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<h1>Take a look at what we have to offer.</h1>
<p class="subhead">We're looking forward to getting every part of your business connected.</p>
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<h2>Business Internet Connections</h2>
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<p>Our business-class internet connections combine multiple service providers to guarantee uptime.</p>
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<h2>Windows and Linux VPS</h2>
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<p>We architect and maintain your servers, backups and disaster recovery.</p>
<p>Active Directory, Exchange, Sharepoint, Apache, MySQL and more.</p>
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<h2>Web and Email Hosting</h2>
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<p>With web, email, spam filtering and DNS in one space, we make hosting simple.</p>
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<h2>Enterprise Hardware Deployments</h2>
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<p>WiFi Deployments, VOIP Consultation, Network Security Auditing, Hardware Procurement & Setup, IP Cameras, Colocation</p>
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<h2>What People Say</h2>
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<p>When the rare occasion of an internet issue does arise they deal with it in an efficient and professional manner to minimize any impact on our business.</p>
<cite>Thorston Knees <small>CPA CMA, Cedar Grove Roofing Supply</small></cite>
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<p>I've rarely had a tech go that far out of his way to help a customer. Thanks for having some of the best techs in the business.</p>
<cite>Paul S. Reid <small>CCSA, CEO, Western Networks Inc.</small></cite>
<li style="width: 646px;">
<p>Savox Communications LTD Canada has been partnering with Stargate for 20+ years. ~ The technical abilities of the Stargate team are second to none with abilities in complex routing protocols as well as traffic management (VOIP/QoS etc).</p>
<cite>Matt Wannop <small>Director of IT, Savox Communications LTD Canada</small></cite>
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<p>We have been a customer of Stargate Connections for the last 6 years, and we have nothing but the highest praise for their services. They manage all networks at our 25 locations and also host a number of our business-critical servers.</p>
<cite>Ivan Beletsky <small>IT Department Manager, Steve Nash Fitness World</small></cite>
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