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$('#lightbox').css('display', 'none');
var useazsitevar;
function useAzsite(azsite) {
// Store the stringggg value in somevar
useazsitevar = azsite;
// Step 1: Define the geoLocate function, which takes a callback function (handleResult) as an argument.
function geoLocate(handleResult) {
// Step 2: Call the geoip2.country function to get the user's location.
// Step 3: Define a success callback (geoLocation) that processes the location data.
function geoLocation(response) {
var azsite = "";
// Step 4: Use if-else statements to determine the azsite value based on the user's location.
// Your if-else statements here
if (response.country.iso_code == "US") { market = "united states"; currency = "us dollars"; language = "en-US"; currencysymbol = "$"; azsite = "com"; countryemoji = "🇺🇸"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "CA") { market = "canada"; currency = "canadian dollars"; language = "en-CA"; currencysymbol = "$"; azsite = "ca"; countryemoji = "🇨🇦"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "GB") { market = "united kingdom"; currency = "pounds"; language = "en-GB"; currencysymbol = "£"; azsite = "co.uk"; countryemoji = "🇬🇧"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "AU") { market = "australia"; currency = "australian dollars"; language = "en-AU"; currencysymbol = "$"; azsite = "com.au"; countryemoji = "🇦🇺"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "NZ") { market = "new zealand"; currency = "new zealand dollars"; language = "en-NZ"; currencysymbol = "$"; azsite = "co.nz"; countryemoji = "🇳🇿"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "DE") { market = "germany"; currency = "euros"; language = "de-DE"; currencysymbol = "€"; azsite = "de"; countryemoji = "🇩🇪"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "ES") { market = "spain"; currency = "euros"; language = "es-ES"; currencysymbol = "€"; azsite = "es"; countryemoji = "🇪🇸"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "FR") { market = "france"; currency = "euros"; language = "fr-FR"; currencysymbol = "€"; azsite = "fr"; countryemoji = "🇫🇷"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "PT") { market = "portugal"; language = "pt-PT"; currency = "euros"; currencysymbol = "€"; azsite = "pt"; countryemoji = "🇵🇹"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "SE") { market = "sweden"; currency = "swedish krona"; language = "sv-SE"; currencysymbol = "kr"; azsite = "se"; countryemoji = "🇸🇪"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "NL") { market = "netherlands"; currency = "euros"; language = "nl-NL"; currencysymbol = "€"; azsite = "nl"; countryemoji = "🇳🇱"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "AT") { market = "austria"; language = "de-DE"; currency = "euros"; currencysymbol = "€"; azsite = "at"; countryemoji = "🇦🇹"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "CH") { market = "switzerland"; currency = "swiss francs"; language = "fr-CH"; currencysymbol = "CHF"; azsite = "ch"; countryemoji = "🇨🇭"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "BE") { market = "belgium"; language = "fr-BE"; currency = "euros"; currencysymbol = "€"; countryemoji = "🇧🇪"; azsite = "be"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "BR") { market = "brazil"; language = "pt-BR"; currency = "brazilian real"; currencysymbol = "R$"; countryemoji = "🇧🇷"; azsite = "com.br"; }
else if (response.country.iso_code == "JP") { market = "japan"; currency = "japanese yen"; language = "ja-JP"; currencysymbol = "¥"; azsite = "co.jp"; countryemoji = "🇯🇵"; }
else { market = "global"; currency = "us dollar"; language = "en-US"; currencysymbol = "$"; azsite = "com"; countryemoji = "🌍"; }
// Step 5: Call the handleResult function (provided as an argument in Step 1) with the determined azsite value.
// Step 6: Define an error callback (onError) to handle any errors that might occur while getting the user's location.
function onError(error) {
console.log("Error:", error);
// Step 7: Call the handleResult function (provided as an argument in Step 1) with null as an argument, since an error occurred.
// Step 8: Call the geoLocate function (function(azsite) and provide an anonymous callback function that will be executed with the azsite value (or null, if there was an error).
//NB. The anonymous function is mapped to the handleResult parameter of the geoLocate function.
geoLocate(function (azsite) {
// Step 9: Use the azsite value (or null) inside the anonymous callback function (function (azsite)).
function merchFun() {
document.getElementById("merch-text").innerHTML = document.getElementById("search-input").value;
var inputMerchString = document.getElementById("search-input").value;
//tshirt womans 1
document.getElementById("image1").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/let_me_google_that_t_shirt_ladies-r5b85bd0e65e94017a33b0a1780ef93b4_k2gml_1080.webp?t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription1").innerHTML = "LMGT Custom Womens T-Shirt 👕";
// Buy1 Button
var button1 = document.getElementById('buy1');
button1.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256858144917140675&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
//tshirt mens 1
document.getElementById("image2").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/let_me_google_that_t_shirt_mens-r4d338bc106c64a9eb0141a70c6816b5c_jyr6t_1080.webp?t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription2").innerHTML = "LMGT Custom Mens T-Shirt 👕";
// Buy2 Button
var button2 = document.getElementById('buy2');
button2.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256665128623868822&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
//tshirt womans 2
document.getElementById("image3").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/let_me_google_that_t_shirt_ladies-rb0ea64648d9849e7a8a96af1c4b8d992_k2gml_1080.webp?t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription3").innerHTML = "LMGT Custom Womens T-Shirt 👕";
// Buy3 Button
var button3 = document.getElementById('buy3');
button3.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256183172767964126&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
//tshirt mens 2
document.getElementById("image4").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/let_me_google_that_t_shirt_mens-r9de88336760e42f28c595bcd7fc75d24_jyr6t_1080.webp?t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription4").innerHTML = "LMGT Custom Mens T-Shirt 👕";
// Buy4 Button
var button4 = document.getElementById('buy4');
button4.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256981974520567195&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
document.getElementById("image5").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/svc/view?realview=113455208312204948&design=5d0a7133-8b26-4a17-979d-487cd01b4789&rlvnet=1&style=basic_mug&color=white&size=11oz&max_dim=1080&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription5").innerHTML = "LMGT Mug ☕";
// Buy5 Button
var button5 = document.getElementById('buy5');
button5.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256771863209049174&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
//baseball cap
document.getElementById("image6").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/lmgt_baseball_cap-r512f7e75328f415c862eb02c697c05cd_eahw0_8byvr_644.webp?t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription6").innerHTML = "LMGT Baseball Cap 🧢";
document.getElementById("productdescription6").style.display = "none"
document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item")[5].style.display = "none"
// Buy6 Button
var button6 = document.getElementById('buy6');
button6.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256522148642953152&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
document.getElementById("image7").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/let_me_google_that_pen-r79cde3c3df3c4bbb9f2cef7203f37d05_zl120_1080.webp?rlvnet=1&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription7").innerHTML = "LMGT Pen 🖊️";
// Buy7 Button
var button7 = document.getElementById('buy7');
button7.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256565295189724649&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
document.getElementById("image8").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/let_me_google_that_badge-rfff4b92927b848089c58552dfe5bd715_k94r8_1080.webp?rlvnet=1&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription8").innerHTML = "LMGT Badge 🥇";
document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item")[7].style.display = "none"
// Buy8 Button
var button8 = document.getElementById('buy8');
button8.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256586116585295197&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
document.getElementById("image9").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/let_me_google_that_coaster-racec7e83c7a54c1783d29a497f07682a_jul5e_1080.webp?rlvnet=1&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription9").innerHTML = "Coaster ⚪";
// Buy9 Button
var button9 = document.getElementById('buy9');
button9.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256229871848479661&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
document.getElementById("image10").src = "https://rlv.zcache.com/svc/view?realview=113908836188368045&design=df5a2da4-84a1-475a-b9dc-2745432bb258&style=4.25x5.6&media=128ptsemi&envelopes=none&max_dim=1080&zattribution=zazzle&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
document.getElementById("productdescription10").innerHTML = "Postcard 💌";
// Buy10 Button
var button10 = document.getElementById('buy10');
button10.addEventListener('click', function () {
var url = "https://www.zazzle." + useazsitevar + "/api/create/at-238933291438805561?rf=238933291438805561&ax=Linkover&pd=256625038458818834&ed=true&tc=&ic=&t_text1_txt=" + inputMerchString;
window.open(url, '_blank');
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