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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Bager</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Brita</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Burch</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Cambu</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Cocopops</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Dermokil</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Diyar</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Dooy</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Dr.Oetker</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Emsan</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Erpiliç</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Eti</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Familia</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Flavel</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Garnier</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Goodwest</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Has Cevher</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Hasata</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Hi Level</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Karali</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kent Boringer</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kiwi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Konet</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lav</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lava</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lc</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lenovo</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lila</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Luminarc</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lux</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Majestik</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Nestle</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Onvo</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Ottimo</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Ozmo</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Pakmaya</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Paşabahçe</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Philips</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Pierre Cardin</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Piranha</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Pınar</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Restorex</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Rooc</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Samba</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Sarelle</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Sarıkız</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Sarıyer</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Seg</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Seven Stick</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Silk & Blue</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Superfresh</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Torku</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Toshiba</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Tukaş</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">U</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Varta</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Viomi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Açık Krem</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Açık Mor</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Açık Yeşil</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Bakır</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Bej</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Bordo</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Gri</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Kahverengi</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Kırmızı</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Lacivert</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Mavi</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Mor</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Pembe</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Beyaz-Yeşil</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Bordo</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Bordo-Gri</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Bordo-Krem</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Bordo-Sarı</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Fuşya</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Fıstık Yeşili</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Gold</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Gri</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Gri-Mavi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Gri-Turkuaz</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Hardal Mavi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Hardal Rengi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kahve</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kahverengi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kahverengi-Mavi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kahverengi-Siyah</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kiremit</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Koyu Gri</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Koyu Kırmızı</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Koyu Mavi</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Koyu Turkuaz</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Koyu Yeşil</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Krem</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Krem-Siyah</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kırmızı</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lacivert</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lacivert-Ekru</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lacivert-Sarı</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Lila</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Mavi</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Mavi-Açık Mavi</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Mor</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Mor-Turkuaz</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Pembe</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Petrol Yeşili</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Pudra</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Sarı</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Siyah</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Siyah-Beyaz</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Siyah-Mavi</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Siyah-Sarı</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Su Yeşili</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Turkuaz</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5 0C2.23858 0 0 2.23858 0 5V15C0 17.7614 2.23858 20 5 20H15C17.7614 20 20 17.7614 20 15V5C20 2.23858 17.7614 0 15 0H5ZM15.145 7.59126C15.4716 7.23503 15.4475 6.68153 15.0913 6.35499C14.735 6.02845 14.1815 6.05251 13.855 6.40874L9 11.7051L6.64501 9.13601C6.31847 8.77979 5.76497 8.75572 5.40874 9.08226C5.05251 9.40881 5.02845 9.9623 5.35499 10.3185L8.24442 13.4706C8.65066 13.9138 9.34934 13.9138 9.75558 13.4706L15.145 7.59126Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Turuncu</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Yeşil</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">6.78 inç</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">32 inç</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">43 inç</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">50 inç</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">65 inç</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">4K Ultra HD</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Ultra HD</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Yok</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">20 mm</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kuru</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Düz Zemin</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">5 Saat</span>
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Kapasite </div>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">6.5 L</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">9 kg</span>
<div class="my-1">
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">95 L</span>
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Yükseklik </div>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">84 cm</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">84.5 cm</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Erkek</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Var</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kulak Üstü</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Kulak İçi</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Var</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">10.5 kg</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Solo</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">58.2 cm</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">59 cm</span>
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Enerji Sınıfı </div>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">A</span>
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Genişlik </div>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">54 cm</span>
<div class="my-1">
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">59.7 cm</span>
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Ses Seviyesi </div>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">37 dBA</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">70 dB</span>
<div class="my-1">
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">78 dBA</span>
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Ekran Çözünürlüğü </div>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">1280 x 720</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">1366 x 768</span>
<div class="my-1">
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">1920 x 1080</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">3840 x 2160</span>
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Ana Kategori </div>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Anne & Bebek & Oyuncak</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Elektronik</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Ev & Yaşam</span>
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<span class="flex self-center ml-2 cursor-pointer text-[13px]">Giyim & Aksesuar</span>
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