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<h1 class="text-fancy" data-animation="animated flipInX">Admissions Fall 2024</h1>
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<h1 class="text-fancy" data-animation="animated flipInX">Premier University of Pakistan</h1>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">Five modern Campuses in Major Cities Across Country</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInRight">Renowned for quality and impact of its students in the development of local software and other industries</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">Provide world class educational environment and recreational facilities</h3>
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<h1 class="text-fancy" data-animation="animated flipInX">Student life at NUCES</h1>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInRight">Grooms them for the professional excellence as well as making them a loyal and responsible citizen</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">lush-green lawns and aesthetically-pleasing scenery of trees and flowers</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInRight">provide a sense of peace and ideal learning environment</h3>
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<h1 class="text-fancy" data-animation="animated flipInX">Higher job rate</h1>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">Highest number among Pakistani graduates</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInRight">Serving multinational companies around the globe </h3>
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<h1 class="text-fancy" data-animation="animated flipInX">Financial Aid</h1>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">Supporting students in form of scholarships and interest free loans</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInRight">More than 2000 students receiving financial assistance</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">Rs. 60 Million provided by FAST</h3>
<h3 class="text-white text-fancy" data-animation="animated fadeInRight">Rs. 40 Million Provided by other donors</h3>
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Founded as a Federally Chartered University in July 2000, the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences is a premier University of Pakistan, renowned for quality and impact of its students in the development of local software and other industries. The university has five modern campuses at Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Chiniot-Faisalabad. These campuses provide world class educational environment and recreational facilities.
<p class="text-justify">Research wings of the university are well recognized, nationally and internationally. They are embarked upon cutting edge research having direct impact on the social, economic and technological needs of Pakistan. Our vision is to become a globally recognized research university of Pakistan within the next decade.</p>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(MS)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Management Sciences)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
Program Overview:
The PhD program provides high quality management education to business scholars i.e. to discover and impart
culturally and globally relevant knowledge in management sciences. The program is designed to discover management
scholarship which is intellectually rigorous, morally intensive, socially integrative, culturally relevant and
globally acknowledged. PhD scholars will be encouraged to carry out original work through research which connects
strongly with resolving local, national and global challenges of significance. PhD in Management is offered at
Islamabad at Lahore Campus.
The Islamabad Campus is currently offering PhD in the following areas of specialization:
Human Resource Management
Technology Management
A Master’s degree in a relevant subject, earned from a recognized university after a minimum of 18 years of
education with CGPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or equiva lent.
A minimum of 60% marks and at least 50 percentile rank in the relevant NTS subject test. The NTS GAT-Subject
Score should be valid at the time of admission.
Selection Criteria:
Admission is based on a candidate’s performance in the following:
Performance in International GMAT or an equivalent test as per HEC rule
Interview and assessment by the Doctoral Admissions Committee (FSM DAC)
Submission of Research Proposal (for the purpose of evaluation)
Scheme of Study:
The PhD program requires candidates to take six graduate level courses (18 Cr. hrs.). There are four core courses,
listed below. The remaining two can be taken from graduate level courses in the Faculty of Management Sciences or
from the specialization electives for PhDs with the recommendation of the supervisor. On completion of the
coursework, students are required to pass a qualifying comprehensive examination, defend their research proposal and
then carry out research in the chosen area. The candidates are also required to publish research papers in journals
of international repute, as per prevalent requirements.
List of Core Courses:
Cr. hrs.
Cr. hrs.
Philosophy of Management Science
Quantitative Methods in Management Research
Research and Theory in Management
Qualitative Methods in Management Research
Note: Deficiency courses may be recommended by FSM-DAC for selected
candidates on case to case basis.
Outlines of Core Courses: (These are broad guidelines only. Instructors may vary emphases on
individual topics and themes and bring additional topics that they see fit)
Philosophy of Management Science (MG601): It is said that management is governing and leading without
recourse to political power or religious authority. This advanced level course will help students to realize and
appreciate the nature of management field to a greater maturity and sophistication by interchangeably addressing the
philosophical aspects of management and managerial aspects of philosophy. Accordingly, the process that will be used
will start with, and put major focus on, developing an understanding of the evolution of management and
organizational philosophy in a chronological order by classifying the work of central theorists and authors from a
perspective that clarifies their relevance with the mainstream theory building in the field of management. The idea
is to dissect the body of knowledge in management science – i.e., perspectives such as classical and neo-classical
organization theory, OB perspective, structural organization theory, systems theory and organizational economics,
power and politics, organizational culture and environment, and postmodernism, etc. – and interpret it as a
continuous effort to analyzing, predicting, controlling and governing human action.
Research and Theory in Management (MG604): A theory is said to be an ordered set of assertions about a
generic set of behavior that hold true for a wide range of specific instances. But where do new theories come from?
How theories are built starting from a very basic research question? And can theories be good or bad since once
popularized they not only explain behavior but influence behavior in a certain direction. Finally, what constitutes
a ‘weak’ or a ‘strong’ theory? The aim of this course is to develop a critical appreciation ofthe role of research
in theory development in Management as well as introducing doctoral students to the art and science of theory
construction and model building. Topics include examining the nature of being (ontology) and knowing (epistemology),
exploring the basic structure of argument and evidence, developing a pertinent and interesting research question,
defining constructs, imagining relationships and processes that link constructs, and linking and combining
constructs in an innovative way to develop new theories or build further upon existing behavioral models. This
course demands intensive preparation on part of students in terms of readings prior to the lectures so that lively
discussions can be generated in the classroom, research exercises tailored to each student’s research topic can be
accomplished, and a term paper be completed.
Qualitative Methods (MG 589): This course will introduce a range of qualitative research methods and the
means of assessing the key assumptions underlying the selection and use these methods. Building on the fundamental
questions about the nature of knowledge and whether "true" knowledge or reality can exist, the discussions will
provide a deep understanding of the advantages and challenges in carrying out qualitative research. Examples of
topics covered include interviews, focus groups, ethnography, documentary and textual analysis, discourse analysis,
language and conversation analysis, case-studies, participatory action research and grounded theory. Categorization
and coding of data will be covered in detail. The course will include labs to introduce software for qualitative
data analysis. The course will also cover the growing significance of qualitative research techniques across the
modern and postmodern era. Further, scholars will be encouraged to analyze and understand various approaches to
writing qualitative papers.
Quantitative Methods (MG 548): This course will introduce a range of advance quantitative research technique
and develop an understanding of the potential and limitations of statistical analysis. Building on the positivist
paradigm, the course will briefly revise concepts of probability, sampling, hypothesis development, developing
constructs, associations and basic analyses for differences between groups. Examples of main topics covered include
various types of regression, discriminant analysis, MANOVA, analysis of covariance, principal component and factor
analysis, cluster analysis, structural equation modelling, survival/failure analysis and time series analysis. The
course will include labs to introduce software for quantitative data analysis. Scholars will be encouraged to
analyze and understand articles which have used a variety of quantitative methods, developing the capacity to choose
advance techniques suitable for their research questions.</div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(SE)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Software Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
The PhD program requires candidates to undertake a number of graduate level courses, pass a qualifying
examination, and then carry out research in a chosen area. The candidates are required to publish research
papers in journals of international repute.Program Objectives:
Impart in depth knowledge and application of methodology to investigate original research problems
through a systematic and focused approach
Enable students to produce publishable research for journals and conferences of international repute
Enable students to conduct independent research
Program Outcomes:
Students will be able to exhibit specialized knowledge and ability to use appropriate research
methodology in the relevant field of study
Students will be able to conduct systematic and focused research
Students will be able to publish research papers in journals and conferences of international repute
Students will be able to conduct and supervise independent research and can produce knowledge
PhD Coursework:
PhD coursework comprises 6 courses (total 18 credit hours). A non-credit course “SS 310 Research Methodology”
must also be passed; unless already passed during MS coursework.Comprehensive
The student becomes eligible to appear in the Comprehensive Examination after passing the PhD coursework with
a minimum CGPA of 3.0. This exam must be passed within two years of admission, failing which the
admission shall be cancelled.
Research Work:
The student can start work on PhD thesis only after
Passing the Comprehensive Exam, AND
Acceptance of synopsis by the Graduate Studies Committee.
PhD Dissertation:
The PhD Dissertation must contain original research work.Plagiarism Test:
The Plagiarism Test shall be conducted on the Dissertation before its submission to foreign experts.
Evaluation by TWO Foreign Experts:
The PhD Dissertation shall be evaluated by at least two PhD experts from technologically/ academically
advanced foreign countries.Local Expert Evaluation:
If the foreign evaluators recommend that the work is acceptable for award of PhD, then a local committee,
comprising two local experts and an internal evaluator, is constituted. The thesis is sent to all three
members of this committee.Open Defence:
After receiving positive comments from the local experts, the student is expected to defend his/her work
before this Committee. The student will be declared successful after the local Committee approves the work.
Research Paper:
Publication of at least one research paper in an HEC approved “W” or “X” category journal is a requirement
for the award of PhD degree.
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(SE)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BBA" class="title">Bachelor of Business Administration</a>
<div class="description text-justify"> The 4-years BBA program serves the need of those who are looking for a career in management profession or towards higher education in business administration. Being a program with challenging curricula and contents, it is appropriate for those who have excellent academic record and high potential for success. The BBA degree promises the graduates higher level employability at the entry level of management profession by helping them excel in professional and personal development. The program offers a rich blend of general education; general management skills like communication, decision-making, leadership, teamwork and quantitative methods. It also aims to sensitize the graduates about their social and environmental responsibility. Learning Outcomes BBA graduates are expected to communicate effectively and professionally and to demonstrate the ability to create written and oral statements for diverse audience across the world. Demonstrate the ability to identify and evaluate relevant information for decision making and make use of thinking skills to assess the information and solve problems in uncertain environments. Understand the importance of team work and group dynamics in achieving organizational goals and demonstrated ability to work effectively in teams. Understand various leadership styles and demonstrated ability in exercising these styles according to the requirement of the situation. Demonstrate effectively practicing of overall functional business knowledge and ability to identify and interpret essential business concepts, principles and skills. Identify core organizational values and understand the issues of ethical and social diversity and demonstrate the ability to propose feasible solutions to these issues. Understand computer-based information systems and able to use computing tools and infrastructures to apply and interpret functional business knowledge. Degree RequirementsFor the award of BBA degree, a student must have:Passed courses totalling at least 130 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses. Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00</div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(AF)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Accounting and Finance)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Accounting & Finance are the most significant and critical areas in the system of free enterprise. Good financial management is, therefore, vitally important to the economic health of business organizations. However, the constant shifts in economic conditions, intense competition for financial resources and questionable business practices have made financial management a complex and challenging undertaking. The BS Accounting & Finance program is designed to prepare students to meet the challenges posed by this complex but exciting area that has assumed much greater importance in the wake of the recent financial crisis in the world. This crisis has taught us that prudent financial management could mean the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful business enterprise. BS Accounting & Finance is tailored to first impart a broad-based education in the fundamentals of business and management and then develop the quantitative and analytical skills necessary to become prudent, astute and ethical financial managers. Career OpportunitiesThere are a number of pathways to choose from including audit, taxation, budget analysis, financial accounting and management accounting. Degree Requirements For the award of BS (Accounting & Finance) degree, a student must have: Passed courses totaling at least 134 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00</div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(AI)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Artificial Intelligence)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Award of DegreeFor the award of BS (Artificial Intelligence) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses with a total of at least 133 credit hours, including all those courses that have been specified as core courses
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(BA)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">The BS Business Analytics is a dynamic degree program aimed to provide strong analytical and critical thinking abilities to the students who wish to harness the power of data analysis to facilitate decision-making processes in organizations and solve business problems. The program is a blend of business knowledge, analytical tools, statistical techniques and computer applications for solving real business problems. Thus the program prepares the next generation of managers with expertise to manage and analyze data for solving the pressing challenges faced by organization in management, HRM, finance, operations and marketing. The program follows a hands-on approach through which students will use the knowledge of business management, technology and the power of data analytics to create value for their organization. The program emphasizes on the development of all-rounded communications and soft skills, analytical reasoning skills, ethical decision making and problem-solving capabilities.
Career Opportunities
In the rapidly growing field of big data and analytics, there is a high demand for skilled professionals who can leverage analytics to translate unstructured data into valuable business insights. The BS BA degree provides a diverse range of career opportunities for the graduates including business analysts, operations analysts, people analysts, financial analysts, and market or consumer analysts.
Award of Degree
For the award of BS (Business Analytics) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totalling at least 131 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as
Core courses.
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(CE)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Computer Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Program Mission The mission of the Department of Computer Engineering is:
To prepare competent Computer Engineering graduates conscious of professional ethical and social responsibilities for productive engineering careers in industry academia and research both locally and abroad. Career Opportunities This versatile degree opens careers in different areas of Electrical Engineering. You could pursue a career in telecom industry, electronics, and power sector or in embedded system design and software programming. Award of Degree For the award of Bachelor of Science (Computer Engineering) degree, a student must have: Passed courses totalling at least 136 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses. Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00 </div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(CS)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Impart in-depth understanding of Computer Science field according to international standardsConvert understanding to innovationsBuild diverse careers in Computer Science as productive IT professionals and entrepreneurs for the socio-economic developmentPrepare students for the graduate level studies and researchDevelop effective communication, management and leadership skillsImpart professional ethics and collaborative team player abilitiesCareer OpportunitiesYour career prospects will be excellent: You may become a software engineer, programmer, web developer, games programmer or computer graphic designer.Award of DegreeFor the award of BS (Computer Science) degree, a student must have:Passed courses totalling at least 133 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses.Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00</div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(CV)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Civil Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify"> The Civil Engineering degree is based on the HEC/PEC approved curriculum. In the first year, the students learn the fundamentals of Civil Engineering supported by essential mathematics and physics courses. These courses are followed by breadth courses which introduce students to different aspects of Civil Engineering. In the senior year students choose a specialization stream and study advanced courses. In the highly competitive job market a graduate engineer is not only required to be knowledgeable in technical areas but is also expected to have excellent communication skills and an appreciation of cost effective engineering solutions. Students are offered courses in communication skills to prepare them for challenging environments. Courses like Professional Ethics contribute towards enhancing soft skills that help prepare a well-rounded personality. Career OpportunitiesThis degree program opens careers in different areas of Civil engineering. Award of DegreeFor the award of BS (Civil Engineering) degree, a student must have: Passed courses totaling at least 138 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses. Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00</div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(CY)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Cyber Security)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Award of DegreeFor the award of BS (Cyber Security) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses with a total of at least 133 credit hours, including all those courses that have been specified as core courses
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(DS)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Data Science)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Award of DegreeFor the award of BS (Data Science) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses with a total of at least 133 credit hours, including all those courses that have been specified as core courses
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(EE)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Electrical Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">The mission of School of Electrical Engineering is to provide graduates with a strong and stable foundation in the
traditional and contemporary areas of electrical engineering. The graduates of this program are able to conceive,
formulate and effectively communicate solutions to technological problems in society. They are a responsible and
productive member of the society upholding high moral standards having an aptitude and attitude towards the
betterment of the society through their knowledge and skills. The undergraduate programs prepare the graduates for
corporate and governmental entry level jobs and/or to pursue further education at the graduate level worldwide.
Career Opportunities
This versatile degree opens careers in different areas of electrical engineering. You could specialize in telecom or
computer engineering. You could pursue a career in telecom industry, in embedded system design, or as a software
Award of Degree
For the award of BS (Electrical Engineering) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totalling at least 138 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as
Core courses.
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(FinTech)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Financial Technology)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">FinTech (Financial Technology) is a rapidly growing industry that employs technology to improve financial activity. Through the increasing integration of technology, algorithms, data, and mobile applications, has disrupted the traditional delivery of financial services. FinTech is now regarded as one of the most important industries in the global economy. FinTech has created a surge in
demand for people with extensive knowledge of finance, mathematics, programming, analytics,
data science, applied statistics, and regulatory and compliance. With recent initiatives such as the
formation of Fintech Associations, as well as the flexibility provided by the regulator, there
appears to be a strong push to kick-start the country's Fintech Ecosystem and contribute to a
conducive environment for Fintechs to thrive in Pakistan. Such trend generated the need of the
specialized people for this particular requirement. FAST National University of Computer and
Emerging Sciences Islamabad, being the technology-based university, is now a pioneer institution
to introduce BS Degree in Financial Technology. This degree program includes not only traditional
finance coursework, but also in-depth knowledge and understanding of FinTech theories and
evolution, data-driven financial modelling, financial data mining and machine learning, financial
data analytics, and new financial innovations such as AI, blockchain, cloud computing, and
machine learning. The program's main purpose is to prepare financial professionals with the edge
of programming and technological skills which provide competitive edge to students in the market.
This program is for students who want to learn how to use modern tools to improve financial
activities, create new financial applications, processes, products, or business models.
There are various career paths that can be pursued after completing the FinTech program such
investment banking, wealth management, international finance, commercial banking, insurance,
information technology, social entrepreneurship, etc. Graduates may work for FinTech startups as
well which concentrate on alternative lending, cryptocurrency management, and trading,
blockchain technologies, open banking, insurtech, Robo-advisement, machine learning, and data
mining applications, and cybersecurity. Some may work for traditional financial services
companies, which are in need of staff with technical skillsets to improve existing business practices
and/or develop new processes related to technological innovations.
Award of Degree
For the award of BS (FinTech) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totaling at least 134 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(FinTech)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(SE)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Career Opportunities
Your career prospects will be excellent: You may become software quality assurance engineer, systems programmer, embedded software engineer, software architect, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer, User Interface designer, Information Systems manager or computer graphic designer etc.
Award of Degree
For the award of BS (Software Engineering) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totalling at least 133 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses.Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00</div>
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(SE)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<img src="/content/images/courses/SE.jpg" a="" alt="" class="img-responsive">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MBA" class="title">Master of Business Administration</a>
<div class="description text-justify">MBA program for
Business Graduates and Managers to excel in combination of general management, leadership and functional
Engineers and Scientists, Doctors, Social Scientists, Lawyers, and professional graduates from Liberal Arts
disciplines etc. who choose a general management education over a strong functional specialization.
Program Objectives
The FAST MBA is a degree program which comprises of 60 credit hours for those with 16 years of
education (Such as BBA, BS (Accounting & Finance), MA (Economics), Engineers, Scientist, Doctors,
Social scientists, Lawyers and professional graduates from Liberal Arts disciplines etc). It delivers an
in-depth understanding of the dynamics of management practices, and a deeper appreciation of the implications of a
rapidly globalizing work environment on businesses. It is designed with the flexibility to cater for the needs of
those who have their undergraduate degree in business related subjects, as well as for those who are coming from
other disciplines and are making a conversion to the business and management discipline by doing an MBA.
There are three distinguishing features of the FAST MBA. First, in line with the vision and mission of the business
school, the MBA is designed to keep a balance between local, regional and global knowledge, through integration of
local and international teaching material, and experiential learning in the local industry and organisations.
Second, in line with the culture and the traditions of FAST, the FAST MBA focuses on technology integration in its
courses. Third, the enhanced MBA is designed to integrate cases in many of its level five and six courses, thus
creating a balance between theoretical knowledge and its application on the one hand, and enhancing the technical as
well as the analytical skills of the students on the other hand.
Award of Degree
For the award of MBA degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totaling at least 60 credit hours (through exemptions and/or by taking up a course), including
all those courses which have been specified as core courses.
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.5
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MBA" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(AI)" class="title">Master of Science (Artificial Intelligence)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">The MS (Artificial Intelligence) comprises of both course work as well as research component. There are three core courses aimed at strengthening the understanding and competence of students in artificial intelligence fundamentals. The University expects its MS (Artificial Intelligence) graduates to pursue careers as Al experts in either academia or industry.
Award of Degree
For the award of MS degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totaling at least 30 credit hours, including four core courses
Obtained a CGPA of 2.5 or more.
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(AI)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(BA)" class="title">Master of Science (Business Analytics)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">The MS BA program aims to develop problem solving skills among the students through an in-depth understanding of business analytics. This program develops unique skills in the students to analyze, synthesize and visually present data related to numerous fields of management sciences i.e., marketing, management, HR, operations and finance. The graduates of the MS BA program will be equipped with in-demand skills and knowledge required for success in their professional careers. The program is a designed in a way that students with no background in business studies may also take admission in this program. However, depending on the undergraduate degree, student will be required to study deficiency courses.
The key learning outcomes of the MS BA program are to enable our graduates:
To demonstrate enhanced understanding of statistical and non-statistical methodologies including regression analysis, cluster analysis, non-linear models, text analysis and prescriptive and predictive modelling, and develop skills to visually present data
To have expertise in using various statistical software packages e.g., R, STATA, Python and SPSS.
To exhibit effective collaboration and leadership skills.
To have knowledge of the ethical and legal issues in data gathering, analysis and make ethically and culturally informed decisions in structured or unstructured and ambiguous situations.
To communicate technical information to both technical and non-technical audiences in speech, in writing and graphically.
To critically analyze, synthesize and solve complex unstructured business problems and encourage an aptitude for business improvement, innovation and entrepreneurial action.
Career Opportunities
An MS BA program can significantly expand the graduates’ career opportunities and increase their salary-earning potential. The graduates of MS BA can find a number of pathways to choose from, such as business analytics consultants, operations analysts, people analysts, financial analysts, and market or consumer analysts.
Award of Degree
For the award of MS (Business Analytics) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totalling at least 34 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as
Core courses.
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.50
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(BA)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(CS)" class="title">Master of Science (Computer Science)</a>
<div class="description text-justify"> The MS (Computer Science) comprises of both course work as well as research component. There are four ‘core courses’ aimed at strengthening the understanding and competence of students in computer science fundamentals. The University expects its MS graduates to pursue careers either as ‘Computer Science Faculty Members’ or as ‘Software Development Managers’ in the industry.Recommended CoursesThe following core courses are recommended to be completed before entering the MS (CS) program.Computer ProgrammingData StructuresOperating SystemsDatabase SystemsAnalysis of AlgorithmsComputer NetworksTheory of AutomataSoftware EngineeringAssembly Lang. / Computer Arch.A student selected for admission having deficiency in the above stated courses may be required to study a maximum of FOUR courses. These courses must be passed in the first two semesters. The deficiency courses shall be determined by the Graduate Studies Committee before admitting the student. No fee will be charged for studying deficiency courses. A student selected for admission having deficiency in the above stated courses may be required to study a maximum of FOUR courses, which must be passed in the first two semesters. Deficiency courses shall be determined by the Graduate Studies Committee, before admitting the student. Fee is not charged for studying deficiency courses. A student cannot take MS courses unless all specified deficiency courses have been passed. NUCES staff cannot register for more than two courses in a semester. A student has the option to pursue MS by undertaking either a 6-credit hour MS Thesis or MS Project, spread over two regular semesters. Award of DegreeFor the award of MS degree, a student must have:Passed courses totaling at least 30 credit hours, including four core courses Obtained a CGPA of 2.5 or more. </div>
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(CS)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(CV)" class="title">Master of Science (Civil Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">The objective of this program is to produce civil engineers with essential knowledgebase and training required for understanding of advanced concepts, which are required for undertaking of complicated real problems. The master’s program allows two options to the students i.e. Masters with thesis/project. Masters with thesis is designed for students who wish to study a particular research area in greater depth. Masters with project is designed for people with a bachelor's degree in engineering (or related field), who want to enter or return to professional practice. Award of Degree For the award of MS degree, a student must have Passed courses totaling at least 30 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core coursesObtained a CGPA of at least 2.5</div>
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(CV)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<img src="/content/images/courses/CV.jpg" a="" alt="" class="img-responsive">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(CY)" class="title">Master of Science (Cyber Security)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Program Mission
Mission of the Master of Science (Cyber Security) program is to develop knowledgeable professionals with the skills
to detect, respond to and prevent cyber-attacks in organizations and protect national security. With a graduate
degree in cyber security, you will build a comprehensive and strong foundation in the technical skills you need to
keep your organization’s computer systems, networks and data safe, secure and private. The program has been designed
to prepare students with both theoretical and practical knowledge and enhance their research skills in these
emerging areas.
Career Opportunities
This program prepares students to meet challenges posed by a highly inter – connected world. Mobile Computing,
Sensor Networks and other emerging technologies require a thorough understanding of related technologies. This
program provides understanding and exposure to the latest trends and technologies in this flied.
Award of Degree
For the award of Master of Science (Cyber Security) degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totalling at least 30 credit hours, including core courses
Earned CGPA of at least 2.50
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(CY)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(DS)" class="title">Master of Science (Data Science)</a>
<div class="description text-justify"> This program equips students to transform data into actionable insights that enable one to make complex business
decisions. Students will able to process large and complex data sets through computational, statistical, and machine
learning techniques. This program will provide exposure to the latest trends and technologies in this field. Thus,
producing the man power to fuel national and international emerging market of data science products. </div>
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(DS)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(EE)" class="title">Master of Science (Electrical Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">The purpose of the MS program in Electrical Engineering is to attain theoretical and practical depth in one of the
areas of interest.The MS(EE) program is structured in such a way as to enhance the student's critical thinking
and intuitive abilities using a combination of highly specialized courses and expert supervision. The program
aims to produce graduates who will have the abilities and skills to be employed as practicing engineers in fields
such as design, research, development, testing, and manufacturing, as well as assuming positions of leadership
and responsibility within organizations.
Three options: 6-credit hour Thesis or 3 credit hour Project with one additional elective or MS by course work.
Typical course load in a semester is four courses. However, NUCES staff cannot register for more than two courses in a semester.
Award of Degree
For the award of MS degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totalling at least 30 credit hours, including THREE Core courses
Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.5
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(EE)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<img src="/content/images/courses/EE.jpg" a="" alt="" class="img-responsive">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(LING)" class="title">Master of Science (Applied Linguistics)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">There is an ever-growing demand of trained English teachers. Colleges, universities, and language schools, all need qualified English teachers. English has now become more than a mere language.It is a bridge across borders and cultures, and a source of unity in a rapidly evolving world.This program shall enable students to learn how linguistic analysis can be used in practice in the vast arena of Language with specializations in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Computational Linguistics (CL), English Language Teaching (ELT), and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). This program inculcates specialized skills to effectively perform teaching of English language. This program integrates Language and computing skills.For Specialization and Research Info Click HereProgram ObjectivesTo produce qualified teaching resourceTo integrate ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in Teaching of English LanguageTo develop collaborative e-learning resources for teachingTo encourage teachers to be critically engaged in advanced research in English language teaching and learningAward of DegreePassed courses totalling at least 30 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core coursesObtained a CGPA of at least 2.5</div>
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(LING)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(Math)" class="title">Master of Science (Mathematics)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">
This program aims at training the candidates in a number of advance mathematical courses. Having done this they are motivated to undertake research in some area of pure and applied mathematics. The successful candidates are expected to serve the nation as academicians as well as researchers.
Typical course load in a semester is four courses. However, NUCES staff cannot register for more than two courses in a semester.
A student has the option to persue MS either by undertaking a 6 credit hour MS thesis, or by taking a 3 credit hour Research Survey plus one taught course
Award of DegreeFor the award of MS degree, a student must have:
Passed courses totalling at least 30 credit hours, including the four major coursesObtained a CGPA of at least 2.5
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(Math)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
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<img src="/content/images/courses/MTH.jpg" a="" alt="" class="img-responsive">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(SE)" class="title">Master of Science (Software Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">The MS Software Engineering curriculum has been designed to give the students a good understanding of best software engineering methodologies and practices, emerging technologies, and their application in various industries. The goal of the program is to teach students to become leaders in engineering high quality computing solutions to solve real life problems by conducting high quality applied research.Recommended CoursesThe following core courses are recommended to be completed before entering the MS (SE) program.Computer ProgrammingSoftware EngineeringSoftware Quality EngineeringData StructuresObject Oriented Analysis and DesignHuman Computer InteractionA student selected for admission having deficiency in the above stated courses may be required to study a maximum of FOUR courses. These courses must be passed in the first two semesters. Deficiency courses shall be determined by the Graduate Studies Committee, before admitting the student. No fee is charged for studying deficiency courses. A student cannot take MS courses unless all specified deficiency courses have been passed.Typical course load in a semester is four courses. However, NUCES staff cannot register for more than two courses in a semester. For successful completion of the MS SE degree, the student must undertake a 6 credit hour MS Project, spread over two regular semesters.Award of DegreeFor the award of MS degree, a student must have:Passed courses totalling at least 30 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core coursesObtained a CGPA of at least 2.5</div>
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(SE)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
<div class="edugate-image">
<img src="/content/images/courses/SE.jpg" a="" alt="" class="img-responsive">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(SPM)" class="title">Master of Science (Software Project Management)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">This program enables students to develop skills necessary to manage software projects. In the final year, students take two-semester Project, which involves practical implementation of Project Management skills and techniques acquired through the program, as well as actual development of the project.The MS (Software Project Management) program focuses on strengthening students’ knowledge in theoretical as well as practical aspects of managing software projects. The program not only addresses management issues related to software industry but also covers the software engineering concepts, which must be known to a project manager.The aim is to prepare middle and top management so that they meet the challenges of present and future needs of software industry. The coursework exposes the students to management and technical issues encountered in development of software solutions.Typical course load in a semester is four courses. However, NUCES staff cannot register for more than two courses in a semester.Award of DegreeFor the award of MS degree, a student must have:Passed courses totalling at least 30 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core coursesObtained a CGPA of at least 2.5</div>
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/MS(SPM)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
<div class="edugate-image">
<img src="/content/images/courses/SPM.jpg" a="" alt="" class="img-responsive">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(CS)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
The PhD program requires candidates to undertake a number of graduate level courses, pass a qualifying
examination, and then carry out research in a chosen area. The candidates are required to publish research
papers in journals of international repute.Program Objectives:
Impart in depth knowledge and application of methodology to investigate original research problems
through a systematic and focused approach
Enable students to produce publishable research for journals and conferences of international repute
Enable students to conduct independent research
Program Outcomes:
Students will be able to exhibit specialized knowledge and ability to use appropriate research
methodology in the relevant field of study
Students will be able to conduct systematic and focused research
Students will be able to publish research papers in journals and conferences of international repute
Students will be able to conduct and supervise independent research and can produce knowledge
PhD Coursework:
PhD coursework comprises 6 courses (total 18 credit hours). A non-credit course “SS 310 Research Methodology”
must also be passed; unless already passed during MS coursework.Comprehensive
The student becomes eligible to appear in the Comprehensive Examination after passing the PhD coursework with
a minimum CGPA of 3.0. This exam must be passed within two years of admission, failing which the
admission shall be cancelled.
Research Work:
The student can start work on PhD thesis only after
Passing the Comprehensive Exam, AND
Acceptance of synopsis by the Graduate Studies Committee.
PhD Dissertation:
The PhD Dissertation must contain original research work.Plagiarism Test:
The Plagiarism Test shall be conducted on the Dissertation before its submission to foreign experts.
Evaluation by TWO Foreign Experts:
The PhD Dissertation shall be evaluated by at least two PhD experts from technologically/ academically
advanced foreign countries.Local Expert Evaluation:
If the foreign evaluators recommend that the work is acceptable for award of PhD, then a local committee,
comprising two local experts and an internal evaluator, is constituted. The thesis is sent to all three
members of this committee.Open Defence:
After receiving positive comments from the local experts, the student is expected to defend his/her work
before this Committee. The student will be declared successful after the local Committee approves the work.
Research Paper:
Publication of at least one research paper in an HEC approved “W” or “X” category journal is a requirement
for the award of PhD degree.
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(CS)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
<div class="edugate-image">
<img src="/content/images/courses/CS.jpg" a="" alt="" class="img-responsive">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(CV)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
The PhD program requires candidates to undertake a number of graduate level courses, pass a qualifying
examination, and then carry out research in a chosen area. The candidates are required to publish research
papers in journals of international repute.Program Objectives:
Impart in depth knowledge and application of methodology to investigate original research problems
through a systematic and focused approach
Enable students to produce publishable research for journals and conferences of international repute
Enable students to conduct independent research
Program Outcomes:
Students will be able to exhibit specialized knowledge and ability to use appropriate research
methodology in the relevant field of study
Students will be able to conduct systematic and focused research
Students will be able to publish research papers in journals and conferences of international repute
Students will be able to conduct and supervise independent research and can produce knowledge
PhD Coursework:
PhD coursework comprises 6 courses (total 18 credit hours). A non-credit course “SS 310 Research Methodology”
must also be passed; unless already passed during MS coursework.Comprehensive
The student becomes eligible to appear in the Comprehensive Examination after passing the PhD coursework with
a minimum CGPA of 3.0. This exam must be passed within two years of admission, failing which the
admission shall be cancelled.
Research Work:
The student can start work on PhD thesis only after
Passing the Comprehensive Exam, AND
Acceptance of synopsis by the Graduate Studies Committee.
PhD Dissertation:
The PhD Dissertation must contain original research work.Plagiarism Test:
The Plagiarism Test shall be conducted on the Dissertation before its submission to foreign experts.
Evaluation by TWO Foreign Experts:
The PhD Dissertation shall be evaluated by at least two PhD experts from technologically/ academically
advanced foreign countries.Local Expert Evaluation:
If the foreign evaluators recommend that the work is acceptable for award of PhD, then a local committee,
comprising two local experts and an internal evaluator, is constituted. The thesis is sent to all three
members of this committee.Open Defence:
After receiving positive comments from the local experts, the student is expected to defend his/her work
before this Committee. The student will be declared successful after the local Committee approves the work.
Research Paper:
Publication of at least one research paper in an HEC approved “W” or “X” category journal is a requirement
for the award of PhD degree.
<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(CV)" class="btn btn-green"><span>More Details</span></a>
<div class="edugate-image">
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(EE)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
The PhD program requires candidates to undertake a number of graduate level courses, pass a qualifying
examination, and then carry out research in a chosen area. The candidates are required to publish research
papers in journals of international repute.Program Objectives:
Impart in depth knowledge and application of methodology to investigate original research problems
through a systematic and focused approach
Enable students to produce publishable research for journals and conferences of international repute
Enable students to conduct independent research
Program Outcomes:
Students will be able to exhibit specialized knowledge and ability to use appropriate research
methodology in the relevant field of study
Students will be able to conduct systematic and focused research
Students will be able to publish research papers in journals and conferences of international repute
Students will be able to conduct and supervise independent research and can produce knowledge
PhD Coursework:
PhD coursework comprises 6 courses (total 18 credit hours). A non-credit course “SS 310 Research Methodology”
must also be passed; unless already passed during MS coursework.Comprehensive
The student becomes eligible to appear in the Comprehensive Examination after passing the PhD coursework with
a minimum CGPA of 3.0. This exam must be passed within two years of admission, failing which the
admission shall be cancelled.
Research Work:
The student can start work on PhD thesis only after
Passing the Comprehensive Exam, AND
Acceptance of synopsis by the Graduate Studies Committee.
PhD Dissertation:
The PhD Dissertation must contain original research work.Plagiarism Test:
The Plagiarism Test shall be conducted on the Dissertation before its submission to foreign experts.
Evaluation by TWO Foreign Experts:
The PhD Dissertation shall be evaluated by at least two PhD experts from technologically/ academically
advanced foreign countries.Local Expert Evaluation:
If the foreign evaluators recommend that the work is acceptable for award of PhD, then a local committee,
comprising two local experts and an internal evaluator, is constituted. The thesis is sent to all three
members of this committee.Open Defence:
After receiving positive comments from the local experts, the student is expected to defend his/her work
before this Committee. The student will be declared successful after the local Committee approves the work.
Research Paper:
Publication of at least one research paper in an HEC approved “W” or “X” category journal is a requirement
for the award of PhD degree.
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(Math)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
The PhD program requires candidates to undertake a number of graduate level courses, pass a qualifying
examination, and then carry out research in a chosen area. The candidates are required to publish research
papers in journals of international repute.Program Objectives:
Impart in depth knowledge and application of methodology to investigate original research problems
through a systematic and focused approach
Enable students to produce publishable research for journals and conferences of international repute
Enable students to conduct independent research
Program Outcomes:
Students will be able to exhibit specialized knowledge and ability to use appropriate research
methodology in the relevant field of study
Students will be able to conduct systematic and focused research
Students will be able to publish research papers in journals and conferences of international repute
Students will be able to conduct and supervise independent research and can produce knowledge
PhD Coursework:
PhD coursework comprises 6 courses (total 18 credit hours). A non-credit course “SS 310 Research Methodology”
must also be passed; unless already passed during MS coursework.Comprehensive
The student becomes eligible to appear in the Comprehensive Examination after passing the PhD coursework with
a minimum CGPA of 3.0. This exam must be passed within two years of admission, failing which the
admission shall be cancelled.
Research Work:
The student can start work on PhD thesis only after
Passing the Comprehensive Exam, AND
Acceptance of synopsis by the Graduate Studies Committee.
PhD Dissertation:
The PhD Dissertation must contain original research work.Plagiarism Test:
The Plagiarism Test shall be conducted on the Dissertation before its submission to foreign experts.
Evaluation by TWO Foreign Experts:
The PhD Dissertation shall be evaluated by at least two PhD experts from technologically/ academically
advanced foreign countries.Local Expert Evaluation:
If the foreign evaluators recommend that the work is acceptable for award of PhD, then a local committee,
comprising two local experts and an internal evaluator, is constituted. The thesis is sent to all three
members of this committee.Open Defence:
After receiving positive comments from the local experts, the student is expected to defend his/her work
before this Committee. The student will be declared successful after the local Committee approves the work.
Research Paper:
Publication of at least one research paper in an HEC approved “W” or “X” category journal is a requirement
for the award of PhD degree.
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(MS)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Management Sciences)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
Program Overview:
The PhD program provides high quality management education to business scholars i.e. to discover and impart
culturally and globally relevant knowledge in management sciences. The program is designed to discover management
scholarship which is intellectually rigorous, morally intensive, socially integrative, culturally relevant and
globally acknowledged. PhD scholars will be encouraged to carry out original work through research which connects
strongly with resolving local, national and global challenges of significance. PhD in Management is offered at
Islamabad at Lahore Campus.
The Islamabad Campus is currently offering PhD in the following areas of specialization:
Human Resource Management
Technology Management
A Master’s degree in a relevant subject, earned from a recognized university after a minimum of 18 years of
education with CGPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or equiva lent.
A minimum of 60% marks and at least 50 percentile rank in the relevant NTS subject test. The NTS GAT-Subject
Score should be valid at the time of admission.
Selection Criteria:
Admission is based on a candidate’s performance in the following:
Performance in International GMAT or an equivalent test as per HEC rule
Interview and assessment by the Doctoral Admissions Committee (FSM DAC)
Submission of Research Proposal (for the purpose of evaluation)
Scheme of Study:
The PhD program requires candidates to take six graduate level courses (18 Cr. hrs.). There are four core courses,
listed below. The remaining two can be taken from graduate level courses in the Faculty of Management Sciences or
from the specialization electives for PhDs with the recommendation of the supervisor. On completion of the
coursework, students are required to pass a qualifying comprehensive examination, defend their research proposal and
then carry out research in the chosen area. The candidates are also required to publish research papers in journals
of international repute, as per prevalent requirements.
List of Core Courses:
Cr. hrs.
Cr. hrs.
Philosophy of Management Science
Quantitative Methods in Management Research
Research and Theory in Management
Qualitative Methods in Management Research
Note: Deficiency courses may be recommended by FSM-DAC for selected
candidates on case to case basis.
Outlines of Core Courses: (These are broad guidelines only. Instructors may vary emphases on
individual topics and themes and bring additional topics that they see fit)
Philosophy of Management Science (MG601): It is said that management is governing and leading without
recourse to political power or religious authority. This advanced level course will help students to realize and
appreciate the nature of management field to a greater maturity and sophistication by interchangeably addressing the
philosophical aspects of management and managerial aspects of philosophy. Accordingly, the process that will be used
will start with, and put major focus on, developing an understanding of the evolution of management and
organizational philosophy in a chronological order by classifying the work of central theorists and authors from a
perspective that clarifies their relevance with the mainstream theory building in the field of management. The idea
is to dissect the body of knowledge in management science – i.e., perspectives such as classical and neo-classical
organization theory, OB perspective, structural organization theory, systems theory and organizational economics,
power and politics, organizational culture and environment, and postmodernism, etc. – and interpret it as a
continuous effort to analyzing, predicting, controlling and governing human action.
Research and Theory in Management (MG604): A theory is said to be an ordered set of assertions about a
generic set of behavior that hold true for a wide range of specific instances. But where do new theories come from?
How theories are built starting from a very basic research question? And can theories be good or bad since once
popularized they not only explain behavior but influence behavior in a certain direction. Finally, what constitutes
a ‘weak’ or a ‘strong’ theory? The aim of this course is to develop a critical appreciation ofthe role of research
in theory development in Management as well as introducing doctoral students to the art and science of theory
construction and model building. Topics include examining the nature of being (ontology) and knowing (epistemology),
exploring the basic structure of argument and evidence, developing a pertinent and interesting research question,
defining constructs, imagining relationships and processes that link constructs, and linking and combining
constructs in an innovative way to develop new theories or build further upon existing behavioral models. This
course demands intensive preparation on part of students in terms of readings prior to the lectures so that lively
discussions can be generated in the classroom, research exercises tailored to each student’s research topic can be
accomplished, and a term paper be completed.
Qualitative Methods (MG 589): This course will introduce a range of qualitative research methods and the
means of assessing the key assumptions underlying the selection and use these methods. Building on the fundamental
questions about the nature of knowledge and whether "true" knowledge or reality can exist, the discussions will
provide a deep understanding of the advantages and challenges in carrying out qualitative research. Examples of
topics covered include interviews, focus groups, ethnography, documentary and textual analysis, discourse analysis,
language and conversation analysis, case-studies, participatory action research and grounded theory. Categorization
and coding of data will be covered in detail. The course will include labs to introduce software for qualitative
data analysis. The course will also cover the growing significance of qualitative research techniques across the
modern and postmodern era. Further, scholars will be encouraged to analyze and understand various approaches to
writing qualitative papers.
Quantitative Methods (MG 548): This course will introduce a range of advance quantitative research technique
and develop an understanding of the potential and limitations of statistical analysis. Building on the positivist
paradigm, the course will briefly revise concepts of probability, sampling, hypothesis development, developing
constructs, associations and basic analyses for differences between groups. Examples of main topics covered include
various types of regression, discriminant analysis, MANOVA, analysis of covariance, principal component and factor
analysis, cluster analysis, structural equation modelling, survival/failure analysis and time series analysis. The
course will include labs to introduce software for quantitative data analysis. Scholars will be encouraged to
analyze and understand articles which have used a variety of quantitative methods, developing the capacity to choose
advance techniques suitable for their research questions.</div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/PhD(SE)" class="title">Doctor of Philosophy (Software Engineering)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Admission
The PhD program requires candidates to undertake a number of graduate level courses, pass a qualifying
examination, and then carry out research in a chosen area. The candidates are required to publish research
papers in journals of international repute.Program Objectives:
Impart in depth knowledge and application of methodology to investigate original research problems
through a systematic and focused approach
Enable students to produce publishable research for journals and conferences of international repute
Enable students to conduct independent research
Program Outcomes:
Students will be able to exhibit specialized knowledge and ability to use appropriate research
methodology in the relevant field of study
Students will be able to conduct systematic and focused research
Students will be able to publish research papers in journals and conferences of international repute
Students will be able to conduct and supervise independent research and can produce knowledge
PhD Coursework:
PhD coursework comprises 6 courses (total 18 credit hours). A non-credit course “SS 310 Research Methodology”
must also be passed; unless already passed during MS coursework.Comprehensive
The student becomes eligible to appear in the Comprehensive Examination after passing the PhD coursework with
a minimum CGPA of 3.0. This exam must be passed within two years of admission, failing which the
admission shall be cancelled.
Research Work:
The student can start work on PhD thesis only after
Passing the Comprehensive Exam, AND
Acceptance of synopsis by the Graduate Studies Committee.
PhD Dissertation:
The PhD Dissertation must contain original research work.Plagiarism Test:
The Plagiarism Test shall be conducted on the Dissertation before its submission to foreign experts.
Evaluation by TWO Foreign Experts:
The PhD Dissertation shall be evaluated by at least two PhD experts from technologically/ academically
advanced foreign countries.Local Expert Evaluation:
If the foreign evaluators recommend that the work is acceptable for award of PhD, then a local committee,
comprising two local experts and an internal evaluator, is constituted. The thesis is sent to all three
members of this committee.Open Defence:
After receiving positive comments from the local experts, the student is expected to defend his/her work
before this Committee. The student will be declared successful after the local Committee approves the work.
Research Paper:
Publication of at least one research paper in an HEC approved “W” or “X” category journal is a requirement
for the award of PhD degree.
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BBA" class="title">Bachelor of Business Administration</a>
<div class="description text-justify"> The 4-years BBA program serves the need of those who are looking for a career in management profession or towards higher education in business administration. Being a program with challenging curricula and contents, it is appropriate for those who have excellent academic record and high potential for success. The BBA degree promises the graduates higher level employability at the entry level of management profession by helping them excel in professional and personal development. The program offers a rich blend of general education; general management skills like communication, decision-making, leadership, teamwork and quantitative methods. It also aims to sensitize the graduates about their social and environmental responsibility. Learning Outcomes BBA graduates are expected to communicate effectively and professionally and to demonstrate the ability to create written and oral statements for diverse audience across the world. Demonstrate the ability to identify and evaluate relevant information for decision making and make use of thinking skills to assess the information and solve problems in uncertain environments. Understand the importance of team work and group dynamics in achieving organizational goals and demonstrated ability to work effectively in teams. Understand various leadership styles and demonstrated ability in exercising these styles according to the requirement of the situation. Demonstrate effectively practicing of overall functional business knowledge and ability to identify and interpret essential business concepts, principles and skills. Identify core organizational values and understand the issues of ethical and social diversity and demonstrate the ability to propose feasible solutions to these issues. Understand computer-based information systems and able to use computing tools and infrastructures to apply and interpret functional business knowledge. Degree RequirementsFor the award of BBA degree, a student must have:Passed courses totalling at least 130 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses. Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00</div>
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<a href="https://nu.edu.pk/Program/BS(AF)" class="title">Bachelor of Science (Accounting and Finance)</a>
<div class="description text-justify">Accounting & Finance are the most significant and critical areas in the system of free enterprise. Good financial management is, therefore, vitally important to the economic health of business organizations. However, the constant shifts in economic conditions, intense competition for financial resources and questionable business practices have made financial management a complex and challenging undertaking. The BS Accounting & Finance program is designed to prepare students to meet the challenges posed by this complex but exciting area that has assumed much greater importance in the wake of the recent financial crisis in the world. This crisis has taught us that prudent financial management could mean the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful business enterprise. BS Accounting & Finance is tailored to first impart a broad-based education in the fundamentals of business and management and then develop the quantitative and analytical skills necessary to become prudent, astute and ethical financial managers. Career OpportunitiesThere are a number of pathways to choose from including audit, taxation, budget analysis, financial accounting and management accounting. Degree Requirements For the award of BS (Accounting & Finance) degree, a student must have: Passed courses totaling at least 134 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00</div>
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