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        <div id="aboutus" class="col left">
            <h1>We're Event Squared</h1>
            <div class="content">At Event Squared we want to help you get the most from your meetings and events<br>
Our team has years of experience working with many different solutions so that we can offer you the best solution for your specific event and budget<br>
As the technology behind events has become more important than ever, we work with you to get the most from the opportunities that this brings         </div>
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<div id="typesofsupport" class="sc-hKFxyN kksiKu" style="opacity: 1; transform: none;">
<div class="inner">
    <div class="content">Virtual events have proven themselves to be a very viable alternative for many, in a world where more people are seeing the benefits of less long distance travel<br />
<br />
Whether it's streaming content to your existing platform, or full virtual event production that you need, we can assist<br />
<br />
We work with a wide variety of platforms to offer the best solution for each event and cater to a wide variety of budgets    </div>
<span class="divider">
<div class="sc-hKFxyN kksiKu" style="opacity: 1; transform: none;">
<div class="inner">
    <div class="content">Easily convert your traditional meeting into a hybrid virtual meeting with our cost effective solutions<br />
<br />
Integration with existing AV solutions to add a live steaming element<br />
<br />
Provision of high quality cameras and operators to capture and broadcast your live event.<br />
<br />
Engage both real time and virtual audiences with a shared meeting app for polling/Q&amp;A</div>
<span class="divider">

<div class="sc-hKFxyN kksiKu" style="opacity: 1; transform: none;">
<div class="inner">
    <div class="content">If you already have solutions in place or are working with an in-house production team we can still help.<br />
<br />
Many of our clients need to focus on the logistical and organisational aspects of an event, with the increased technical requirements of virtual and hybrid meetings it can be vital to have a technical manager on had to assist.<br />
<br />
We can provide support before during and after your event to ensure smooth running of the production</div>
<span class="divider">

<div class="sc-hKFxyN kksiKu" style="opacity: 1; transform: none;">
<div class="inner">
    <div class="content">If it's just AV production for traditional in room meetings that you need, then we can help here too<br />
<br />
Working alongside our production partners we are able to offer solutions to cater for most events<br />
<br />
If it's AV production, equipment rental, audience interaction, or just onsite technicians that you need, get in touch, and we'll let you know what we can do to help</div>
</section> -->

<div id="aboutus" style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;" class="whatwedo-top">
            <h1>What we do</h1>

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                            <i class="fas"><img class="whoweare-images" src="../wp-content/uploads/2023/08/video-conference.png" alt="down chevron"></i>
                            <h4 class="heading-text">Virtual</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                We support a wide variety of virtual events on a whole host of platforms.<br><br><br><br><br>
                    <!-- End Single Item -->

                    <!-- Single Item -->
                    <div onclick="location.href='../hybrid-meetings';" class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 equal-height">
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                            <i class="fas"><img class="whoweare-images" src="../wp-content/uploads/2023/08/virtual-event.png" alt="down chevron"></i>
                            <h4 class="heading-text">Hybrid</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                As well as giving your in room attendees a great show we also cater for those unable to attend the live event, seamlessly enabling engagement from those online. 
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                            <h4 class="heading-text">Support</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                Our clients trust us to support them on all projects big or small, knowing that they are in a safe pair of hands.<br><br><br><br>
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                            <i class="fas"><img class="whoweare-images" src="../wp-content/uploads/2023/08/videography.png" alt="down chevron"></i>
                            <h4 class="heading-text">Production</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                Production isn't easy, that's why with our network of contacts and equipment we can ensure the best production quality.<br><br><br>
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                            <h4 class="heading-text">Audience Engagement</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                With extensive experience of the latest audience engagement tools, we can help you empower your audience.<br><br><br>
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                            <i class="fas"><img class="whoweare-images" src="../wp-content/uploads/2023/08/cvent_logo.png" alt="down chevron"></i>
                            <h4 class="heading-text">CVENT</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                As experts using the CVENT platform we can maximise ROI from all aspects of your meeting, from registration, on site apps and post event reporting. 
                    <!-- End Single Item -->

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                            <h4 class="heading-text">Video on Demand</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                We have built our own scalable platform capable of hosting your on demand content, whether that be fully whitelabel or embedded into your platform. 
                    <!-- End Single Item -->

                    <!-- Single Item -->
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                            <h4 class="heading-text">Event Platforms</h4>
                            <p class="block-body-text">
                                With a wide variety of event platforms on the market we can help you either with your existing platform or provide our own.<br><br><br>
                    <!-- End Single Item -->
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<div id="demovideo" class="inner">
    <h3>What we do</h3>
    As shown in the video we can add broadcast level production value to your live streams<br />
<br />
Add branded graphics to all elements of your webcast<br />
<br />
Graphical overlays provide additional information and engagement to video content<br />
<br />
A variety of different layouts can be used to keep content engaging and to help the audience focus on what's important</div>

<section class="sc-iCoGMd gCGrCh" style="opacity: 1;">
<h2>The Team</h2>
<div id="employees" class="members">
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                <img src="" alt="James Fawcett" class="profile" onclick="showDivJf()">
                <svg class="information-svg" xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" onclick="showDivJf()">
                    <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
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        <div class="name">
            <h3>James Fawcett</h3>
            <div class="background"></div>
        <div id="jfbiosmall" class="bio" style="display: none;">Bsc Motorsport Technology, Technical Manager - Virtual, Hybrid, Live events and much more. Thoroughly enjoy delivering engaging solutions for our clients. Utilizing the best streaming, polling and audience solutions on the market. Extensive experience with managing registration platforms and virtual event websites in both a hybrid and virtual format.</div>
    <div class="sc-fujyAs hzhAWs" style="opacity: 1; transform: none; top: 0px;">
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            <img src="" alt="Tim Redman" class="profile" onclick="showDivTr()">
            <svg class="information-svg" xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" onclick="showDivTr()">
                <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
                <path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm1 15h-2v-6h2v6zm0-8h-2V7h2v2z"></path>
        <div class="name">
            <h3>Tim Redman</h3>
            <div class="background"></div>
        <div id="trbiosmall" class="bio" style="display: none;">BS Hons. Conference, symposium, AGM and Investigator technical support for clients Crystal and Lumi, including: UK Government Cabinet Office, IQVIA, Oxford PharmaGenesis, Deloitte, Siemens, E.on, Bayer.</div>
    <div class="sc-fujyAs jjwDox" style="opacity: 1; transform: none; top: 0px;">
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                <img src="" alt="James Bayes" class="profile" onclick="showDivJb()">
                <svg class="information-svg" xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" onclick="showDivJb()">
                    <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
                    <path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm1 15h-2v-6h2v6zm0-8h-2V7h2v2z"></path>
        <div class="name">
            <h3>James Bayes</h3>
            <div class="background"></div>
        <div id="jbbiosmall" class="bio" style="display: none;">Passionate about technology, live events, and travel, James is an event producer and technology specialist with a wealth of experience. With a career spanning over 15 years, he has successfully produced and supported hundreds of events worldwide. From in-person gatherings to hybrid and virtual meetings, James is dedicated to delivering seamless and impactful experiences across diverse industries.</div>
    <div class="sc-fujyAs hzhAWs" style="opacity: 1; transform: none; top: 0px;">
    <div class="image-container-outer">
        <div class="image-container-inner">
            <img src="" alt="Mark Halley" class="profile" onclick="showDivMh()">
            <svg class="information-svg" xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" onclick="showDivMh()">
                <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
                <path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm1 15h-2v-6h2v6zm0-8h-2V7h2v2z"></path>
    <div class="name">
        <h3>Mark Halley</h3>
        <div class="background">
    <div id="mhbiosmall" class="bio" style="display: none;">Mark started his career in event production before moving into the world of event technology. With a great all round knowledge of anything event AV, he has supported many investigator meetings, symposia, advisory boards, and multi sponsor masterclasses, working with agencies such as IQVIA, Oxford Pharmagenesis, and Elements Communications.</div>
<div id="jfbio" class="bio" style="display: none;">Bsc Motorsport Technology, Technical Manager - Virtual, Hybrid, Live events and much more. Thoroughly enjoy delivering engaging solutions for our clients. Utilizing the best streaming, polling and audience solutions on the market. Extensive experience with managing registration platforms and virtual event websites in both a hybrid and virtual format.</div>
<div id="trbio" class="bio" style="display: none;">BS Hons. Conference, symposium, AGM and Investigator technical support for clients Crystal and Lumi, including: UK Government Cabinet Office, IQVIA, Oxford PharmaGenesis, Deloitte, Siemens, E.on, Bayer.</div>
<div id="jbbio" class="bio" style="display: none;">Passionate about technology, live events, and travel, James is an event producer and technology specialist with a wealth of experience. With a career spanning over 15 years, he has successfully produced and supported hundreds of events worldwide. From in-person gatherings to hybrid and virtual meetings, James is dedicated to delivering seamless and impactful experiences across diverse industries.</div>
<div id="mhbio" class="bio" style="display: none;">Mark started his career in event production before moving into the world of event technology. With a great all round knowledge of anything event AV, he has supported many investigator meetings, symposia, advisory boards, and multi sponsor masterclasses, working with agencies such as IQVIA, Oxford Pharmagenesis, and Elements Communications.</div>

        <section class="testimonials">
        <div id="whatdoourclientssay" class="whatwedo-top">
            <h1 style="color: #ffffff;">What our clients say</h1>
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                    <div class="testimonial hg-dark corner-square">
                        <p style="margin-bottom: 6rem;">
                        When the pandemic hit we knew that we'd have to quickly switch our educational events to an online platform.   With limited knowledge of virtual events Webcast helped us navigate our way through and, with their support, we haven't looked back!  
Their efficient and responsive approach, both in the lead-up and the event day itself provides a smooth experience for everyone involved which greatly contributes to the success of our events.  We wouldn't run an event without them!
                    <div class="namecontainer">
                        <p class="name">Jackie Ford</p>
                        <p class="position">Short Course Manager<br>British Thoracic Society</p>

                    <div class="testimonial hg-accent corner-square">
                            The delivery was seamless and we loved having you on site. Looking forward to working with you again.
                    <div class="namecontainer">
                        <p class="name">John Smith</p>
                        <p class="position">CEO of Company</p>


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        <div id="whatdoourclientssay" class="whatwedo-top" style="padding: 1em 5em 0em 1em;">
            <h1 style="color: #ffffff; text-align: left;">What our clients say</h1>
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                    <p class="card__description">
                    When the pandemic hit we knew that we'd have to quickly switch our educational events to an online platform. With limited knowledge of virtual events Webcast helped us navigate our way through and, with their support, we haven't looked back!
                    Their efficient and responsive approach, both in the lead-up and the event day itself provides a smooth experience for everyone involved which greatly contributes to the success of our events. We wouldn't run an event without them!
                    <b>Jackie Ford</b><br>
                    British Thoracic Society</p>

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                     <div class="card__data">
                        <img style="height: 80px;" src="../wp-content/uploads/2024/01/eflogo.png">
                        <p class="card__description">
                        I have worked with the Webcast squared team for many years and trust them implicitly to deliver a great onsite service for our clients<br><br>
                        They are incredibly knowledgeable about all elements of event tech and are very personable and professional onsite.<br><br>
                        They are an integral to our value proposition of creating engaging onsite experiences and collecting event data to prove impact and are a great extension to our team of event tech and martech experts.
                        <b>Rob Curtis</b><br>

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                     <div class="card__data">
                        <img style="height: 80px;" src="../wp-content/uploads/2023/08/client_logo_7.png">
                        <p class="card__description">
                        We have worked closely with Webcast2 for over 3 years across a wide range of formats &amp; platforms from fully virtual, to hybrid to in-person and have found them to be professional, responsive, accountable &amp; adaptable to suit the needs &amp; range of our clients. They provide great support and consistently deliver, successfully overcoming the issues or hurdles that inevitably arise with conferences and meetings. They have a great personalised approach with clients and working with them in partnership has enabled us to deliver high quality, innovative, leading-edge events.
                        <b>Christine Lawson</b><br>
                  <article class="card__article swiper-slide" data-swiper-slide-index="2" style="width: 694px; margin-right: 32px;" role="group" aria-label="3 / 7">
                     <div class="card__data">
                     <img style="height: 80px;" src="../wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Production-Man-Logo.png">
                        <p class="card__description">
                        I have worked with Mark and the team for many years and in my experience they are the most accomplished at what they do and the easiest team to work with.  Communication and response times are exceptional, and their solutions focussed approach and depth of knowledge has been invaluable, especially during the pandemic.
                        <b>Carl Holland</b><br>
                        Production Man</p>
                  <article class="card__article swiper-slide" data-swiper-slide-index="3" style="width: 694px; margin-right: 32px;" role="group" aria-label="4 / 7">
                     <div class="card__data">
                        <p class="card__description">
                        I have nothing but positive things to say when working with the team from Webcast Squared. Their communication and delivery are always flawless. The way they have always been on hand with our requests and events and supporting us to enhance our delivery.
                        <b>Johann Nepgen</b><br>
                        Royal Society of Medicine</p>
                  <article class="card__article swiper-slide" data-swiper-slide-index="4" style="width: 694px; margin-right: 32px;" role="group" aria-label="5 / 7">
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                     <img style="height: 80px;" src="../wp-content/uploads/2023/08/client_logo_4.png">
                        <p class="card__description">
                        We have been using Webcast Squared for over a year now, we started a relationship with them for the AV needs of our conferences and they give us great support for virtual webinars but also our on site events all over the country and I can't fault them on this work. We have also used them to support our venture as a medical team into the world of Podcasts, they are something we love to record but simply did not have the time to edit and ensure ready for publication and Tim and the team have been amazing, so professional, fast turn around and just get what we wanted and I would have no qualms about recommending them at all.
                        <b>Dr Michael Wheble</b><br>
                        Society for Acute Medicine</p>

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                     <div class="card__data">
                     <img style="height: 80px;" src="../wp-content/uploads/2023/08/client_logo_9.png">
                        <p class="card__description">
                        Webcast have been great to work with over the last few years. They have always quickly understood our needs and really helped support the various meetings and events we run, bringing ideas and creativity to our events. No job has been too small for them and everyone has always been great to work with.
                        <b>Caroline Turnbull</b><br>
                        Dr Falk Pharma</p>

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                    <img style="height: 80px;" src="../wp-content/uploads/2024/01/bts-new-logo-no-bckg.png">
                    <p class="card__description">
                    When the pandemic hit we knew that we'd have to quickly switch our educational events to an online platform. With limited knowledge of virtual events Webcast helped us navigate our way through and, with their support, we haven't looked back!
                    Their efficient and responsive approach, both in the lead-up and the event day itself provides a smooth experience for everyone involved which greatly contributes to the success of our events. We wouldn't run an event without them!
                    <b>Jackie Ford</b><br>
                    British Thoracic Society</p>

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                     <div class="card__data">
                        <img style="height: 80px;" src="../wp-content/uploads/2024/01/eflogo.png">
                        <p class="card__description">
                        I have worked with the Webcast squared team for many years and trust them implicitly to deliver a great onsite service for our clients<br><br>
                        They are incredibly knowledgeable about all elements of event tech and are very personable and professional onsite.<br><br>
                        They are an integral to our value proposition of creating engaging onsite experiences and collecting event data to prove impact and are a great extension to our team of event tech and martech experts.
                        <b>Rob Curtis</b><br>
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