Autonomous Systems
Copy linkTop five ASes by DNS query volume
List of the top five Autonomous Systems for a given location, based on APNIC estimated populationView in Data ExplorerDNS query volume for .ir domains
Copy linkDNS transport protocol
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Copy linkDNS response code
Copy linkDNS record adoption
Copy linkPercentage of non-empty answers out of all NOERROR responses for each select query type
Learn more...View in Data ExplorerDNS cache hit ratio
Copy linkDNS minimum TTL
Copy linkDistribution of minimum TTL in non-empty DNS responses from (cache misses only)
Learn more...View in Data ExplorerDNS Security (DNSSEC)
Copy linkDNSSEC adds a signing layer to DNS, protecting responses from tampering
DNSSEC client awareness
Copy linkEnd-to-end security
Copy linkShare of queries where domain is DNSSEC-enabled and client used encryption or was DNSSEC-aware
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