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https://www.amazon.com/Millenniata-Inc-M-DISC-Blu-ray-Media/dp/B00KGWV6MI | Buy Now |
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<p>M-DISC is an archival-quality storage solution that preserves photos, videos, music, and documents for 1,000 years or more.</p>
<p>Unlike hard drives, flash drives, and other writable media, that can lose data, M-DISC has been designed to protect your information from degradation and loss for centuries.</p>
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<h1 class="light-blue">FOREVER</h1>
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<h3 class="mdisc-white">What is M-DISC?</h3>
<p>1,000 year Storage Solution</p>
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<h2>M-DISC 4.7 GB DVD</h2>
<p class="mdisc-gray">M-DISC DVDs are an economical, and easy-to-use entry into the world of personal archiving. Enjoy the peace-of-mind that comes from protecting your treasured memories against loss. MDISC is forever storage.</p>
<p class="mdisc-gray">When shopping for a drive, look for the M-DISC logo on the box.</p>
<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Millenniata-Inc-M-DISC-Blu-ray-Media/dp/B00KGWV6MI" class="btn disc-btn">Buy Now</a>
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<h2>M-DISC 25 GB Blu-ray Disc </h2>
<img src="images/Blu_ray_logo.png" alt="">
<p>M-DISC recordable 25 gigabyte discs are a favorite of professional photographers, videographers, and home users that have a large amount of data to archive. M-DISC Blu-ray discs are compatible with any Blu-ray writer.</p>
<p>M-DISC Blu-Ray insures that once-in-a-lifetime photograph, video, or special moment, will be preserved in pristine condition for your lifetime, and beyond.</p>
<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Millenniata-Inc-M-DISC-Blu-ray-Media/dp/B00KGWV6MI" class="btn disc-btn">Buy Now</a>
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<h2>M-DISC 50 GB Blu-ray Disc </h2>
<img src="images/Blu_ray_logo.png" alt="">
<p class="mdisc-gray">M-DISC recordable 50 gigabyte discs are great for design and engineering firms, museums, mid-size businesses, and home users with a lot of data to store.</p>
<p class="mdisc-gray">These are the largest capacity discs that can still be written in any Blu-ray writer. Huge capacity, coupled with ease-of-use make this disc a favorite with users of all types.</p>
<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Millenniata-Inc-M-DISC-Blu-ray-Media/dp/B00KGWV6MI" class="btn disc-btn">Buy Now</a>
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<h2>M-DISC 100 GB Blu-ray Disc </h2>
<p class="mdisc-gray">M-DISC recordable 100 gigabyte discs are among the first super-capacity discs to be made available to consumers globally.</p>
<p class="mdisc-gray">Now large corporations, data libraries, universities, and home users all have access to huge capacity on a single instrument. With tri-layer technology, <strong>100 gigabyte discs require a BD-XL Blu-ray writer</strong> to engrave successfully.</p>
<p class="mdisc-gray">For more information on BD-XL drives, click the “find a drive link below</p>
<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Millenniata-Inc-M-DISC-Blu-ray-Media/dp/B00KGWV6MI" class="btn disc-btn">Buy Now</a>
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<p class="mdisc-white">M-DISC is the low-cost leader in personal archiving solutions, designed to outlast the competition by centuries.</p>
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<h3 class="light-blue">How do I use it?</h3>
<h4 class="mdisc-gray">Use M-DISC just as you would any other optical media.</h4>
<p class="mdisc-gray">Read, write, store, and know your data is secure. M-DISC DVDs work with most DVD burners, and M-DISC Blu-ray discs are compatible with any Blu-ray writer. To avoid confusion when purchasing a drive, just look for the M-DISC logo on the box.</p>
<p class="mdisc-gray">Check out our <a href="#" class="light-blue" target="_blank">EZ Disc Burning Instructions</a> for tips, free software, and more</p>
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<h2 class="light-blue">M-DISC Products</h2>
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<h2 class="mdisc-white">DVD 4.7GB</h2>
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<h2 class="mdisc-white">BD-R 25GB</h2>
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<h2 class="light-blue">BD-R 50GB</h2>
<figure><img src="images/product3.png" alt=""></figure>
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<h2 class="light-blue">BD XL 100GB</h2>
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<h2 class="light-blue">For everyday use, music, video, and pictures.</h2>
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<h2 class="mdisc-gray">Testimonials</h2>
<li>“easy way to do archiving without spending tons of money.” Scott E. CEO of Image Doctor Media</li>
<li>“You can bet I’ll be recommending M-Discs” – Jon W.</li>
<li>“I’ve got my wedding backed up on M-Disc” – Tom F.</li>
<li>“M-Disc is the perfect solution” – Kieran S.</li>
<li>“Thank you for the peace of mind!” – Brig T.</li>
<li>“I actually have this product, and love it.” – Matthew T.</li>
<li>“Overall, I highly recommend this product” – David W.</li>
<li>“I’ve had the cheap ‘silver’ discs go bad on me in the past, not to mention hard drives and flash drives so I was very happy to discover the M-DISC” – David M.</li>
<li>“100gb of permanent storage is a dream come true” – Andre M.</li>
<li>““I have burned 355 DVDs with no failures…Awesome!” – Rodney S</li>
<li>“Exceptional quality. This is the only digital disc I will ever buy.” – James T.</li>
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