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JavaScript-Variablen · 4 gefunden

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        <h1>hi 👋, i'm emil</h1>
          i'm currently studying physics in oxford
          i'm generally interested in understanding complex systems with nonlinear dynamics. this has led me into some <a href=";user=eu0xQR8AAAAJ">research</a>.
          recently i've also moved into more applied machine learning, trying to solve some real-world problems through data-driven approaches.
          aside from my academic interests, i am quite keen on reducing global inequality and tribalism, 
          which has led me to do <a href="assets/Emil Ryd CV.pdf">some other things</a>, most recently in sub-saharan africa. 
          i have yet to find a way to combine these two seemingly quite separate interests of mine, although my work in applied ML has been an attempt at it.</p>
          if you want to chat about this or anything else really, feel free to reach out:) i'm generally always on the look for new conversations and impressions, 
          so do consider having a pretty low bar for messaging me.
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