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<h2>Welcome to Cascade View Estates</h2>

<h4>In Redmond, Oregon, since 1994</h4>
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<p>Cascade View Estates (CVE) is a premier neighborhood with amazing views and fantastic homeowners. ​​​​The CVE Homeowners Association is committed to maintaining the property values of our 286 homes. With one of the lowest HOA fees in Central Oregon,</p>

<p>It is great to be a resident of Cascade View Estates!</p>

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<div>Explore the site and find:​</div>


	<li>CVE Polices</li>
	<li>Helpful website links</li>
	<li>Contact us</li>
	<li>New happenings in the neighborhood</li>
	<li>Why it is great to be a CVE homeowner</li>
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<h2>Sign ​Reminder</h2>

<p>No sign of any kind, including political signs, shall be displayed in public view except "For Sale" signs. See CC&amp;R section 4.8 for details. Thank you for your compliance.</p>


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<h2>Volunteers Needed</h2>

<p>Consider volunteering for the CVE HOA Board. If you are interested&nbsp;in becoming a member and helping your&nbsp;neighborhood, email​​​​&nbsp;​​​​​​<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>


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<h2>Project Approval</h2>

<p>Making home improvements like new paint, landscaping or roof? Use the <a href="">ARC Project Approval Form </a>for quick and easy submission.</p>
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<h3>Annual Homeowners Meeting</h3>

<p>The 2024 annual Homeowners Meeting of the HOA will be Saturday, May 18, at 9:30 a.m. The location this year will be the Redmond Chamber of Commerce conference room, 446 SW 7th Street (across the street from Centennial Park).&nbsp;</p>

<p>If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>

<h3>Fence Improvement</h3>

<p>In 2020, t​he CVE HOA completed the first phase of a much needed fence improvement project. The 28 year old fence that runs the length of the CVE common area on Reservoir Drive has failed in multiple sections In May 2020, 30 consecutive sections of the&nbsp;fence were removed, replaced and stained on both sides beginning at the western entrance to the CVE community nearest to Cascade Vista Drive.​​​​​&nbsp;</p>

<p>We paused the construction since then, owing to increased material costs during the pandemic, but hope to resume this in 2024. We have made progress on care and maintenance of the landscaping around the entry and all the trees in the common area along Reservoir Drive.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Questions?&nbsp;Email us at&nbsp;<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>




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