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                        <h1>MUNICIPAL ANALYST LABORATORY</h1>
                            The Municipal Analyst Laboratory is Public Health Laboratory of Mumbai regulated by
                            BirhanMumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) located in G/North ward, Dadar. Laboratory provide
                            testing services for chemical and microbiological analysis of food and water samples. The
                            laboratory is certified by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration
                            Laboratory (NABL) for ISO 17025 standard
                        <a href="about_laboratory.html" class="btn btn-primary">More Info</a>


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                        <h2>About Project</h2>
                        <p><strong>Food &amp; Water Quality Monitoring System (FWQMS)</strong> is software solution for municipal organization to monitor food and water quality, quick reporting, data analysis &amp; for sending update/alert to Authorised user, this software solution covers food and water monitoring &amp; reporting solution in single program, also allow citizen &amp; client to get report quickly via email or SMS &amp; Over FWQMS Portal.
                        </p><p>FWQMS is role base configurable system, so that department can assign role to their lower user and can monitor their work, can check reports based on ward, agency, or Source, and they can take quick action against negative (un-potable) water source. The higher authority monitors the entire process. Citizen, Customers and department user can get useful information on static website.

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                            <h3>BMC DWQS</h3>
                            <p>The laboratory tests the drinking water samples taken for surveillance, following the guidelines set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO). These guidelines are implemented by the Hydraulic Engineering (HE), AEQC &amp; MOH Department of the BMC. The water samples are taken from various points in the distribution system, ensuring safe and clean drinking water is supplied to the public across all 24 wards of Mumbai.
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                            <i class="icofont-life-bouy"></i>
                            <h3>Testing of Water samples</h3>
                                Testing of Water samples taken under special drive of Public Health Department - The
                                Laboratory test water samples taken as per the directives of Hon. Municipal Commissioner
                                under special drive of surveillance department to prevent water borne diseases water samples
                                and ice samples from hawkers...

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                        <h3>Food Commodity</h3>
                        <p>Dairy Products and Analogues, Fruit &amp; Vegetable products, Cereals and Cereal Products, Meat and Meat Products, Fish and Fish Products, Ice Lollies or Edible ice, Salt, Spices, Condiments and related products, Beverages (Other than Dairy and Fruit &amp;vegetable based), Proprietary Food, Alcoholic Beverages and any other food products.</p>
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                        <h3>Training / Quality Measures</h3>
                        <p>Municipal Laboratory undertakes the training to M.O.H. and its staff members to make them acquainted with technique in collection of water samples as per W.H.O. standards. Similarly, Municipal Analyst conduct the lectures/ demonstrations on ‘Food Adulteration’, detection of adulterants and water analysis.</p>
                        <a href="training_quality_measures.html" class="btn btn-primary" title="Click here to more information about the Training / Quality Measures">More info...</a>

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                <h2>Services in Laboratory</h2>
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                        <h3>FSSAI Compliance</h3>
                            Ensure compliance with FSSAI regulations and standards, Manufacturing and expiration dates,
                            serial number, etc. are checked to validate the labelled information accuracy.
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                        <h3>Nutritional Value</h3>
                        <p>Nutritional Value informs customers about the nutritional content of food items.</p>
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                        <h3>Shelf Life</h3>
                            Analyses of food products' shelf lives determine whether they will maintain their sensory
                            qualities past their "Use By" or "Best Before" dates.
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                        <h3>Food Sample Testing</h3>
                            To ensure that the food is safe for consumption and free from chemical and biological
                            dangers, food product testing is crucial.
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                        <i class="icofont-life-bouy"></i>
                        <h3>Non-food Sample Testing</h3>
                            This include testing of prohibited item which is non-food or ban by government authority like
                            Ghutka, pan masala, Cigarette, Tobacco, alcoholic beverages etc.
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                        <h3>Water Sample Testing</h3>
                            testing the quality of water used in manufacturing food products is crucial to ensure it
                            doesn’t hamper the product quality.
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                        <h3>BIS standard</h3>
                            This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for drinking
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