If you are using Cloudflare Radar, Gateway, or for Families and see a domain that you believe is miscategorized, you can use this list to propose new categories.
We review these submissions to improve Cloudflare's categorization.
Sites that are providing ads for websites.
Adult Themes
Sites that are related to pornography, nudity, sexuality, and other adult themes.
Blocked by Default
Sites that should be blocked by default, and whose sub-categories should not be displayed.
Business & Economy
Sites that are related to business, economy, finance, education, science and technology.
Sites related to educational content that are not included in other categories like Science, Technology or Educational institutions.
Sites related to entertainment that are not included in other categories like Comic books, Audio streaming, Video streaming etc.
Sites that facilitate online gambling.
Government & Politics
Sites related to government and politics.
Sites containing information about health and fitness.
Internet Communication
Sites that are used for communication like chat, mail etc.
Job Search & Careers
Sites that facilitate searching for jobs and careers.
Military & Weapons
Sites related to militaries or weapons.
Sites that are not included in the listed security and content categories.
Questionable Content
Sites related to hacking, piracy, profanity and other questionable activities.
Real Estate
Sites related to real estate.
Sites related to religion, alternative religion, religious teachings, religious groups and spirituality.
Safe for Kids
Sites that are safe for kids to visit.
Shopping & Auctions
Sites related to ecommerce, coupons, shopping, auctions and marketplaces.
Society & Lifestyle
Sites related to lifestyle that are not included in other categories like fashion, food & drink etc.
Sites related to sports & recreation.
Sites related to technology that are not included in the science category.
Sites that contain information about listings, reservations, services for travel.
Sites related to vehicles, automobiles, including news, reviews, and other hobbyist information.
Sites displaying or promoting violent content.
Sites related to weather.
Security Risks
Sites that are not confirmed to be malicious but have a higher likelihood of containing security threats.
Security Threats
Sites that contain security threats like malware, phishing, cryptomining and other security threats.