Adoption & Usage Worldwide

Top Browsers & User Agents

Distribution of requests to Cloudflare by user agent, for the top three browser families by share.

IPv6 Protocol usage

Top five locations

TLS 1.3 Protocol usage

Top five locations

Traffic characteristics

Percentage of bytes transferred over the selected time period, by location

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Protocol comparisons

Trends over the selected time period

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IPv4 vs. IPv6

Distribution of HTTP requests by IP version

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Distribution of HTTP vs. HTTPS requests

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HTTP/1x vs. HTTP/2 vs. HTTP/3

Distribution of requests by HTTP version

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TLS 1.2 vs. TLS 1.3 vs. QUIC

Distribution of secure HTTP requests by protocol

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Post-Quantum Encryption Adoption

Post-Quantum encrypted share of HTTPS request traffic

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Top Browsers & User Agents

Distribution of requests to Cloudflare by user agent

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Mobile Operating Systems

Distribution of mobile device requests to Cloudflare by operating system

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