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<h1>AwE130 We Are The Whisper</h1>
<h2><br>A journey towards the truth for all mankind</h2>
<p><br>Please be aware that the content on this website may challenge your beliefs and may provoke intense reactions. We delve into controversial subjects such as questioning the authenticity of the Apollo moon landings and presenting compelling evidence for the existence of UFOs. Additionally, we explore the origins of the universe and even challenge the very nature of reality itself. We are committed to providing thorough research and supporting materials, which can be found within the articles or in some cases upon request.</p>
<p>AwE130 serves as a platform for seeking truth and knowledge that is accessible to all. Our extensive archive houses a wide range of resources, including news clippings, press photos, videos, reports, documents and books. We devote a dedicated section to examining the deception surrounding the Apollo moon landings, regularly updating it as we approach the 60th anniversary of Apollo 11. </p>
<p>In the Glass Onion section, AwE130 will explore the origin of the universe and reality itself. This thought-provoking segment revolves around a theoretical model aimed at unraveling the truth behind our existence and the intricacies of the world we inhabit. Currently, this section is exclusively accessible to AwE130 members. However, if you wish to become a member and engage in these discussions, you can sign up for free by clicking here.</p>
<p>The Dutch News clippings consist of different sections, each offering intriguing content. First and foremost, there is the UFO section, which contains an impressive collection of over 300 news clippings dating back to the 4th of January, 1681. Additionally, we have a space article collection that partly integrates with the Apollo moon landings section. The last section of the Dutch news clippings encompasses a diverse range of news articles. These articles cover a wide array of intriguing subjects, ranging from sailors reporting mermaid sightings to the controversial claim of Adolf Hitler escaping from Berlin at the end of World War II. There are also articles discussing the enigmatic hot oasis found in Antarctica and the discovery of remains belonging to giants. This collection of news stories is designed to captivate and surprise our readers with exciting information. We assure you that your head will be spinning after reading these sections.</p>
<p>Moreover, all Dutch articles will include a Google Translate option, allowing readers to enjoy them in their preferred language. It is important to note that AwE130 does not claim copyright over the displayed material or the articles we have written, unless explicitly stated see the "<a href="/home/about-us" title="About US">About Us</a>" section for more information. However, we kindly request that if you find the information or articles informative and engaging, you share or link back to us.</p>
<p>Navigate our website with the AwE130 search function located at the menu bar for easy access to specific topics or content. Let the journey towards truth begin.</p> </div>
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