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What is Make It Private?
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A service that lets you encrypt your messages so they stay private as you send them over
email, text, WhatsApp or any other messaging service.
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How does it work?
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Encrypt your message with a secret keyword you pick. Make It Private encrypts your
message so it is not readable when you send it.
Share the secret keyword separately with
your recipient. Only they can decrypt and read the message that you've sent by entering
in the secret keyword.
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How does the recipient get the secret key needed to decrypt the message?
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Send your secret key to your intended recipient(s) using a separate channel such as
email, text or a phone call (this is called "out of band" communication). Don't mention
what the code is used for in this communication
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Can I use this service without an internet connection?
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Yes. Just visit the Make It Private website from your phone or laptop, and the program
is saved into your browser. You can then use it to encrypt messages without an internet
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Do I need to register? Install any software?
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Do we save any information?
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<li>Depending on the encryption algorithm used, you may need to use a specific
<li>Enter the encrypted value: Input the encrypted text or value you want to
<li>Provide the decryption key: If the encryption method requires a key or password,
enter it to initiate the decryption process.
<li>Run the decryption process: Click the decrypt button or run the decryption
command to start the process.
<li>Retrieve the decrypted value: Once the decryption is complete, you'll receive
the original, unencrypted text.
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Do we save any information?
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No. You can use Make It Private from any web browser. We recommend using a VPN so that
your location is also hidden.
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How much does it cost?
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Make It Private is free for personal use. We appreciate donations to support the
service, but they are not required.
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