- ID scansione:
- a63988bc-5540-4b57-82c6-eb05d611847bFatto
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- https://cloudcraft.ie/
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Link · 5 trovati
I link in uscita identificati dalla pagina
Link | Testo |
https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050634931-How-Do-I-Manage-Cookies-In-Brave | Storage Settings |
https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647 | Storage Settings |
https://support.microsoft.com/help/4468242/microsoft-edge-browsing-data-and-privacy | Storage Settings |
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/storage | Storage Settings |
https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/manage-cookies-sfri11471 | Storage Settings |
Variabili JavaScript · 11 trovate
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onscrollend | object |
uidEvent | number |
bootstrap | object |
initializeTheme | function |
handleThemeToggle | function |
constructEmailAddresses | function |
showPrivacyNotice | function |
setupMobileNavbar | function |
Messaggi di log della console · 9 trovati
Messaggi registrati nella console Web
Tipo | Categoria | Log |
error | other |
log | other |
log | other |
log | other |
log | other |
log | other |
log | other |
log | other |
warning | other |
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<h1 class="text-light">Secure Your Cloud, Empower Your Business</h1>
<p class="lead mb-4 text-light">Azure and Microsoft 365 Auditing, Architecture, Management, Security, Strategy and Transformation</p>
<p class="text-light mb-0"><i class="fab fa-microsoft text-primary me-2"></i>Microsoft Partner</p>
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<p class="lead">As an official Microsoft Partner, we deliver enterprise-grade cloud services to our customers</p>
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<span>Azure Security Assessment & Hardening</span>
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<span>Tenant Security Configuration</span>
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<span>Data Protection & Compliance</span>
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<span>Microsoft 365 Security Hardening</span>
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<span>NIST & CIS Implementation</span>
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<span>Device & App Management</span>
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<span>Security Standards & Controls</span>
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<h3 class="card-title h4 mb-4">Cloud Strategy & Transformation</h3>
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<span>Cloud Migration Strategy</span>
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<span>Cloud Architecture Design</span>
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<h2 id="expertise-title" class="text-center mb-5">Our Expertise</h2>
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<i class="fab fa-microsoft text-primary fa-2x mb-3"></i>
<p class="lead">Microsoft-certified expertise in cloud security and solutions</p>
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<h3><i class="fas fa-shield-alt text-primary me-2"></i>Azure Cloud Security</h3>
<p class="expertise-text">Microsoft-certified expertise in Azure security architecture, DevOps security practices, and cloud infrastructure protection. Specialising in security assessments, hardening configurations, and compliance implementations.</p>
<div class="expertise-card mb-5">
<h3><i class="fas fa-lock text-primary me-2"></i>Microsoft 365 Security</h3>
<p class="expertise-text">Enterprise-level expertise in Microsoft 365 security configuration and management. Implementation of NIST and CIS security standards for Exchange Online, SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive services.</p>
<div class="expertise-card">
<h3><i class="fas fa-cloud text-primary me-2"></i>Cloud Strategy & Transformation</h3>
<p class="expertise-text">Strategic expertise in cloud migration planning, digital transformation, and business process modernisation. Specialising in secure cloud architecture design, cost optimisation, and enterprise cloud adoption frameworks.</p>
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<h3><i class="fas fa-mobile-alt text-primary me-2"></i>Endpoint & Device Management</h3>
<p class="expertise-text">Comprehensive device security and management through Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune. Expert implementation of Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM) solutions.</p>
<div class="expertise-card mb-5">
<h3><i class="fas fa-graduation-cap text-primary me-2"></i>Training & Advisory</h3>
<p class="expertise-text">Microsoft-certified training and consultation services. Providing expert guidance on cloud migration, security transformation, and modern workplace strategies aligned with industry best practices.</p>
<div class="expertise-card">
<h3><i class="fas fa-project-diagram text-primary me-2"></i>Digital Transformation</h3>
<p class="expertise-text">End-to-end expertise in digital transformation projects, from strategy development to implementation. Focus on secure cloud adoption, business process optimisation, and modern workplace solutions.</p>
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<h2 class="text-center mb-4">Certifications of our Expertise</h2>
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<p class="text-center">Azure DevOps Expert</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Azure-Solutions-Architect-Expert.webp" alt="CloudCraft Azure Solutions Architect Expert" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Azure Architect Expert</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Azure-Virtual-Desktop-Specialty.webp" alt="CloudCraft Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Azure Virtual Desktop Specialist</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Fortinet-Certified-Solution-Specialist-Public-Cloud-Security.webp" alt="CloudCraft Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist Public Cloud Security" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Fortinet Specialist Public Cloud Security</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Microsoft365-Enterprise-Adminstrator-Expert.webp" alt="CloudCraft Microsoft365 Enterprise Adminstrator Expert" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Microsoft 365 Expert</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Microsoft-Certified-CyberSecurity-Architect-Expert.webp" alt="CloudCraft Microsoft Certified CyberSecurity Architect Expert" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Microsoft Cyber Security Expert</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Microsoft-Certified-Solutions-Expert-Productivity.webp" alt="CloudCraft Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert Productivity" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Microsoft Productivity Expert</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Microsoft-Certified-Educator.webp" alt="CloudCraft Microsoft Certified Educator" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Microsoft Certified Educator</p>
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<img src="images/expertises/CloudCraft-Microsoft-Certified-Trainer.webp" alt="CloudCraft Microsoft Certified Trainer" class="img-expertises rounded">
<p class="text-center">Microsoft Certified Trainer</p>
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<h2>Cookie Policy</h2>
<p class="lead">Last updated: March 2024</p>
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<h3>1. Introduction</h3>
<p>This Cookie Policy explains how Cloud Craft Limited trading as CloudCraft.ie uses browser storage technologies to enhance your experience.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>2. Our Use of Storage Technologies</h3>
<p>We use minimal browser storage for essential functionality:</p>
<li><strong>localStorage:</strong> Used only to store your theme preference (light/dark mode)</li>
<li><strong>sessionStorage:</strong> Used only to record that you've seen our privacy notice</li>
<p>We use one third-party service:</p>
<li>Font Awesome CDN for loading icons</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>3. What We Don't Use</h3>
<p>To protect your privacy, we intentionally avoid using:</p>
<li>Cookies of any kind</li>
<li>Analytics tracking</li>
<li>Marketing pixels</li>
<li>Third-party trackers</li>
<li>Advertising technologies</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>4. Browser Settings</h3>
<p>While we don't use cookies, you can manage browser storage through your browser settings:</p>
<li>Brave: <a href="https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050634931-How-Do-I-Manage-Cookies-In-Brave" target="_blank">Storage Settings</a></li>
<li>Chrome: <a href="https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647" target="_blank">Storage Settings</a></li>
<li>Edge: <a href="https://support.microsoft.com/help/4468242/microsoft-edge-browsing-data-and-privacy" target="_blank">Storage Settings</a></li>
<li>Firefox: <a href="https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/storage" target="_blank">Storage Settings</a></li>
<li>Safari: <a href="https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/manage-cookies-sfri11471" target="_blank">Storage Settings</a></li>
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<h3>5. Contact Information</h3>
<p>If you have any questions about our storage usage, please contact us at:</p>
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<p class="contact-email" aria-label="Email address">
<span class="email-part" data-p1="dpo" data-p2="cloudcraft" data-p3="ie">dpo[at]cloudcraft[dot]ie</span>
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<p class="lead">Last updated: March 2024</p>
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<h3>1. Introduction</h3>
<p>Cloud Craft Limited trading as CloudCraft.ie ("we," "our," or "us") respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>2. Information We Collect</h3>
<p>Our website is designed to minimize data collection. We only store:</p>
<li><strong>Theme Preference:</strong> Your preferred website theme (light/dark) is stored in your browser's localStorage</li>
<li><strong>Session Information:</strong> A record that you've seen our privacy notice is stored in sessionStorage (expires when you close your browser)</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>3. What We Don't Collect</h3>
<p>We intentionally do not collect:</p>
<li>Personal information</li>
<li>Usage statistics</li>
<li>Analytics data</li>
<li>IP addresses</li>
<li>Browser information</li>
<li>Device information</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>4. Your Rights</h3>
<p>Under GDPR, you have the right to:</p>
<li>Clear your browser's localStorage and sessionStorage</li>
<li>Use private browsing to prevent any storage</li>
<li>Access our website without accepting non-essential storage</li>
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<h3>5. Third-Party Services</h3>
<p>Our website uses this essential third-party service:</p>
<li>Font Awesome (via CDN) for icons</li>
<p>This service is used solely for website functionality and does not collect user data.</p>
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<h3>6. Changes to This Policy</h3>
<p>We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated revision date.</p>
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<h3>7. Contact Information</h3>
<p>For privacy-related inquiries, contact us at:</p>
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<p class="contact-email" aria-label="Email address">
<span class="email-part" data-p1="dpo" data-p2="cloudcraft" data-p3="ie">dpo[at]cloudcraft[dot]ie</span>
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<h3>8. Supervisory Authority</h3>
<p>You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Data Protection Commission (DPC), the Irish supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.dataprotection.ie).</p>
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<h2 class="modal-title h5">Terms of Use</h2>
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<p class="lead">Last updated: March 2024</p>
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<h3>1. Agreement to Terms</h3>
<p>By accessing www.cloudcraft.ie...</p>
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<h3><2. Company Information</h3>
<li>Company Registration Number: 764026</li>
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<p class="contact-email" aria-label="Email address">
<i class="fas fa-envelope text-primary me-2"></i>
<span class="email-part" data-p1="info" data-p2="cloudcraft" data-p3="ie">info[at]cloudcraft[dot]ie</span>
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<h3>3. Use License</h3>
<p>Permission is granted to temporarily view the materials...</p>
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<h3>4. Disclaimer</h3>
<p>The materials on the Website are provided on an 'as is' basis. Cloud Craft Limited makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>5. Limitations</h3>
<p>In no event shall Cloud Craft Limited or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on the Website, even if Cloud Craft Limited or an authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>6. Accuracy of Materials</h3>
<p>The materials appearing on the Website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Cloud Craft Limited does not warrant that any of the materials on the Website are accurate, complete, or current. Cloud Craft Limited may make changes to the materials contained on the Website at any time without notice.</p>
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<h3>7. Links</h3>
<p>Cloud Craft Limited has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Cloud Craft Limited of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.</p>
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<h3>8. Modifications</h3>
<p>Cloud Craft Limited may revise these Terms of Use at any time without notice. By using the Website, you are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms of Use.</p>
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<h3>9. Governing Law</h3>
<p>These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Ireland.</p>
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<h3>10. Contact Information</h3>
<p>If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, please contact us:</p>
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<p class="contact-email" aria-label="Email address">
<span class="email-part" data-p1="dpo" data-p2="cloudcraft" data-p3="ie">dpo[at]cloudcraft[dot]ie</span>
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<h5 class="modal-title">Data Processing Agreement</h5>
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<h2>Data Processing Agreement</h2>
<p class="lead">Last updated: March 2024</p>
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<h3>Agreement Overview</h3>
<p>This Data Processing Agreement ("Agreement") forms part of the Contract for Services ("Principal Agreement") between Cloud Craft Limited trading as CloudCraft.ie (the "Company") and its clients (the "Data Controller").</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>1. Definitions</h3>
<li>"Personal Data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person</li>
<li>"GDPR" means the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679</li>
<li>"Services" means our cloud security and configuration services</li>
<li>"Processing" means any operation performed on Personal Data</li>
<li>"Data Subject" means an identified or identifiable natural person</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>2. Data Processing</h3>
<p>Cloud Craft Limited shall:</p>
<li>Process Personal Data only on documented instructions</li>
<li>Ensure confidentiality commitments</li>
<li>Implement security measures</li>
<li>Assist with Data Subject requests</li>
<li>Support compliance obligations</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>3. Security Measures</h3>
<li>Data encryption in transit and at rest</li>
<li>Ongoing security monitoring</li>
<li>Regular security testing</li>
<li>Access control systems</li>
<li>Incident response procedures</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>4. Sub-processing</h3>
<p>Cloud Craft Limited shall not engage another processor without prior authorization...</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>5. Data Breach Notification</h3>
<li>Prompt notification of breaches</li>
<li>Detailed breach information</li>
<li>Documentation of incidents</li>
<li>Mitigation assistance</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>6. Impact Assessment</h3>
<p>Cloud Craft Limited will assist with Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) by:</p>
<li>Providing detailed information about our processing operations</li>
<li>Supporting risk assessment procedures</li>
<li>Helping identify and implement risk mitigation measures</li>
<li>Assisting with supervisory authority consultations when required</li>
<li>Documenting our data protection measures and controls</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>7. Data Return and Deletion</h3>
<p>Upon termination of services or upon request, we will:</p>
<li>Return all personal data in a structured, commonly used format</li>
<li>Securely delete all copies of personal data from our systems</li>
<li>Provide written certification of data deletion when requested</li>
<li>Ensure any third-party processors also comply with deletion requirements</li>
<li>Maintain detailed records of all deletion activities</li>
<p>Exception: We will retain data required by law, with appropriate safeguards and limited access.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>8. Audit Rights</h3>
<p>To ensure compliance and transparency, we provide:</p>
<li>Regular compliance reports and certifications</li>
<li>Access to data processing facilities for authorized auditors</li>
<li>Cooperation with customer-mandated audits and inspections</li>
<li>Documentation of security measures and processing activities</li>
<li>Evidence of staff training and security awareness programs</li>
<p>Audits will be conducted with reasonable notice and during business hours, subject to confidentiality obligations.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>9. International Transfers</h3>
<p>For data protection in international transfers, we:</p>
<li>Process all data within the European Economic Area (EEA)</li>
<li>Use EU Standard Contractual Clauses when transfers are necessary</li>
<li>Implement additional safeguards beyond standard contractual requirements</li>
<li>Conduct transfer impact assessments for all international data flows</li>
<li>Monitor regulatory changes affecting international transfers</li>
<p>Any data transfers outside the EEA will only occur with explicit consent and appropriate safeguards.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>10. Governing Law</h3>
<p>This Agreement is governed by Irish law, specifically:</p>
<li>The Data Protection Act 2018</li>
<li>General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</li>
<li>ePrivacy Regulations</li>
<li>Relevant EU data protection legislation</li>
<p>Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Irish courts, with proceedings conducted in English.</p>
<p>Both parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Irish Data Protection Commission as the lead supervisory authority.</p>
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<h3><i class="fas fa-address-card text-primary me-2"></i>11. Contact Information</h3>
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<p class="contact-email" aria-label="Email address">
<span class="email-part" data-p1="dpo" data-p2="cloudcraft" data-p3="ie">dpo[at]cloudcraft[dot]ie</span>
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<h3>We Respect Your Right To Digital Privacy</h3>
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Cloud Craft Limited trading as CloudCraft.ie is committed to preserving your digital privacy. We believe in transparency and minimal data collection.
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<h4>Website Storage</h4>
<p>We only use essential browser storage:</p>
<li><strong>localStorage:</strong> Used only to store your theme preference (light/dark mode)</li>
<li><strong>sessionStorage:</strong> Records that you've seen this notice (stored in sessionStorage, expires when you close your browser)</li>
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<h4>Important Privacy Information</h4>
<li>We do not use tracking cookies</li>
<li>We do not collect analytics data</li>
<li>We do not track website visitors</li>
<li>We do not store personal information</li>
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By using this website, you consent to our use of essential browser storage as described above.
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<h5 class="modal-title">About Cloud Craft</h5>
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<h2>About Us</h2>
<p class="lead">Last updated: March 2024</p>
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<h3>Company Overview</h3>
<p>Cloud Craft Limited is a leading provider of cloud security and Microsoft 365 services across South East Ireland. We specialize in helping SMEs secure and optimize their cloud infrastructure.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>Our Mission</h3>
<p>To empower Irish businesses with enterprise-grade cloud security and solutions, making advanced technology accessible and manageable for organizations of all sizes.</p>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>Our Values</h3>
<li><strong>Excellence:</strong> Delivering the highest quality cloud solutions</li>
<li><strong>Security:</strong> Prioritizing data protection and compliance</li>
<li><strong>Innovation:</strong> Staying ahead with cutting-edge technology</li>
<li><strong>Partnership:</strong> Building lasting relationships with clients</li>
<section class="mb-4">
<h3>Service Areas</h3>
<p>We proudly serve businesses across South East Ireland, including:</p>
<li>Dublin South</li>
<li>Dublin West</li>
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<p>Our team holds multiple Microsoft and industry certifications, ensuring the highest standards of service delivery.</p>
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<h3>Contact Us</h3>
<p>For more information about our services:</p>
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<p class="contact-email" aria-label="Email address">
<span class="email-part" data-p1="info" data-p2="cloudcraft" data-p3="ie">info[at]cloudcraft[dot]ie</span>
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