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			<h2 class="title-head" style="color: #fff;">Welcome To Bitphix Inc.</h2>
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				<p style="color: #fff;">We provide the most trusted service for crypto investors on the market

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				<h3 class="title-about" style="color: #fff;">Join The team Of Global Investors</h3>
				<p class="about-text" style="color: #fff;">Bitphix Inc. is a highly trusted crypto investment
					comapany, helping millions of individuals and firms across the globe to safely invest and
					earn more with crypto currency. We are a full-featured investment platform for major digital
					assets &amp; cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash etc.
					bit-trade offers leveraged margin trading through a peer-to-peer funding market, allowing
					users to securely trade with up to 3.3x leverage. We belive that everyone should have an
					unmetered access to explore the wonderful world of crypto with all of its benefits.</p>
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						<p style="color: #fff;">To make cryptocurrency investment easy and simple for everyone,
							by empowering individuals, investors, and developers to join the revolution.</p>
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						<p style="color: #fff;">Our Organisation employs the best analyst and professional
							crypto traders who works with modern trends to bring more returns to your investment.</p>
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						<p style="color: #fff;">At Bitphix Inc., we belive that everyone should have an	unmetered access to explore the wonderful world of crypto with all of its benefits. </p>
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								<h3 class="feature-title">Amazing Returns</h3>
								<p>We work with professional Bitcoin analysts with years of experience in
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								<h3 class="feature-title">Your Funds are Insured</h3>
								<p>Your digital assets stored on our servers is covered by world class insurance
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									<p>Profit For  Every Day</p>
										<img src="" width="100px">
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Min: $100</h4>
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Max: $999</h4>
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										<span class="value">20</span>
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									<h4 style="color: #fff">Duration: 2 Day(s)</h4>
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										<img src="" width="100px">
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Min: $1000</h4>
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Max: $4999</h4>
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										<span class="value">35</span>
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										<img src="" width="100px">
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Min: $5000</h4>
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Max: $9999</h4>
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										<span class="value">60</span>
										<span class="currency">%</span>
									<h4 style="color: #fff">Duration: 5 Day(s)</h4>
									<p>Profit For  Every Day</p>
										<img src="" width="100px">
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Min: $10000</h4>
									<h4 style="color: #fff;">Max: $Unlimited</h4>
									<p>										Total   300 %
																					+ <span class="btn btn-success">Capital</span>
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				<h3 class="title-about" style="color: #fff;">WE RE-INVENTED CRYPTO INVESTMENT</h3>
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					At the forefront of financial innovation, we have revolutionized the way you invest in cryptocurrencies. Our cutting-edge platform combines advanced technology with user-friendly features to provide a seamless, secure, and transparent investment experience. By leveraging real-time data analytics and state-of-the-art security protocols, we offer unparalleled opportunities for growth while minimizing risk. Join us as we redefine the future of crypto investment, empowering you to achieve your financial goals with confidence and ease.


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				<p>leading cryptocurrency Investment Company</p>
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				<h4>market cap</h4>
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					<p>Bitcoin enables certain uses that are very unique. I think it offers possibilities that
						no other currency allows. For example the ability to spend a coin that only occurs when
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						<h3>No Hidden fees</h3>
						<p>We are a transparent and vision driven company, we make your Crypto experience the
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						<h3>We are Versatile</h3>
						<p>People love our easy-to-use platform. From major cryptos to many different crypto
							currencies, we make your crypto investment the best one.</p>

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						<h3>Trusted Globally</h3>
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				<h3 class="title-about" style="color: #fff;">WORLD CLASS CRYPTO INVESTMENT</h3>
				<p class="about-text" style="color: #fff; font-size: 20px;">We provide one of the safest
					investment process. We are registered crypto company. We help you to get an incredible high
					return on your investments with Bitcoin, We make money from Our Mining Rig, We use the Money
					that you invested with us to increase our minning power and Rate. All you need is desire to
					get rich. Our professional financial team and financial advisers will always be at your
					service. We will help you to earn in an easy way.</p>



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							<p>Bitphix Inc. is easy to use. Easy to invest, customer care is wonderful and
								process payments incredibly fast..</p>

							<p style="color: #ebb112;">Henry D.</p>

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							<p>Bitphix Inc. is more than just a platform, I willl rate them 10/10. Great
								Awesome support.</p>
							<p style="color: #ebb112;">Mark H.</p>

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							<p>Bitphix Inc. helped me pay for my new apart in DC. Amazing company.</p>
							<p style="color: #ebb112;">Susan T.</p>



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