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Enlace | TEXTO |
https://shortenworld.com/ | FREE URL Shortener |
https://shortenworld.com/register | Create Account |
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<title>URL Shortener: Shorten link & Best Free Link Shortener | Shorter.me</title>
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<h1 class="h3 banner-title">URL Shortener</h1>
<p class="txt">
Shorter.me is a <a href="https://shortenworld.com/" rel="noopener" class="maina">FREE URL Shortener</a> to shorten a long link and create short URLs easy to share on social, chat and more. Free custom link alias and link password supported.
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<a href="https://shortenworld.com/register" class="cmn--btn">Create Account</a>
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Create Account to try Premium Features with Many short domain names, Bulk link management (Shorten, Edit, Delete), Link-in-bio, QR code generator, Link cloaking...
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<h6 class="subtitle">Shorten your links, websites without any registration</h6>
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<h6 class="subtitle">Place your links on Facebook, Twitter, and more!</h6>
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<h6 class="subtitle">Start count your traffic, analytics then make your decision.</h6>
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<i class="lab la-simplybuilt"></i> </div>
<div class="service__content">
<h3 class="h6 title">Simple</h3>
Easy and quick, simply input your long link to instantly receive a shortened URL.
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<div class="service__item">
<div class="service__icon">
<i class="las la-link"></i> </div>
<div class="service__content">
<h3 class="h6 title">Link Shorter</h3>
Shorter.me can shorten links of any length, any link. Make your link shorter instantly.
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<div class="service__item">
<div class="service__icon">
<i class="las la-shield-alt"></i> </div>
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<h3 class="h6 title">Secure</h3>
Our service utilizes HTTPS protocol and data encryption for your safety.
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<i class="las la-chart-pie"></i> </div>
<div class="service__content">
<h3 class="h6 title">Analytics</h3>
Easily track the click count of your shortened link. Statistics, analytics your link traffic to see the whole picture of your business
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<i class="las la-handshake"></i> </div>
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<h3 class="h6 title">Reliable</h3>
Shorter.me delete links that spread spam, viruses, or malware
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<i class="las la-hand-holding-usd"></i> </div>
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<h3 class="h6 title">Free</h3>
Unlimited link shortening and redirection. Shorter.me works seamlessly on smartphones, tablets, and desktops
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Dive into the analytics of your short links with our <a href="/page/url-analytics">built-in click counter</a>. Measure the buzz generated by your URL by tracking how many clicks it's racking up
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Shorten and Track
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Dive into the analytics of your short links with our <a href="/page/url-analytics">built-in click counter</a>. Measure the buzz generated by your URL by tracking how many clicks it's racking up
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Shorten and Track
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Dive into the analytics of your short links with our <a href="/page/url-analytics">built-in click counter</a>. Measure the buzz generated by your URL by tracking how many clicks it's racking up
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Shorten and Track
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Dive into the analytics of your short links with our <a href="/page/url-analytics">built-in click counter</a>. Measure the buzz generated by your URL by tracking how many clicks it's racking up
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Shorten and Track
</div></div><div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 696px;"><div class="client-item analytics">
Dive into the analytics of your short links with our <a href="/page/url-analytics">built-in click counter</a>. Measure the buzz generated by your URL by tracking how many clicks it's racking up
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Shorten and Track
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Copy your snappy, shortened link from the next page and unleash it across websites, chats, emails, publications, documents, ads, forums, instant messages – wherever your heart desires!
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Universal Sharing Links
</div></div><div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 696px;"><div class="client-item universal">
Copy your snappy, shortened link from the next page and unleash it across websites, chats, emails, publications, documents, ads, forums, instant messages – wherever your heart desires!
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Universal Sharing Links
</div></div><div class="owl-item active" style="width: 696px;"><div class="client-item universal">
Copy your snappy, shortened link from the next page and unleash it across websites, chats, emails, publications, documents, ads, forums, instant messages – wherever your heart desires!
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Universal Sharing Links
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Copy your snappy, shortened link from the next page and unleash it across websites, chats, emails, publications, documents, ads, forums, instant messages – wherever your heart desires!
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Universal Sharing Links
</div></div><div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 696px;"><div class="client-item universal">
Copy your snappy, shortened link from the next page and unleash it across websites, chats, emails, publications, documents, ads, forums, instant messages – wherever your heart desires!
<h2 class="h6 text--base">
Universal Sharing Links
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<span class="section__category">EASY and SIMPLE</span>
<h2 class="h4 section__title mb-3">Swift and Effortless URL shortener</h2>
Shorter.me streamlines long links from Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, TikTok, blogs, and websites. Just paste your lengthy URL, hit 'Shorten' and you're ready to roll!
Experience the power of Shorter.me today – Link Shortened simplicity meets speed, sharing knows no bounds, and tracking becomes a breeze!
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var myForm = $('form[name=shorter_shorten_link]');
$.post(myForm.attr('action'), myForm.serialize(), function(json) {
buttonUpdate($('#createNewLink'), '<i class="las la-link"></i> Shorten URL');
if (json.code == 0) {
backgroundColor: '#5cc9a7',
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iconColor: '#ffffff',
icon: 'las la-check',
message: json.message,
position: "topRight"
} else {
backgroundColor: '#f25767',
messageColor: '#ffffff',
iconColor: '#ffffff',
icon: 'las la-exclamation',
message: json.message,
position: "topRight"
var copyText = document.getElementById("shorten-url");
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
backgroundColor: '#5cc9a7',
messageColor: '#ffffff',
iconColor: '#ffffff',
icon: 'las la-check',
message: "Copied: " + copyText.value,
position: "topRight"
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backgroundColor: '#f25767',
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