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Browser Market Share Report for 2023 Q4(Bericht zu Browsermarktanteilen im Q4 2023)

These reports are produced quarterly and each covers a group of search engines broke down by client location and operating system. The strategy we use relies on parsing the user agent we see when we get an HTTP/S request.


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The goal of this report is to determine the browsers' market share of the most common Internet browsers.

Cloudflare accelerates and protects traffic for large parts of the Internet, with a global network that spans more than 310 cities in over 120 countries. Millions of Internet properties rely on Cloudflare's network to reach their audiences. More than 18% of all websites connect through our reverse proxy, including 30% of the Fortune 1000.

Due to the size of our network we are in a unique position to measure statistically relevant market share data.

Our methodology uses the user-agent header parsed using mainly ua-parser v0.16.1 in combination with a proprietary parser. In Radar page only proprietary parser is currently being used and thus the results are different.


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  • We store traffic metadata to orange clouded websites (websites that proxy their requests through our platform).
  • We take the top 12 browsers for each combination (country, operating system, country and operating system) and the browsers that make it to the top 12 of any combination will be included in the Global Market Share section.
  • We only consider requests from websites that used Cloudflare over the entirety of the report time window to avoid bias from the sample of websites changing.
  • Unlike other methodologies, this one is not thwarted by ad or tracker blockers or other browser extensions that block analytic requests from third parties because Cloudflare is a first party in these instances, seeing the direct request to the website.
  • This methodology relies on the browsers identifying themselves through the user-agent along with the operating system that is used.
  • The higher the volume of data the more reliable this methodology becomes.

User-agent browser mappings

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  • Chromium is excluded as its codebase is used by many other browsers.
  • WebViews are excluded. Both Chrome Mobile WebView and Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView make up a huge chunk of the data and such requests are being excluded. Follows the inclusion* list of browser user-agents:
    'Chrome': ['Chrome Mobile', 'Chrome Mobile iOS', 'Chrome'],
    'Edge': ['Edge Mobile', 'Edge', 'IE', 'IE Mobile'],
    'Opera': ['Opera Mobile', 'Opera Mini', 'Opera Tablet', 'Opera'],
    'Firefox': [
        'Firefox Mobile', 'Firefox iOS', 'Firefox', 'Firefox Beta', 
        'Firefox Alpha', 'Firefox (Namoroka)', 'Firefox (Shiretoko)'
    'Safari': ['Mobile Safari', 'Safari'],
    'Samsung Internet': ['Samsung Internet'],
    'UC Browser': ['UC Browser'],
    'QQ Browser': ['QQ Browser Mobile', 'QQ Browser', 'QQ Browser Mini'],
    'DuckDuckGo': ['DuckDuckGo Mobile', 'DuckDuckGo'],
    'Coc Coc': ['Coc Coc'],
    'Miui Browser': ['MiuiBrowser'],
    'Yandex Browser': ['Yandex Browser'],
    'Vivaldi': ['Vivaldi'],
    'Sogou Explorer': ['Sogou Explorer'],
    'Puffin': ['Puffin', 'PuffinLite'],
    'webOS': ['webOS Browser']
  • Not all these browsers have to show up in the report. The reason being that not all made it to the top 12 browsers for the breakdowns we support (country, operating system, country and operating system).

What OS are we looking into

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This report take into account only the following operation systems:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop (Windows, MacOSX, Linux, ChromeOS)
  • Mobile (WebOS, WindowsPhone, Blackberry, SmartTV, Nintendo, Xbox, Playstation, Kindle, Android, iOS)

Anything that is not identifiable as being into one of those categories is excluded.

Notes regarding 2023Q4 report

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This quarter, we noticed a sudden decrease in DuckDuckGo's market share, which we attribute to changes in their user-agent. As a result, we opted to forward fill those values, believing it would better represent the data. We are working with DuckDuckGo and others to more accurately measure their market shares in the future using slightly improved methodology that includes using client hints to account for browsers that use a generic UA.

Click here to download the report data as CSV files.

Global Market Share

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Market Share by Country

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Market Share by OS

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Market Share by Country and OS

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