><p class="cph_desc">Zoho's AI assistant, Zia, guides your teams by predicting business trends, suggesting the best times to contact customers, identifying sentiments in emails and tickets, and providing intelligent business dashboards.</p> <a class="lm_link" href="features.html?source_from=cplus_home&amp;feature=ai">Enhance your customer-facing efforts with AI</a></div></div><div class="ai_slide_sec"><div class="ai_outer"> <span class="ai_cursor"></span><div class="ai_slide_inr slick-initialized slick-slider slick-dotted"><div class="slick-list draggable"><div class="slick-track" style="opacity: 1; width: 2844px; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);"><div class="ai_slide slick-slide slick-current slick-active" data-index="0" data-slick-index="0" aria-hidden="false" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="0" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide00" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control00"> <span class="ai_title">AI-generated customer service dashboard</span> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" alt="Zia dashboard for customer service operations" width="1040px" height="667px" src="//" data-src="//"></div><div class="ai_slide slick-slide" data-index="1" data-slick-index="1" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide01" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control01"> <span class="ai_title">Anomaly detection</span> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" alt="Zia notifications for anomalies in outgoing customer service responses" width="1040px" height="667px" src="//" data-src="//"></div><div class="ai_slide slick-slide" data-index="2" data-slick-index="2" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide02" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control02"> <span class="ai_title">Best time to contact</span> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" alt="Zia shows the best time to contact a lead via call or email" width="1040px" height="667px" src="//" data-src="//"></div><div class="ai_slide slick-slide" data-index="3" data-slick-index="3" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide03" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control03"> <span class="ai_title">Email sentiment analysis</span> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" alt="AI-powered sentiment analysis for your customer service emails" width="1040px" height="667px" src="//" data-src="//"></div></div></div><ul class="slick-dots" style="" role="tablist"><li class="slick-active" role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control00" aria-controls="slick-slide00" aria-label="1 of 4" tabindex="0" aria-selected="true">1</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control01" aria-controls="slick-slide01" aria-label="2 of 4" tabindex="-1">2</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control02" aria-controls="slick-slide02" aria-label="3 of 4" tabindex="-1">3</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control03" aria-controls="slick-slide03" aria-label="4 of 4" tabindex="-1">4</button></li></ul></div></div><div class="ai_slide_tab_sec"> <span class="ai_active_line"></span><div class="ai_slide_tab active">Zia Dashboard</div><div class="ai_slide_tab">Anomaly detection</div><div class="ai_slide_tab">Best time to contact</div><div class="ai_slide_tab">Sentiment analysis</div></div></div></div><div class="cplus_blue_sec zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="blue_print_sec"><div class="bp_text_wrap"><h3>Boost efficiency and save time with automation</h3><p class="cph_desc">Build and automate processes that connect your marketing, sales, and service teams, involve the right people, and ensure compliance from your teams at every step of the way with Zoho CRM Plus.</p> <a class="lm_link" href="process-management.html?source_from=cplus_home">Zoho CRM Plus for process management</a></div><div class="bp_img_wrap"> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading bp_img" alt="Automate complex processes with Blueprint" width="913px" height="709px" src="//" data-src="//"></div></div><div class="analytics_sec"><div class="cplus_container"><div class="mid_text_wrap"><h3>Leverage unified analytics and grow</h3><p class="cph_desc">Zoho CRM Plus unifies data and analytics from marketing, sales, and customer service, and offers your teams insights that truly matter. Our interactive and customizable dashboards and AI-powered voice and text commands provide in-depth analysis for every customer and business decision.</p> <a class="lm_link lm_link_ylw" href="features.html?source_from=cplus_home&amp;feature=ai">Zoho CRM Plus for unified analytics</a></div></div><div class="analytics_img_sec"> <span class="analytics_bg analytics_bg1"></span> <span class="analytics_bg analytics_bg2"></span> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading anal_img" alt="Build reports and dashboards across sales, marketing, and service functions" width="1040px" height="483px" src="//" data-src="//"></div></div></div><div class="zia_sec zlyte_lazy_bg zia_animate"><div class="zia_container"><div class="zia_img_wrap"> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading anal_img" alt="Zia on your website can answer customer queries from your knowledge base" width="536px" height="759px" src="//" data-src="//"></div><div class="zia_text_wrap"><div class="zia_wrapper"> <span class="zia_robot"></span></div><h3>Take help closer to your customers</h3><p class="cph_desc">Enable your customers to find answers in your knowledge base with ease, submit tickets, or chat with your support agents right from your website or mobile app using ASAP in Zoho CRM Plus.</p></div></div><div class="bg_layer"></div></div><div class="customers_sec nrml zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="cs_container"><div class="cs_text_wrap"><h3>Top-rated by customers and review sites</h3> <a class="lm_link lm_link_ylw" href="customers/?source_from=cplus_home">View more customer success stories</a></div><div class="cs_testi_wrap"><div class="cs_testi_inr"><div class="prod_rating testi_box active"> <span class="testi_logo tl_1"></span><div class="rating_box"> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_3"></span></div><p class="rating_count"><span>4.5</span>/5</p></div><div class="prod_rating testi_box active"> <span class="testi_logo tl_2"></span><div class="rating_box"> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_4"></span></div><p class="rating_count"><span>4.3</span>/5</p></div><div class="prod_rating testimonial"> <span class="pr_testi_title">Salesforce is a nightmare to setup. Zoho is 100x easier to setup and use.</span><div class="pro_sec"> <span class="pro_pic pp1"></span><div class="desc_sec"><p class="testi_name">Mark Kosier</p><p class="testi_desc">Founder, Cyber Merced</p></div></div></div><div class="prod_rating testi_box active"> <span class="testi_logo tl_3"></span><div class="rating_box"> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_4"></span></div><p class="rating_count"><span>4.3</span>/5</p></div><div class="prod_rating testi_box active"> <span class="testi_logo tl_4"></span><div class="rating_box"> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_1"></span> <span class="star_rating sr_2"></span></div><p class="rating_count"><span>4</span>/5</p></div><div class="prod_rating testimonial"> <span class="pr_testi_title">We upgraded at the beginning of quarantine to CRM Plus. Comes w/ the crm, #socialmedia mgmt, campaigns, surveys, project assignments, work flow charts, surveys, etc. Each part integrates with the others so I get the bigger picture of who's engaging w/ what.</span><div class="pro_sec"> <span class="pro_pic pp2"></span><div class="desc_sec"><p class="testi_name">Tom &amp; Angela Balsamo</p><p class="testi_desc">Coffee News</p></div></div></div><div class="prod_rating testimonial white_bg"><h4>Why choose Zoho CRM Plus?</h4><div class="prod_detail"><p class="prod_desc"><span class="prod_title">A unified interface: </span>Combines eight powerful sales, marketing, and service tools in one unified interface.</p></div><div class="prod_detail"><p class="prod_desc"><span class="prod_title">Homegrown solutions: </span>Every application in CRM Plus has been built from the ground up by our own engineers.</p></div><div class="prod_detail"><p class="prod_desc"><span class="prod_title">Transparent pricing: </span>We offer a single affordable monthly/yearly pricing structure.</p></div><div class="prod_detail"><p class="prod_desc"><span class="prod_title">Simple customization and extendability: </span>CRM Plus is easy to customize and comes with extended APIs and mobile and web SDK support. You can also integrate it with over 1,000 third-party business apps.</p></div><div class="prod_cta_sec"> <a class="act-btn cta-btn" href="signup.html?source_from=cplus_home">Sign up for free</a> <a class="see_pricing" href="pricing.html?source_from=cplus_home">See pricing</a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sales_sec"><div class="sales_container"><div class="mid_text_wrap"><h3>Perfect for your <span class="title_wrap">sales, marketing, service, </span><span>and other customer-facing teams</span></h3></div><div class="sales_img_sec"> <img class="zlyte_lazy zlyte_loading" alt="9 powerful services to help you provide lasting customer experiences" width="1001px" height="651px" src="//" data-src="//"></div></div></div><div class="btm_cta_sec zlyte_lazy_bg"><div class="blck_container"><div class="blck_text_wrap"><h3>Get ready to deliver superior customer experiences.</h3><p class="cph_desc">Unify your sales, marketing, and service teams with a 30-day free trial today. No credit card required.</p> <a class="act-btn cta-btn" href="signup.html?source_from=cplus_home">Get Started Free</a></div></div></div><div class="testimonial_sec_footer zwf_side_form_bottom"><h1 class="crmbadge-txt">Basics of CX and Zoho CRM Plus</h1><div class="testimonial_innersec_footer slick-initialized slick-slider slick-dotted"><div class="slick-list draggable"><div class="slick-track" style="opacity: 1; width: 22041px; transform: translate3d(-711px, 0px, 0px);"><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="-1" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Implementation process</h3><p>Zoho is known for its simple and frictionless onboarding process. Thanks to the collaborative effort of our partners and employees, the implementation time for our software is 50 percent lower than the industry average. We also have local partners in 190 countries, who will enable a swift onboarding process for you no matter the size of your organization.</p><h3>Customer service like no other</h3><p>We offer best-in-class customer support to our customers. Our technical experts are available eight hours per workday via email, phone, and chat to help you with your product-related queries and problems. We also offer Premium and Enterprise support tiers that will allow our support agents to assist you 24 hours per workday and 24/7, respectively.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-current slick-active" data-slick-index="0" aria-hidden="false" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="0" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide10" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control10"><h2>What is customer experience management?</h2><p><a href="customer-experience-management.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="0">Customer experience management</a> is the practice of providing a customer-first experience to every customer across multiple touchpoints. It helps businesses become a customer-centric organization that puts the customer at the center of everything they do. A customer experience management platform helps you achieve the goal of a unified customer experience by uniting your customer facing teams and providing a 360-degree view of your customers.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="1" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide11" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control11"><h2>What is Zoho CRM Plus?</h2><p>Zoho CRM Plus is a unified customer experience platform that helps businesses bridge the gap between their sales, marketing, and service teams; unify customer information; and deliver a unified customer experience across all stages of the customer lifecycle.</p><p>When customer information is in silos and diluted between different departments, it is difficult to follow up and provide a consistent customer experience across different customer touchpoints. Zoho CRM Plus is a single platform that combines customer relationship management (CRM), an exclusive email client for salespeople, visitor tracking, help desk, project collaboration, marketing automation, social media management, customer surveys, activity management, and metrics and KPIs. It helps break down organizational silos and streamlines customer data management, providing enhanced data visibility to your customer facing teams so that they can collaborate in real time and provide a meaningful experience during every customer interaction.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="2" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide12" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control12"><h2>How is Zoho CRM Plus different from Zoho CRM?</h2><p>Zoho CRM helps business manage and maintain customer relationships. Its core functions are focused on sales teams, helping them track the movement of their leads, nurture them into prospects, close deals, and build lasting customer relationships.</p><p>Zoho CRM Plus is a unified customer experience platform. It is a single, truly integrated platform that brings together your sales, marketing and service teams on one single interface along with all your customer information from these different departments together. Zoho CRM Plus allows your teams to collaborate, be omnipresent, and get a holistic view of customer information- all from one place so that they can create personalized experiences for your customers at every touchpoint, retain customers, and turn them into valuable brand advocates.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="3" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide13" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control13"><h2>Why is Zoho CRM Plus the best customer experience platform?</h2><p>With access to <a href="why-choose-zoho-crmplus.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="-1">Zoho CRM Plus</a>, delivering exceptional customer experiences is simple and effortless. Zoho CRM Plus provides a <a href="360-customer-view.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="-1">360-degree customer view</a> that enables customer-facing teams to manage all customer journeys efficiently. You can create and send email campaigns, achieve proactive communication on your site, convert visitors into leads or contacts in your CRM, automate routines and processes, close deals, manage multiple social media interactions, provide multichannel and contextual support, gather customer feedback, and measure key business metrics using our customer experience management platform.</p><p>CRM Plus unifies your sales, marketing and service teams, cultivates inter-team collaboration, improves <a href="sales-and-service.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="-1">sales and service</a> synergy and enhances the overall productivity of your organization with its highly intuitive and process-driven features.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="4" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide14" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control14"><h2>What is included in Zoho CRM Plus?</h2><p>Zoho CRM Plus includes everything you need to provide your customers with memorable customer experiences, on a single interface.</p><h3>CRM: Sales automation</h3><p>Find leads, convert them into prospects, close deals, and manage customer relationships effectively with user-friendly features such as pipeline management, process management, automation, analytics, and much more.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="5" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide15" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control15"><h3>SalesInbox: Exclusive email client for salespeople</h3><p>SalesInbox organizes your emails in columns according to different deal stages: Prospecting, Qualification, Proposal, and Closing. Categorize emails into custom folders, label them, and set automated alerts to stay on top of important clients and deals. SalesInbox offers a wide range of customization options that allow you to drag and drop features and set rules to classify emails to help you win deals.</p><h3>SalesIQ: Visitor tracking</h3><p>Geo-locate your website visitors, engage them with live chat, and convert them into leads using SalesIQ. With SalesIQ, you can track your visitor's footprints, provide them with contextual support, turn them into prospects, classify them as hot, cold, or warm, and close deals faster.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="6" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide16" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control16"><h3>Desk: Customer service</h3><p>Monitor, manage, and resolve your service tickets contextually with Desk. Be available for your customers across multiple service channels: Email, telephony, social media, and live chat. Create a dedicated knowledge base on your website using the ASAP feature so that your customers can find answers themselves without having to contact you.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="7" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide17" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control17"><h3>Projects: Projects collaboration</h3><p>Streamline your day-to-day business operations with the online project management solution. Create project plans, collaborate with your teams, and track work progress with the help of powerful features such as task management, charts and reports, time tracking and more within Projects.</p><h3>Campaigns: Email marketing</h3><p>Email is a go-to tool to create and send marketing campaigns. Our feature-rich email marketing service in CRM Plus allows you to design, send, and monitor the performance of your emails fast and effectively. Features like subscriber management, A/B testing, email automation and pre-designed templates allow you to manage and send emails to the right segment of your customers.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="8" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide18" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control18"><h3>Social: Social media</h3><p>Manage all your social platforms in one place and establish a strong social media presence with Social. Schedule posts and engage with your customers across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Create a monitoring dashboard that listens to everything that people are saying about you and notifies you when a customer mentions your brand on their post.</p><h3>Survey: Customer surveys</h3><p>Listening to and acting upon customer feedback helps you retain existing customers and scale your business. With Survey, you can create the perfect survey that will get your customer's attention. Design your survey using one of our 25 themes, send it to your customers, and collect their feedback.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="9" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide19" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control19"><h3>Analytics: Metrics and KPIs</h3><p>With our online reporting and business intelligence service, analyzing your business data is simple and intuitive. Analytics offers over 100 pre-installed reports and dashboards and a drag and drop interface to blend data (across sales, marketing, customer service, social media and operations) and create custom dashboards that will monitor your business trends, measure your business's performance using KPIs, and help you make data-driven decisions. It also comes with Zia, our intelligent assistant. You can “Ask Zia” to measure anything you want and get powerful insights in the form of reports.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="10" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide110" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control110"><h3>Marketing Automation</h3><p>A multichannel solution designed to streamline your marketing efforts, helping you generate and nurture leads that are ready for sales.</p><h3>PageSense: Website performance tracking</h3><p>Monitor and analyze your website's performance and visitor behavior. Make data-driven decisions to enhance conversions, optimize the user experience, and personalize interactions to boost engagement. Tailor your website’s experience to each visitor’s needs.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="11" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide111" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control111"><h3>Backstage: Event management</h3><p>All the tools you need to create impactful event experiences while staying ahead in technology.</p><h3>Brand Studio: Brand management</h3><p>Easily manage all your brands and users from a single, intuitive interface. Assign roles like admin, marketer, or custom roles, and oversee your brand campaigns with ease.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="12" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide112" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control112"><h3>Cliq: Team collaboration</h3><p>Facilitate seamless business communication, whether within internal teams or with external stakeholders. With features like video conferencing and customizable messaging channels, your teams can collaborate effectively from anywhere.</p><h3>Webinars: Virtual conferences</h3><p>A secure online webinar tool that enables you to host large-scale virtual conferences seamlessly, all within CRM Plus.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="13" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide113" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control113"><h2>How to get started with Zoho CRM Plus</h2><h3>30 day free trial</h3><h3></h3><p>You can sign up for the 30 day free trial of Zoho CRM Plus and get hands-on experience of the product before you make up your mind. And what's more, no credit card details are required! Simply sign up and get started.</p><h3>No fuss plans</h3><p>Zoho CRM Plus comes with a simple monthly or yearly subscription option. Choose the plan that best suits your business and get started with CRM Plus in no time. Our pricing is transparent and ensures that there are no added or hidden costs. You can cancel your subscription anytime you want if you aren't satisfied with our service.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide" data-slick-index="14" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1" role="tabpanel" id="slick-slide114" aria-describedby="slick-slide-control114"><h3>Implementation process</h3><p>Zoho is known for its simple and frictionless onboarding process. Thanks to the collaborative effort of our partners and employees, the implementation time for our software is 50 percent lower than the industry average. We also have local partners in 190 countries, who will enable a swift onboarding process for you no matter the size of your organization.</p><h3>Customer service like no other</h3><p>We offer best-in-class customer support to our customers. Our technical experts are available eight hours per workday via email, phone, and chat to help you with your product-related queries and problems. We also offer Premium and Enterprise support tiers that will allow our support agents to assist you 24 hours per workday and 24/7, respectively.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="15" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h2>What is customer experience management?</h2><p><a href="customer-experience-management.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="-1">Customer experience management</a> is the practice of providing a customer-first experience to every customer across multiple touchpoints. It helps businesses become a customer-centric organization that puts the customer at the center of everything they do. A customer experience management platform helps you achieve the goal of a unified customer experience by uniting your customer facing teams and providing a 360-degree view of your customers.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="16" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h2>What is Zoho CRM Plus?</h2><p>Zoho CRM Plus is a unified customer experience platform that helps businesses bridge the gap between their sales, marketing, and service teams; unify customer information; and deliver a unified customer experience across all stages of the customer lifecycle.</p><p>When customer information is in silos and diluted between different departments, it is difficult to follow up and provide a consistent customer experience across different customer touchpoints. Zoho CRM Plus is a single platform that combines customer relationship management (CRM), an exclusive email client for salespeople, visitor tracking, help desk, project collaboration, marketing automation, social media management, customer surveys, activity management, and metrics and KPIs. It helps break down organizational silos and streamlines customer data management, providing enhanced data visibility to your customer facing teams so that they can collaborate in real time and provide a meaningful experience during every customer interaction.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="17" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h2>How is Zoho CRM Plus different from Zoho CRM?</h2><p>Zoho CRM helps business manage and maintain customer relationships. Its core functions are focused on sales teams, helping them track the movement of their leads, nurture them into prospects, close deals, and build lasting customer relationships.</p><p>Zoho CRM Plus is a unified customer experience platform. It is a single, truly integrated platform that brings together your sales, marketing and service teams on one single interface along with all your customer information from these different departments together. Zoho CRM Plus allows your teams to collaborate, be omnipresent, and get a holistic view of customer information- all from one place so that they can create personalized experiences for your customers at every touchpoint, retain customers, and turn them into valuable brand advocates.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="18" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h2>Why is Zoho CRM Plus the best customer experience platform?</h2><p>With access to <a href="why-choose-zoho-crmplus.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="-1">Zoho CRM Plus</a>, delivering exceptional customer experiences is simple and effortless. Zoho CRM Plus provides a <a href="360-customer-view.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="-1">360-degree customer view</a> that enables customer-facing teams to manage all customer journeys efficiently. You can create and send email campaigns, achieve proactive communication on your site, convert visitors into leads or contacts in your CRM, automate routines and processes, close deals, manage multiple social media interactions, provide multichannel and contextual support, gather customer feedback, and measure key business metrics using our customer experience management platform.</p><p>CRM Plus unifies your sales, marketing and service teams, cultivates inter-team collaboration, improves <a href="sales-and-service.html?src=plus_home" target="_blank" rel="noopener" tabindex="-1">sales and service</a> synergy and enhances the overall productivity of your organization with its highly intuitive and process-driven features.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="19" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h2>What is included in Zoho CRM Plus?</h2><p>Zoho CRM Plus includes everything you need to provide your customers with memorable customer experiences, on a single interface.</p><h3>CRM: Sales automation</h3><p>Find leads, convert them into prospects, close deals, and manage customer relationships effectively with user-friendly features such as pipeline management, process management, automation, analytics, and much more.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="20" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>SalesInbox: Exclusive email client for salespeople</h3><p>SalesInbox organizes your emails in columns according to different deal stages: Prospecting, Qualification, Proposal, and Closing. Categorize emails into custom folders, label them, and set automated alerts to stay on top of important clients and deals. SalesInbox offers a wide range of customization options that allow you to drag and drop features and set rules to classify emails to help you win deals.</p><h3>SalesIQ: Visitor tracking</h3><p>Geo-locate your website visitors, engage them with live chat, and convert them into leads using SalesIQ. With SalesIQ, you can track your visitor's footprints, provide them with contextual support, turn them into prospects, classify them as hot, cold, or warm, and close deals faster.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="21" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Desk: Customer service</h3><p>Monitor, manage, and resolve your service tickets contextually with Desk. Be available for your customers across multiple service channels: Email, telephony, social media, and live chat. Create a dedicated knowledge base on your website using the ASAP feature so that your customers can find answers themselves without having to contact you.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="22" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Projects: Projects collaboration</h3><p>Streamline your day-to-day business operations with the online project management solution. Create project plans, collaborate with your teams, and track work progress with the help of powerful features such as task management, charts and reports, time tracking and more within Projects.</p><h3>Campaigns: Email marketing</h3><p>Email is a go-to tool to create and send marketing campaigns. Our feature-rich email marketing service in CRM Plus allows you to design, send, and monitor the performance of your emails fast and effectively. Features like subscriber management, A/B testing, email automation and pre-designed templates allow you to manage and send emails to the right segment of your customers.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="23" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Social: Social media</h3><p>Manage all your social platforms in one place and establish a strong social media presence with Social. Schedule posts and engage with your customers across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Create a monitoring dashboard that listens to everything that people are saying about you and notifies you when a customer mentions your brand on their post.</p><h3>Survey: Customer surveys</h3><p>Listening to and acting upon customer feedback helps you retain existing customers and scale your business. With Survey, you can create the perfect survey that will get your customer's attention. Design your survey using one of our 25 themes, send it to your customers, and collect their feedback.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="24" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Analytics: Metrics and KPIs</h3><p>With our online reporting and business intelligence service, analyzing your business data is simple and intuitive. Analytics offers over 100 pre-installed reports and dashboards and a drag and drop interface to blend data (across sales, marketing, customer service, social media and operations) and create custom dashboards that will monitor your business trends, measure your business's performance using KPIs, and help you make data-driven decisions. It also comes with Zia, our intelligent assistant. You can “Ask Zia” to measure anything you want and get powerful insights in the form of reports.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="25" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Marketing Automation</h3><p>A multichannel solution designed to streamline your marketing efforts, helping you generate and nurture leads that are ready for sales.</p><h3>PageSense: Website performance tracking</h3><p>Monitor and analyze your website's performance and visitor behavior. Make data-driven decisions to enhance conversions, optimize the user experience, and personalize interactions to boost engagement. Tailor your website’s experience to each visitor’s needs.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="26" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Backstage: Event management</h3><p>All the tools you need to create impactful event experiences while staying ahead in technology.</p><h3>Brand Studio: Brand management</h3><p>Easily manage all your brands and users from a single, intuitive interface. Assign roles like admin, marketer, or custom roles, and oversee your brand campaigns with ease.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="27" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Cliq: Team collaboration</h3><p>Facilitate seamless business communication, whether within internal teams or with external stakeholders. With features like video conferencing and customizable messaging channels, your teams can collaborate effectively from anywhere.</p><h3>Webinars: Virtual conferences</h3><p>A secure online webinar tool that enables you to host large-scale virtual conferences seamlessly, all within CRM Plus.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="28" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h2>How to get started with Zoho CRM Plus</h2><h3>30 day free trial</h3><h3></h3><p>You can sign up for the 30 day free trial of Zoho CRM Plus and get hands-on experience of the product before you make up your mind. And what's more, no credit card details are required! Simply sign up and get started.</p><h3>No fuss plans</h3><p>Zoho CRM Plus comes with a simple monthly or yearly subscription option. Choose the plan that best suits your business and get started with CRM Plus in no time. Our pricing is transparent and ensures that there are no added or hidden costs. You can cancel your subscription anytime you want if you aren't satisfied with our service.</p></div><div class="testimonial_slider_footer slick-slide slick-cloned" data-slick-index="29" id="" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 711px;" tabindex="-1"><h3>Implementation process</h3><p>Zoho is known for its simple and frictionless onboarding process. Thanks to the collaborative effort of our partners and employees, the implementation time for our software is 50 percent lower than the industry average. We also have local partners in 190 countries, who will enable a swift onboarding process for you no matter the size of your organization.</p><h3>Customer service like no other</h3><p>We offer best-in-class customer support to our customers. Our technical experts are available eight hours per workday via email, phone, and chat to help you with your product-related queries and problems. We also offer Premium and Enterprise support tiers that will allow our support agents to assist you 24 hours per workday and 24/7, respectively.</p></div></div></div><ul class="slick-dots" style="" role="tablist"><li class="slick-active" role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control10" aria-controls="slick-slide10" aria-label="1 of 15" tabindex="0" aria-selected="true">1</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control11" aria-controls="slick-slide11" aria-label="2 of 15" tabindex="-1">2</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control12" aria-controls="slick-slide12" aria-label="3 of 15" tabindex="-1">3</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control13" aria-controls="slick-slide13" aria-label="4 of 15" tabindex="-1">4</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control14" aria-controls="slick-slide14" aria-label="5 of 15" tabindex="-1">5</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control15" aria-controls="slick-slide15" aria-label="6 of 15" tabindex="-1">6</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control16" aria-controls="slick-slide16" aria-label="7 of 15" tabindex="-1">7</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control17" aria-controls="slick-slide17" aria-label="8 of 15" tabindex="-1">8</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control18" aria-controls="slick-slide18" aria-label="9 of 15" tabindex="-1">9</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control19" aria-controls="slick-slide19" aria-label="10 of 15" tabindex="-1">10</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control110" aria-controls="slick-slide110" aria-label="11 of 15" tabindex="-1">11</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control111" aria-controls="slick-slide111" aria-label="12 of 15" tabindex="-1">12</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control112" aria-controls="slick-slide112" aria-label="13 of 15" tabindex="-1">13</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control113" aria-controls="slick-slide113" aria-label="14 of 15" tabindex="-1">14</button></li><li role="presentation"><button type="button" role="tab" id="slick-slide-control114" aria-controls="slick-slide114" aria-label="15 of 15" tabindex="-1">15</button></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="zwf_success_alert"><div class="zwf_scs_pop_inr zwf_animate"> <span class="zwf_scs_txt">Successfully Submitted!</span> <span class="zwf_close_icn">X</span></div></div><div class="zwf_web_form_show zwf_side_form_btn"><span>REQUEST&nbsp;DEMO</span></div><div class="zwf_side_form"><div class="zwf_inner_form"><div class="zwf_top_sec" style="max-height: calc(100vh - 160px);"><div class="zwf_header"><h2>Request Demo <span class="zwf_form_close"></span></h2><p class="zwf_text_description">Thank you for your interest in Zoho CRM Plus. We're here to help. Just fill in the form below, and we'll have our best product expert reach out to you.</p></div><form id="WebToCases4538240000001445005" class="zwf_webform" data-successurl="self-success" name="WebToCases4538240000001445005" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <input class="zwf_xnQsjsdp" type="text" style="display:none;" name="xnQsjsdp" value="d02f60251bff9569d58f9b27da0d28821db5794ac89ade48e68c7036d8c527ca"> <input class="zwf_gad" type="hidden" name="zc_gad" id="zc_gad" value=""> <input class="zwf_xmIwtLD" type="text" style="display:none;" name="xmIwtLD" value="b9277c466508d68bd4f925d2497fcc5ea4ea175cad04b1c1a6b406fc70cff5b3"> <input class="zwf_actiontype" type="text" style="display:none;" name="actionType" value="Q2FzZXM="> <input class="zwf_returnurl" type="text" style="display:none;" name="returnURL" value=""> <input class="zwf_subject" type="text" style="display:none;" name="Subject" value="Zoho CRM Plus - Demo Request"> <input 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