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LinkText's Arc B580 graphics card is so successful it's hard to find in stock, but AMD still dominates CPU sales Court quashes Big Telecom's attempt to avoid New York State's low-income price regulation 3dfx VoodooX project gets dressed in white for Christmas Lumix ZS99 launches to keep the point-and-shoot alive expected to announce no less than 22 new Core 200 CPUs at CES 2025 cute mod turns the Sony PSP into a PlayStation 2's Snapdragon X Elite 2 could target gaming desktops with liquid-cooled performance the Nvidia App hurting performance? Here's what you need to know cockroach armies can now be mass-produced at a rate of one every 68 seconds Reading »

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                <div class="feed-lists row"><div class="feed-item col-sm-6"><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Intel's Arc B580 graphics card is so successful it's hard to find in stock, but AMD still dominates CPU sales" target="_blank">Intel's Arc B580 graphics card is so successful it's hard to find in stock, but AMD still dominates CPU sales</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Wednesday December 18, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">Intel has had its worst 12 months in years. Beset by problems on all sides, the company hit its lowest point when CEO Pat Gelsinger was ousted by the board at the start of December.Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Intel's Arc B580 graphics card is so successful it's hard to find in stock, but AMD still dominates CPU sales" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Supreme Court quashes Big Telecom's attempt to avoid New York State's low-income price regulation" target="_blank">Supreme Court quashes Big Telecom's attempt to avoid New York State's low-income price regulation</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">On Monday, the US Supreme Court shot down internet service providers' challenge to New York's Affordable Broadband Act (ABA). The contentious law requires ISPs to provide service plans for low-income households. It regulates the monthly rates at $15 for 25Mbps and $20 for 200Mbps for those who qualify.Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Supreme Court quashes Big Telecom's attempt to avoid New York State's low-income price regulation" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="The 3dfx VoodooX project gets dressed in white for Christmas" target="_blank">The 3dfx VoodooX project gets dressed in white for Christmas</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">Oscar Barea has been working on the VoodooX card for a few years now. The 3dfx hardware enthusiast aims to design, develop, and build a fully functional Voodoo video card based on the VSA-100 chip – the final 3D accelerator developed by 3dfx before the company was acquired by Nvidia....Read Entire Article <a href="" title="The 3dfx VoodooX project gets dressed in white for Christmas" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Panasonic Lumix ZS99 launches to keep the point-and-shoot alive" target="_blank">Panasonic Lumix ZS99 launches to keep the point-and-shoot alive</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">The Panasonic Lumix ZS99, a successor to the ZS80 series, shares many of the same traits as its predecessor. The pocket sized shooter features the same 20.3-megapixel sensor, 3-inch rear tilting touchscreen display, focus system, and five-axis hybrid optical image stabilization as before, but does get a couple of key...Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Panasonic Lumix ZS99 launches to keep the point-and-shoot alive" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Intel expected to announce no less than 22 new Core 200 CPUs at CES 2025" target="_blank">Intel expected to announce no less than 22 new Core 200 CPUs at CES 2025</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">The latest information was shared on X by reputable tipster momomo_us, who also posted the retail ordering codes for the upcoming processors, suggesting they are ready to be dispatched to PC manufacturers. While the leak doesn't include full specifications for any of the CPUs, some details were revealed in earlier...Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Intel expected to announce no less than 22 new Core 200 CPUs at CES 2025" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div></div><div class="feed-item col-sm-6"><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="This cute mod turns the Sony PSP into a PlayStation 2" target="_blank">This cute mod turns the Sony PSP into a PlayStation 2</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">The PS Placeable is the brainchild of Retro Mod Works. Essentially, they've taken the guts from a PSP-2000 or PSP-3000 model and transplanted them into a miniature recreation of the classic PlayStation 2 design. Images on the site also show the shell in several colors, including red, blue, white, and silver.Read Entire Article <a href="" title="This cute mod turns the Sony PSP into a PlayStation 2" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite 2 could target gaming desktops with liquid-cooled performance" target="_blank">Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite 2 could target gaming desktops with liquid-cooled performance</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">Established leaker Roland Quandt believes the previously leaked follow-up to Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite series of CPUs is intended for desktops. Numerous laptops featuring the chips launched earlier this year running an Arm-based version of Windows, and the company aims to expand into other form factors.Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite 2 could target gaming desktops with liquid-cooled performance" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Is the Nvidia App hurting performance? Here's what you need to know" target="_blank">Is the Nvidia App hurting performance? Here's what you need to know</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">Now, it would obviously be bad news if the Nvidia App was causing a performance hit on gaming PCs because Nvidia is transitioning its software stack over to the app. However, there are multiple components that make up the Nvidia App. The base application itself includes various settings and the...Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Is the Nvidia App hurting performance? Here's what you need to know" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Cyborg cockroach armies can now be mass-produced at a rate of one every 68 seconds" target="_blank">Cyborg cockroach armies can now be mass-produced at a rate of one every 68 seconds</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">A team of researchers in Singapore's Nanyang Technological University has unveiled a novel manufacturing process that can mass-produce cyborg insects by automatically implanting electronic backpacks onto live bugs. The system is so efficient that it can crank out a cyborg cockroach once every 68 seconds. That's a huge step up...Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Cyborg cockroach armies can now be mass-produced at a rate of one every 68 seconds" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div><div class="feed-item news-list"><div class="feed-title"><strong><a href="" title="Baldur's Gate 3 publisher warns of industry " division"="" as="" naughty="" dog's="" new="" game="" trailer="" faces="" backlash"="" target="_blank">Baldur's Gate 3 publisher warns of industry "division" as Naughty Dog's new game trailer faces backlash</a></strong></div><small class="feed-date"><em>Posted on Tuesday December 17, 2024</em></small><div class="feed-description">Douse wrote about the state of the video game industry in a post on X. "2025 (and beyond) is going to be an extremely tough time to ship a game, with division spilling into everything. I have one practical piece of advice that may to some seem controversial, but it's...Read Entire Article <a href="" title="Baldur's Gate 3 publisher warns of industry " division"="" as="" naughty="" dog's="" new="" game="" trailer="" faces="" backlash"="" target="_blank">Continue Reading »</a></div></div></div></div>
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