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<h1><span style="font-size: 1.5em;">Yoga Classes and Gong therapy in Worcestershire</span></h1>
<p>My name is Sharon Gisbourne and I offer meditation, gong therapy and <strong>yoga classes. I am based in Redditch, Worcestershire</strong>. Yoga is an ancient set of practices designed to bring your body, mind and energy in to balance. It has a number of benefits including (but not limited to) pain relief, increased strength and an increased sense of well-being.</p>
<p>I have over 20 years of experience teaching yoga and can teach all age ranges including beginners and experienced practitioners. I am passionate about yoga but like to emphasise that yoga is a joyful activity. You will be able to learn and practise yoga in a warm and fun environment where you can feel at ease, whether you are learning in a group or 1:1.</p>
<p>If you would like to find out more about my meditation, gong baths and <a href="index.cfm">yoga classes in Redditch, Worcestershire</a>, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me at Sharon Gisbourne Yoga.</p>
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<h2>Yoga Classes</h2>
<p>I offer 1:1 and group classes online and in person and 1:1 personal yoga from my home studio in Redditch, Worcestershire. Originating from India around 5000 years ago, yoga is an excellent way to improve your body's strength, flexibility and balance. I am passionate about yoga, because I myself have used yoga to improve a shoulder condition that was plaguing me for years. I offer a range of classes for all levels and make sure that everyone has fun while they learn. I also provide restorative yoga sessions and chair based yoga for students who may find a general class challenging.</p>
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<h2>Yoga Therapy</h2>
<p>Yoga therapy is the application of yoga practices to improve your mental and physical condition. If you have a particular condition such as anxiety, MS, arthritis or Fibromyalgia, yoga therapy may help you manage and alleviate it. The body and mind is an interconnected system and yoga therapy aims to support this system through meditation, posture work and relaxation techniques. It is a highly effective therapy which may have a transformative effect on your body and well-being.</p>
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<h2>Meditation courses</h2>
<p>There is a popular misconception that meditation is about relaxation, but this isn't really the case. It is more about refocusing your mind to a higher level of consciousness so you can attune your mind to what is important to you. You may gain the ability to filter negative stimulants which may make you calmer, less stressed and more focused. My meditation course is designed to equip you with all the tools and knowledge you need for successful meditation including breathing practices, dealing with distractions and preparing for meditation.</p>
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<h2>Treatments - Massage and Gongs</h2>
<p>I also offer specialist treatments if you would like to repair and restore your body in a relaxing environment. My Swedish body massage will reduce muscle stiffness, increase joint mobility as well as relaxing your mind. I also offer gong baths, which are a form of sound therapy which may have profound healing effects on both the physical and subtle elements of your being. 1:1 Gong baths are available or you may like to join a monthly group session.</p>
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<h2>About Sharon Gisbourne Yoga</h2>
<p>I have practised yoga for over two decades and was totally hooked after my very first class. It was a complete revelation! I walked out of that class like I had woken up and seen things clearly for the first time. My whole body felt free, I was relaxed and could not get over how great I felt.</p>
<p>I remember going to work the next day and telling a colleague that I felt "big" (in a good way). This feeling was my energy being released to flourish from whatever trapped state it had been in. My passion for yoga grew as did my personal well-being, and in 2005 when I was given an opportunity to teach, I jumped at the chance.</p>
<p>I completed my yoga teacher training with The Devon School of Yoga and then went on to qualify as a Yoga Therapist, certified by Real Yoga, in 2012. I am also a Meditation Teacher, having completed my training with Swami Saradananda.</p>
<p>I have attended many short courses and workshops with Yoga Campus, London. These courses have been based around many aspects of yoga, the musculoskeletal system and the "correction" of bodily imbalances, which may be prominent due to general wear and tear or injury. I have also completed courses on restorative and relaxation practices, Pranayama and the history of yoga as well as a short Sanskrit course!</p>
<p>I teach classes online and in person, and also offer in person or online one or two to one sessions at Sharon Gisbourne Yoga. <span style="font-size: 1.4em;">I also run a specialist online chair based class for those who may need a more adapted approach to yoga. Working therapeutically with people one to one online may not be suitable for all conditions, but if you would like further details see the Yoga Therapy page for more details.</span></p>
<p>I have experience of many styles of yoga and have spent time in India to gain knowledge of these various approaches. I like to apply myself with a holistic and eclectic approach that takes in not only the physical but also the more subtle aspects that yoga has to offer. However, although I always present myself as professionally as possible, I do like to keep everything light hearted and have fun at the same time.</p>
<p>I have completed my training with Sheila Whittaker and I am now offering sound therapy in the form of gong baths. These are offered as private sessions and I also run group sessions. See the treatments page for further details of how to book.</p>
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<h2 style="text-align: center;">Interested in our Yoga classes or courses ?<span style="color:#191919;"> </span></h2>
<p style="text-align: center;">I offer group or 1:1 yoga and meditation classes at Sharon Gisbourne Yoga through Zoom. I also offer 1:1 yoga , yoga therapy sessions, private gong baths and massage from my home studio in Redditch, Worcestershire, which is very close to Evesham, Stratford-upon-Avon and Worcester. Contact me to book in person (classes/1:1/massage/gong sessions). For online classes, meditation course and group gong baths click the link below for information and to book.</p>
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<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#ffffff;">“I have been taking part in Sharon's seated Yoga class for about 8 years, she has been brilliant at adapting poses for us less able folks. The combination of stretches and strengthening poses with some balance and mat work thrown in have really helped to keep me as mobile as possible. I've also found it helps to keep me motivated through periods of fatigue.”</span></p>
<h4 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#7ab6d5;">Sue Adams</span></h4>
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<span style="color:#ffffff;">“It's been great to watch Sharon's progress from fellow student to accomplished yoga teacher over many years. Her professionalism and dedication to yoga are much admired.”</span></p>
<h4 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#7ab6d5;">Jenny Salcedo</span></h4>
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Gong Bath at Beoley Village Hall
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January 28 2023
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Join me for my latest Gong Bath at Beoley Village Hall, Redditch. This must try event is on 1st F...</p>
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6 Week Techniques for Meditation Course
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January 27 2023
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Starting on Monday 6th February - My re-vamped 6 week meditation Course</p>
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Breaking News The Chair Class Is Now On Fridays
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June 29 2022
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The chair class is changing day and time from 8th July. It is online on Fridays at 10am. </p>
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