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JavaScript-Variablen · 9 gefunden

Globale JavaScript-Variablen, die in das Window Object einer Seite geladen werden, sind Variablen, die außerhalb von Funktionen deklariert werden und von jeder Stelle des Codes innerhalb des aktuellen Bereichs zugänglich sind


Konsolenprotokoll-Meldungen · 2 gefunden

In der Web-Konsole protokollierte Meldungen

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					Modeling in Blender (for fun and absolutely no profit)</a>
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					the printer nightmares - HP DeskJet 2752e</a>
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			<li id="article_count">0 directories, 14 files</li>
			<li id="fake_linux_cli">
				<input type="text" id="fake_linux_cli_input" placeholder="$ Write me a message (enter to send!)">
				<button type="submit" hidden=""></button>

		<script type="text/javascript">
			// count the number of li's in the article_list div and put it into the article_count li
			// subtract 3 from the count to account for the tree command, the article count, and the fake Linux CLI li
			document.getElementById("article_count").innerText = "0 directories, " + (document.getElementById("article_list").getElementsByTagName("li").length - 3) + " files";

			// Listen for the enter key to be pressed in the fake Linux CLI input if it has focus
			document.querySelector("#fake_linux_cli input").addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
				if (event.key === "Enter") {
					// If the enter key is pressed, simulate a click on the hidden submit button
					document.querySelector("#fake_linux_cli button").click();

					// Send a sms message with the input value if the device is a phone (use the sms: protocol) (use the user agent to determine the device)
					if (navigator.userAgent.includes("Mobile")) {

						// Google Voice number (obfuscated with my own "encryption" because base64 isn't working as I expected it to)
						let number = "b-c-h-f-e-b-c-c-b-i";

						window.location.href = "sms:" + myOwnDecryptionBecauseBase64IsntWorkingAsIExpectedItTo(number) + "?body=👋 " + document.querySelector("#fake_linux_cli input").value;

					} else {
						// If the device is not a phone, send an email with the input value (use the mailto: protocol)
						// Send an email to the email address (obfuscated with base64)
						email = atob("d2VibWFzdGVyQGx1Y2FzYnVybGluZ2hhbS5tZQo=");
						window.location.href = "mailto:" + email + "?subject=From a vistor &body=" + document.querySelector("#fake_linux_cli input").value;

			function myOwnEncryptionBecauseBase64IsntWorkingAsIExpectedItTo(number) {
				// Get the number and convert it to a string if it isn't already
				number = number.toString();

				// Make sure the number is a valid 10 digit number
				if (number.length !== 10) {
					console.error('The number is not a valid 10 digit number, truncating to 10 digits or padding with 0s!');
					number = number.padStart(10, '0').slice(0, 10);

				// Split the number into an array of characters
				number = number.split('');

				// We know that the number is going to be comprised of the number 0-9, so we can use a simple substitution cipher to encrypt the number
				// Create a dictionary of the numbers 0-9 and their corresponding encrypted values
				let dictionary = {
					"0": "a",
					"1": "b",
					"2": "c",
					"3": "d",
					"4": "e",
					"5": "f",
					"6": "g",
					"7": "h",
					"8": "i",
					"9": "j"

				// Loop through the number array and replace each number with its corresponding encrypted value
				for (let i = 0; i < number.length; i++) {
					number[i] = dictionary[number[i]];

				// reverse the array and join it into a string
				number = number.reverse().join('-');

				return number;

			function myOwnDecryptionBecauseBase64IsntWorkingAsIExpectedItTo(string) {
				// Decrypt the string using the same method as the encryption
				// Split the string into an array of words
				string = string.split('-');

				// Loop through the string array and replace each word with the first letter of the word
				for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
					string[i] = string[i][0];

				// Create a dictionary of the letters a-j and their corresponding decrypted values
				dictionary = {
					"a": "0",
					"b": "1",
					"c": "2",
					"d": "3",
					"e": "4",
					"f": "5",
					"g": "6",
					"h": "7",
					"i": "8",
					"j": "9"

				// Loop through the string array and replace each letter with its corresponding decrypted value
				for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
					string[i] = dictionary[string[i]];

				// Reverse the array and join it into a string
				string = string.reverse().join('');

				return string;


			© 2024 Lucas Burlingham under <a href="/">The Creator's License</a>.
			Hand-jammed using HTML, CSS, JS, and a bit of experience.
			This page has an <a href="" class="feed">Atom feed</a>.
	<img src="/images/SnowGnome.png" alt="Snow Gnome" id="snow_gnome" style="bottom: 0; right: 0; position: fixed; height: 200px;">
	<script type="text/javascript">
		// If a user starts typing on the page without clicking on anything, use the window.find() method to search for the text on the page and go to it

		// Listen for keydown events on the window to stop for at least 10ms

		let timer;
		window.keypresses = [];

		window.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
			// Listen for keypresses and log them in an array


			// get the last 10 keypresses and join them into a string
			let keypressesString = window.keypresses.join('');

			// Set a timer to wait for 1 second before searching for the text
			timer = setTimeout(() => {
				window.keypresses = [];
			}, 1000);

		// Find the next instance of the text on the page
		function doneTyping(value) {
			console.log(`The user is done typing: ${value}`);


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