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      <h1>KENTUNG303: Assertion of Rights and Request for Support to Cloudflare Pages</h1>
      <img src="" alt="KENTUNG303 Logo" width="300px">
      <p>We at KENTUNG303 hereby submit an official request so that our domain services remain activated. Our site operates completely within the bounds of the law and does not engage in phishing, scams, or other illegal activities. All operations and content we offer are legal and comply with applicable regulations.</p>
      <p>We believe that every report that comes in demanding the deactivation of our site is not based on real evidence that can be proven through official reports from the relevant authorities <strong>
          <i>(Cambodian Government)</i>
        </strong> and only aims to disrupt our services and cause financial losses for the KENTUNG303 brand owner. Therefore, we really hope that Cloudflare support will look at it objectively and consider the facts we convey. </p>
      <p>Your support is critical to the continuity of our business and we look forward to continuing to work with Cloudflare to ensure that our operations run smoothly and securely. We greatly appreciate the attention and assistance provided by Cloudflare in maintaining the integrity and security of our site.</p>
      <p>To prove that in Cambodia our site is legal, please read the references I provide here:</p>
            <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Gambling Licensing in Cambodia - Jun 2023</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Gambling Licensing in Cambodia</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Number of Licensed Casinos in Cambodia Now at 87</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Gambling in Cambodia: licenses, casinos and regulations</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Cambodia to cease online gambling licensing</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Cambodia's new law on commercial gaming</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Challenges as online gambling increases in popularity in Cambodia</a>
      <h2>Phishing, Scam And Illegal Activities Reports</h2>
      <p>This site is committed to maintaining the integrity and security of all its users and carrying out operations in accordance with applicable laws. We would like to inform you that:This site is committed to maintaining the integrity and security of all its users and carrying out operations in accordance with applicable laws. We would like to inform you that:</p>
          <td>Do Not Engage in Phishing</td>
          <td>We never, under any circumstances, engage in phishing practices. We do not request or collect our users' personal or financial information via unsecured email or other unauthorized communication methods.</td>
          <td>Scam Free</td>
          <td>This site is not involved in any fraud schemes. We do not offer products or services that do not exist or are described inaccurately. All offers from this site are presented honestly and transparently.</td>
          <td>Do Not Commit Illegal Actions</td>
          <td>We operate in full compliance with applicable laws. This site does not engage in or support any illegal activities. Security and legal compliance are our top priorities.</td>
          <td>Suspicious Activity Report</td>
          <td>If a user observes or receives anything that seems suspicious or unethical related to our site, it is because the opposing party wants to bring down KENTUNG303 for takedown by cloduflare. So please don't take down this site, if you only receive reports in the form of screenshots (not with valid documents from the local government, namely Cambodia)</td>
      <h2>For CloudFlare Team</h2>
      <p>We formally request that Cloudflare continue to keep our site active and operational, disregarding these unfounded reports. It is our belief that these claims are fabricated and are solely intended to harm our business reputation and disrupt our service to customers.</p>
      <p>KENTUNG303 has always adhered to the highest standards of digital security and ethical business practices. We assure you that our operations do not engage in, nor promote, phishing, scamming, or any illegal activities as falsely reported. The nature of these reports is highly questionable and lacks substantial evidence.</p>
      <p>We kindly urge your team to critically evaluate the credibility of such reports against our proven track record and our transparent cooperation with regulatory bodies. Our continued partnership with Cloudflare is vital for us, and we rely heavily on your services to deliver content securely and efficiently across the globe.</p>
      <p>We appreciate your understanding and support in this matter, ensuring that we can continue to provide our services without disruption. Should you require any further information or clarification to facilitate your review, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.</p>
      <footer> Copyright © 2024 - <strong>KENTUNG303</strong><br> Thanks to Cloudflare Pages.</footer>