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Tuwaiq Casting and Forging Company is strategically located near the King Salman Maritime Industries Complex (KSICMIS) in Ras Al Khair, poised to become a cornerstone in KSA's industrial value chains. Our state-of-the-art facility specializes in producing semi-finished and finished casted and forged components.
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Aligned with the objectives of the Local Content & Government Procurement Authority and Saudi Aramco's IKTVA program, as well as key anchor projects such as maritime yard development, rigs & equipment manufacturing, and engines JV initiatives, Tuwaiq Casting and Forging Company caters to both local and regional demands within the Energy sector.
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Our operations focus on sand-casting and open-die forging processes, complemented by advanced machining capabilities. With an annual capacity of 80,000 tons, our facility is designed to deliver high-quality products that meet stringent industry standards while contributing to the growth and sustainability of Saudi Arabia's industrial landscape.
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<p class="mb-0">Ras Al-Khair, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia</p>
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<p class="mb-0">Interested in joining our team? <br> Send your CV to: <a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="text-white">[email protected]</a></p>
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