- Scan ID:
- 34a2db1c-d501-4c8e-8e3e-aed07f060bbaFinished
- Submitted URL:
- https://futile.eu/
- Report Finished:
Links · 15 found
The outgoing links identified from the page
Link | Text |
https://xenia.blahaj.land/ | |
https://schmool.cool | |
https://vostok.one/~michal | |
https://vscodium.com | |
https://ublockorigin.com | |
https://rust-lang.org | |
https://1337x.to | |
https://duckduckgo.com | |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Creation_of_Adam | |
https://vostok.one |
JavaScript Variables · 4 found
Global JavaScript variables loaded on the window object of a page, are variables declared outside of functions and accessible from anywhere in the code within the current scope
Name | Type |
0 | object |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
Console log messages · 0 found
Messages logged to the web console
The raw HTML body of the page
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"who are you",
"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
"hot garfields in your area",
"remember to drink water",
"i am not a web developer",
"it's nice, isn't it?",
"do you like hurting other people?",
"check out increm.net !",
"get real",
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<div class="box">
<h1 class="main-title">futile</h1>
<hr class="separator">
<div class="box">
<p class="content">
hello, my name is futile. i am a weird concept from the internet, or, a person from europe, depending on who you ask.<br><br>
i love computers, programming (mostly rust), linux, malicious software (i.e. game hacks, malware), playing games, and any vehicle whether it runs on the ground or in the air.<br><br>
everything i know about the aforementioned things is self-taught. i also speak english and russian fluently.<br><br>
if you want to contact me, email <a class="click" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br><br>
<div class="footer-container">
<div class="footer buttons">
<a href="https://futile.eu" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/futile.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'futile' in white, grotesque font, on a black background, with a white outline | by futile"></a>
<a href="https://xenia.blahaj.land/" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/rose_88x31.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'rose' with a rose growing out of the 'o', with milk-chan to the right of the text | by rose"></a>
<iframe src="https://increm.net/badge?key=futile" title="incremnet badge" width="88" height="31" style="border: none; background: url('https://increm.net/bg.png');"></iframe>
<a href="https://schmool.cool" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/schmoolcool.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'schmool cool' with a space themed void and a woman's hand flipping a balisong knife in between the 'schmool' and 'cool' | by schmoolcool"></a>
<a href="https://vostok.one/~michal" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/michal.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'michal' on a blue canvas within a windows 95 inspired grey frame | by futile"></a>
<a href="https://vscodium.com" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/vscodium.com.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'made with vscodium' in light blue, with the vscodium logo to the right | by unknown"></a>
<img src="static/buttons/FirtniteButton.png" onclick="alert('firt night')" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'firtnite' (a misspelling of 'fortnite'), otherwise looks very similar to an old fortnite title screen | by unknown">
<a href="https://ublockorigin.com" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/ublock.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button (grey) that says 'ublock origin now!', with the ublock origin red logo to the left | by unknown"></a>
<a href="https://rust-lang.org" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/rustNOW.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button (grey) that says 'rust now!', with the rust gear logo to the left and a yellow banner that says '1.82.0' on the to the bottom right | by futile"></a>
<a href="https://1337x.to" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/piracy.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button (grey) that says 'piracy now!', with a jolly roger flag to the left and a black banner that says 'free' on the to the bottom right | by unknown; retouched by futile"></a>
<a href="https://duckduckgo.com" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/ddg.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="button with a windows xp inspired window with a duckduckgo page inside it where someone is searching 'always use protection' | by unknown"></a>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Creation_of_Adam" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/fingerofgod.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="button of michelangelo's famous painting 'creation of adam' cropped to just the 2 fingers touching, with an additional twinkling star within them"></a>
<a href="https://vostok.one" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/vostok.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button with a glowing white border that says 'vostok.one' with some small text below that says '$ tread carefully', all in black and white | by futile"></a>
<img src="static/buttons/sprunk.gif" onclick="alert('SORRY\nOUT OF\nORDER')" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'sprunk' in a stylized way, with a green background and animated bubbles to each side of the text. it is a grand theft auto parody of the real drink 'sprite' | by unknown">
<a href="https://ya.ru/" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/yandex.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'yandex' in a serif font where the 'ya' is the russian letter for 'ya'. the 'ya' is red and the rest of the text is black. the background is white | by unknown"></a>
<a href="https://fedoraproject.org/spins/kde" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/fedora.png" width="88" height="31" alt="button that says 'powered by fedora' in white and blue, with the fedora logo to the left | by unknown; retouched by futile"></a>
<a href="https://mozilla.org/firefox" target="_blank"><img src="static/buttons/firefox4.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="button that flashes between the texts 'tested on' and 'firefox' in firefox's orange, yellow, and purple scheme, with the firefox logo to the left | by unknown"></a>
<div class="footer quote">
<p id="quote">« who are you »</p>
<div class="footer links">
<a class="click" target="_blank" href="https://codeberg.org/futile">git</a>
<a class="click" target="_blank" href="https://steamcommunity.com/id/elituf">steam</a>
<a class="click" target="_blank" href="https://bsky.app/profile/futile.eu">bsky</a>