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onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
handleSearch | function |
displayGames | function |
handleGameClick | function |
Scroll | function |
redirect | function |
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<a class="GameTh" href="Details/Call%20of%20Duty/Call%20of%20Duty%20-%20Ghosts">
<img class="GameTh" src="../Games/Call%20of%20Duty/Call%20of%20Duty%20-%20Ghosts/Call%20of%20Duty%20Ghosts%20Cover.jpg" alt="Cover Photo"></a><a href="Details/Call%20of%20Duty/Call%20of%20Duty%20-%20Ghosts">Call of Duty®<br>Ghosts<br><br></a>
<button class="Download-Button"><a href="../Games/Call%20of%20Duty/Call%20of%20Duty%20-%20Ghosts/Call.of.Duty.Ghosts-SKIDROW.iso" download="">Download📥</a></button><a href="">
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const gameNames = [
'Call of Duty Ghosts',
'Call of Duty Ghosts Overview',
const search_term = document.getElementById('search_term');
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const noResultMessage = document.getElementById('noResultMessage');
search_term.addEventListener('input', handleSearch);
function handleSearch() {
const query = search_term.value.toLowerCase();
const filteredGames = gameNames.filter(game => game.toLowerCase().includes(query));
result.style.visibility = query.trim() !== '' ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
function displayGames(games) {
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const li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = game;
li.onclick = () => handleGameClick(game);
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function handleGameClick(game) {
function Scroll(game) {
let targetDiv;
if (game.toLowerCase() === 'call of duty ghosts') {
targetDiv = document.getElementById("CODG");
} else if (game.toLowerCase() === 'top') {
targetDiv = document.getElementById("TOP");
if (targetDiv) {
targetDiv.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'});
function redirect(game) {
const codgGameUrl = 'Details/Call%20of%20Duty/Call%20of%20Duty%20-%20Ghosts/';
const GameUrl = 'https://movie.melyrics.social/';
if (game.toLowerCase() === 'call of duty ghosts overview') {
window.location.href = codgGameUrl;
} else if (game.toLowerCase() === 'movies') {
window.location.href = GameUrl;
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