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                                        <a href="/product/F300">Driving uptake of safer drug injecting equipment</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/TY13">Total Dose 30G Yellow 13mm 1/2 inch</a>
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                                                <u>KITS and PACKS</u>
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                                        <a href="/product/SC101">Single Use Fentanyl Test Strip</a>
                                                                    <li class="">
                                        <a href="/product/SC103">Single Use Nitazene Test Strip</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/SC102">Single Use Xylazine Test Strip</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/U2332">Unisharp 23g (1mL fixed needle) 32mm blue</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/K1FSV">1 pack with Filter syringe and Vit C</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/M2MSET">Mum to Mum poster pack</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/M2MPOSTER1">Keeping Children Safe is... Poster</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/P090">NSP Direct A4 poster (QCR Code)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/M2MPOSTER2">Good MOTHERS Poster</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/M2MPOSTER3">Good MOTHERS Poster 3</a>
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                                                <u>Linnell Publications</u>
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                                        <a href="/product/P16">Living with spice</a>
                                                                    <li class="">
                                        <a href="/product/F300">Driving uptake of safer drug injecting equipment</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/low_dead_space_needles_and_syringes_what_and_why_booklet">Low dead space needles and syringes: what and why? booklet</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/P121">Poster Set</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/naloxone_saves_lives_poster">Naloxone saves lives poster</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/crack_pipe_terpan">Glass Pipe kit - Black (Terpan short pipe)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/A114T">Glass tubes - Terpan 7.5cm</a>
                                                                    <li class="">
                                        <a href="/product/1CPTP">Glass Pipe kit - Pink (Terpan short pipe)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/A114B">Steel filter</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/A114C">Mouthpiece</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/F800">NSP Direct video</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/E103">Anna Millington Project 6 Podcast</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/E104">Fixing a gendered system (M2M pdf)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/U31PK">Unisharp 31g (0.3mL fixed needle) 8mm pink</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/A165P">Exchange Bin - Medium (Purple)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/P917">10% Shooters</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/HRDVD1">Harm Reduction Works Film Collection DVD</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/HRDVD5">Safer injecting DVD/ booklet</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/overdose_dvd_booklet_naloxone_version">OD DVD/booklet (naloxone version)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/groin_injecting_dvd_and_magazine">Keep walking DVD and magazine combination</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/U29">Unisharp Fixed 29G mixed colours - Australian Design</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/unisharp_27g_australia">Unisharp Fixed 27G mixed colours - Australian Design</a>
                                                                    <li class="">
                                        <a href="/product/A170A">uniCASE - Naloxone (Australia)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/F616">Introduction to the Unisharp - Australia</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/fits_tips_packs_queensland">Fits, tips &amp;amp; packs (QLD Edition)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/practitioners_guide_to_steroids_poster">Steroids poster</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/M2MPOSTER1">Keeping Children Safe is... Poster</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/P090">NSP Direct A4 poster (QCR Code)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/anabolic_injection_sites_poster">Anabolic Steroid poster</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/1ml_bd_microfine_29g_insulin_syringe_bag_of_10">BD Micro-Fine 1ml 29G Insulin Syringe (bagged)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/bd_micro-fine_1ml_insulin_syringes_individually_blister_packed">BD Micro-fine Blister pack 1ml 29G (boxed in 200)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/bbraun_omnican_insulin_syringe_1ml_30g_needle">Omnican 100 1ml - 12mm needle - 30G (Blister)</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/half_ml_bbraun_omnican_30g_insulin_syringe_12mm_needle">Omnican 50 - 0.5ml - 12mm needle - 30G</a>
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                                        <a href="/product/0.5ml_bbraun_omnican_insulin_syringe_30g_fixed_8mm_needle">Omnican 50 - 0.5ml - 8mm needle - 30G</a>
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							<a href="/product/12_week_cycle_kit">
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									<p>Steroid 12 week cycle kit | 42 syringes | Injection every other day or multi-cycle</p>
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							<a href="/product/A601">
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									<p>Naloxone 1.26mg nasal spray</p>
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							<a href="/product/2ml_water_for_injections_glass_ampoule">
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									<p>2ml Water for Injection</p>
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							<a href="/product/Unisharp_fixed_1ml_mixed_30">
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									<p>Unisharp 1ml 30G fixed needle syringe: mixed colours</p>
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									<p>Exchange Supplies Compact Sharps Bin</p>
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									<p>FREE Chlorine syringe disinfectant tablets</p>
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					Exchange Supplies is a unique social enterprise working to improve the harm reduction response to drug use by developing products and information for injecting drug users, drug services, and needle exchanges.<br>

					We are committed to supplying high-quality, low cost injecting equipment to customers around the world, and to providing employment and training  opportunities for drug users.<br>
					We are at the forefront of the harm reduction response to illicit drug use, and are committed to preventing blood-borne virus transmission, drug related deaths, and improving the health of drug users.<br>
					As well as developing the
					<a href="shopdisp_nevershare_1ml_fixed_needle_syringes_mixed_colours.php" class="paralinkv">nevershare syringe</a>: the world's first syringe designed specifically for injecting drug users (with coloured plungers to reduce accidental sharing) we also supply quality injecting paraphernalia (<a href="shopsect_citric_and_vitc.php" class="paralinkv">citric and vitC sachets</a>,
					<a href="shopdisp_2ml_water_for_injections_glass_ampoule.php" class="paralinkv">water ampoules</a>,
					<a href="shopdisp_S209.php" class="paralinkv">stericups</a>, and
					<a href="shopdisp_sterifilt_universal.php" class="paralinkv">sterifilts</a>),
					<a href="shoplist_unisharp_needles.php" class="paralinkv">Unisharp needles</a>, and write and publish comprehensive
					<a href="shopsect_publications_and_dvds.php" class="paralinkv">harm reduction information</a>
					in various formats, including DVD.<br>
					We are committed to making into the internet's leading source of information on:<br>
				<ul class="orange-list">
						Harm reduction;<br></li>
				<ul class="orange-list">
						Needle exchange;<br></li>
				<ul class="orange-list">
						Methadone and other drug treatments;<br></li>
				<ul class="orange-list">
						Illicit drugs and illicit drug use;<br></li>
				<ul class="orange-list">
						Safer drug use; and<br></li>
				<ul class="orange-list">
						Safer injecting.<br></li>
				We are unique in having the full text of all our publications online free of charge, and having comprehensive archives from the National Conference on Injecting Drug Use and National Drug Treatment Conference freely available on the website.
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or click here</p>
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						<p class="sub-header">Click here for details</p>

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			<p>Exchange Supplies,<br>
				1 Great Western Industrial Centre,<br>
				Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK</p>
				<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
				<a href="tel:+441305 262244">
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			Exchange Supplies privacy policy<br>
Exchange Supplies is an organisation with its foundations in the provision of confidential healthcare to a patient group who care more about their confidentiality than any other - injecting drug users.<br>
So you know we really mean it when we say we take your privacy, and right to confidentiality, very seriously. We dispatch goods to individuals in plain packaging.<br>
We do, of course, collect information about you when you give it to us on the phone or through the website. When placing an order you will be required to supply your credit card or bank details but these will only be stored until your order has been despatched. We can only access these again by logging onto a secure server to assist us should there be a dispute with your payment. We respect your privacy and will not divulge data you supply to us for payment and delivery of goods without your permission, all data is stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act.<br>
Overseas orders<br>
Please note that we are required by the carriers to give the mobile number and email address you supply to them. They may share this with the customs authorities in your country.<br>
As with virtually all online shops, our shopping basket system relies on the use of cookies. A cookie is normally sent by a web server to you and enables the server to collect information back from your site visit. This information might assist us with collating statistics about sales and traffic patterns for our own use. None of this information will identify individuals.<br>
We have taken all reasonable care to protect your data and our system. Of course, if someone were to break into our password protected system and steal or corrupt data, that is a criminal act, and they would be liable for their actions and not us.<br>
Should you require any further information about this or any other of our policies, please do not hesitate to <a href="/article_contact_us.php" class="paralinkv">contact us - click here for our full contact details</a>.<br>

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			<span class="medtextorange">Discreet packaging</span><br>
Exchange Supplies is an organisation with our roots in the provision of confidential drug services, and we absolutely understand the need for discretion in the outer packaging of our goods when shipping to individual customers.<br>
If you tick the discreet packaging tick box your order will be shipped in plain packaging, looking just like any other mail order package. There will be no branding, stickers, logos, or stamps on the outside that would enable someone to guess what the contents are. For UK orders we usually use Royal Mail tracked service as this is likely to draw less attention than an orange TNT lorry.<br>
Overseas orders will have a label on the outside containing a customs notification declaring the contents.
		<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 cols-xs-12" id="returns" style="display: none;">
			Exchange Supplies returns policy<br>
By placing an order online, you are committing to buy the products you have selected. <br>
If we supply you with incorrect (or faulty) goods please get in touch straight away so we can correct our mistake and supply the correct product(s).<br>
Your assistance in returning the goods sent in error will be required, and we will, of course, cover the agreed associated shipping costs. We will normally arrange collection, or ask you to post the goods back by recorded delivery. If you choose to return goods using any other method, we reserve the right to only refund what it would have cost us to arrange collection by our courier.<br>
If after delivery you want to cancel the order, please contact us so we can discuss the practical arrangements for returning the goods. We are an ethical business, and strive to offer the highest levels of customer service, but we have to reserve the right, at our discretion, to:<br>
<ul class="orange-list"><li> charge a restocking fee</li></ul><br>
<ul class="orange-list"><li> not refund outbound carriage costs (based on the actual cost to us)</li></ul><br>
<ul class="orange-list"><li> make you pay for return of the goods in a saleable condition.</li></ul><br>

		<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 cols-xs-12" id="termscond" style="display: none;">
			Exchange Supplies terms &amp; conditions for customers, and use of our website and its contents<br>
The price payable for the goods is that as set out at the time you place your order and should coincide with those prices listed within the website. VAT, where applicable, is included in all prices displayed online. We reserve the right to adjust these prices without warning or prior notice. Errors and Omissions are unlikely because the webshop is integrated with our accounts system, but we have to stipulate that they are excepted (E&amp;OE).<br>
Some customers are exempt from VAT, the prices given in a web order may still show VAT, however, this will be deducted prior to dispatch.<br>
We strongly recommend that you use a delivery address that is generally occupied during normal working hours (Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 17.30). If we have to organise redirection of your goods once dispatched, or pay for the goods to be returned to us, we reserve the right to pass on any additional costs to you.<br>
We will not be liable for any return postage costs unless the goods are dispatched faulty or the incorrect items are sent to you. <br>
If you are unhappy with any goods we supply, please call us on 01305 262244 and we will endeavour to resolve your complaint quickly.<br>
Your order will not be dispatched until we have received clearance from your credit card company. <br>
If all or any of your order is not ready for dispatch we will not take any money from you until the goods are ready to go.<br>
Please also see our returns, privacy and delivery policies.<br>
The website<br>
Whilst we do our best to ensure the accuracy of information supplied on the website, we do not warrant that the information contained is accurate, up to date or complete. Information may be subject to change without notice. Any information given, whether verbal or in writing, is for guidance only. This does not affect your statutory rights under English Law.<br>
All the information and images on this site are protected by copyright and commercial organisations may not use any image or text without permission. Unauthorised use may result in charges being applied, and court action.<br>


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