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                        <div class="name">Sharpie Pen Holster</div>
                        <div>Precision-Grip Aluminum Cap</div>
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                        <p>Precision-grip aluminum cap. Steel belt clip<br>
Works with/without belt. Discard Sharpie Cap then Insert Sharpie pen into aluminum Kwik Draw cap.</p>                    </div>
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                                <span class="attribute">Manufacturer Name:</span>
                                <a href="/manufacturer/9278">Kwiki Kwik-Draw Holsters (1)</a>
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                                <span class="attribute">Location:</span>
                                Phoenix, Arizona, United States                                </span>
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                                <span class="attribute">Description:</span>
                                <span>Patented Tape Measure Holsters Manufacturer</span>
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                                <span class="attribute">Link to Website:</span>
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