- ID de exploración:
- 8b2add0c-83d0-47db-ab74-995734acc40aFinalizado
- URL enviada:
- https://fontawesome.com/
- Informe finalizado:
Enlaces: 26 encontrados
Los enlaces salientes identificados en la página
Enlace | Texto |
https://podcastawesome.com | Podcast |
https://player.vimeo.com/video/790550299?h=73f487b808&texttrack=en | |
https://www.thebeatles.com | The Beatles |
https://www.washingtonpost.com | Washington Post |
https://aws.amazon.com | Amazon Web Services |
https://www.fitbit.com | Fitbit |
https://www.irs.gov | IRS |
https://www.figma.com/community/file/994237671938398148 | Figma Component |
https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome | Font Awesome is one of the top open source projects on GitHub. |
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bentonville, AR | Bentonville |
Variables JavaScript: 47 encontradas
Las variables JavaScript globales cargadas en el objeto de ventana de una página son variables declaradas fuera de las funciones y a las que se puede acceder desde cualquier lugar del código en el ámbito actual
Nombre | Tipo |
0 | object |
1 | object |
2 | object |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
gtag | function |
isGoogleAnalyticsAllowed | function |
dataLayer | object |
ga-disable-G-ECK3CL9F1J | boolean |
Mensajes de registro de la consola: 0 encontrados
Mensajes registrados en la consola web
El cuerpo HTML sin procesar de la página
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The Web's Default Icon Set, Used on Over 200 Million Sites
</h1> <div class="display-flex align-middle align-center align-around flex-wrap size-lg laptop:size-xl"><div class="margin-top-xl"><a href="https://www.thebeatles.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="padding-x-sm" style="--link-color: var(--white); --link-hover-color: var(--fa-blue);"><svg aria-labelledby="svg-inline--fa-title-vXQus2F9NUqz" data-prefix="fac" data-icon="the-beatles" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1003.717 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-the-beatles fa-xl"><title id="svg-inline--fa-title-vXQus2F9NUqz" class="">The Beatles</title><path fill="currentColor" d="M210.38,202.66c0.16-10.72-2.78-24.35-9.64-30.44c15.54,0,118.44,0.06,118.29,0.06l-6.17,45.77 c-6.17-6.64-13.51-15.44-22.72-15.44c-9.48,0.02-29.18,0-29.28,0v74.78c0.1,0.15,15.12,0.15,23.11,0 c8.05,0.15,16.05-1.69,23.88-9.65v50.86c-6.49-5.42-14.5-10.37-22.34-10.37l-24.65-0.02v95.17c6.12,1.92,44.57-0.26,58.56-20.8 l-8.09,51.23H199.98c9.48-7.98,10.55-20.61,10.4-30.02V202.66z M736.29,202.66c-0.2-10.72-3.13-24.35-9.64-30.44 c15.19,0,118.12,0.06,118.26,0.06l-6.52,45.77c-6.11-6.64-13.47-15.44-22.71-15.44c-9.44,0.02-29.15,0-29.27,0v74.78 c0.12,0.15,15.16,0.15,23.11,0c8.09,0.15,16.09-1.69,24.26-9.65v50.86c-6.85-5.42-14.87-10.37-22.71-10.37l-24.65-0.02v95.17 c6.14,1.92,44.6-0.26,58.55-20.8l-8.09,51.23H725.5c9.54-7.98,10.62-20.61,10.78-30.02V202.66H736.29z M546.33,11.94 c0.1-4.14-1.3-9.43-4.62-11.94c7.46,0.16,56.49,0.16,56.63,0l-3.07,18.12c-3.03-2.79-6.52-6.13-10.79-6.13 c-4.65-0.04-14.03,0-13.86,0v28.86c-0.17,0.09,7,0.09,10.78,0c3.86,0.09,7.66-0.33,11.57-3.47v22.35 c-3.25-2.24-7.07-4.76-10.78-4.63h-11.56v35.44c2.7,0.78,21.03-0.07,27.73-8.09l-3.86,20.04h-53.19c4.59-3.09,5.11-8.3,5.01-11.94 L546.33,11.94L546.33,11.94z M617.61,202.66c0.17-10.72-2.79-24.35-9.64-30.44h69.73c-6.64,6.07-9.23,19.72-9.23,30.44v199.96 c6,2.12,44.43-0.09,58.57-20.8l-9.65,51.98H607.2c6.56-3.98,10.58-17.37,10.41-31.19L617.61,202.66L617.61,202.66z M599.13,172.21 l8.46,52.4c-4.79-9.18-21.01-22-29.66-22l-14.65,0.02c-3.49,0-4.92,6.22-4.92,12.32c-0.09,10.59,2.13,243.56,2.99,258.13 c0.54,14.82,8.38,32.83,14.27,38.91h-90.54c5.87-6.08,13.7-24.13,14.26-38.91c0.86-14.57,3.02-247.54,3.02-258.13 c0.08-6.1-1.43-12.36-4.93-12.36l-14.65,0.02c-8.63,0-24.77,12.12-29.66,21.96l8.48-52.4h137.53V172.21z M413.41,16.95 c0-2.33-0.68-4.77-2.32-4.63h-8.09c-4.06-0.15-9.7,4.62-11.94,8.49L393,0h65.48l1.93,20.81c-2.19-3.62-7.89-8.63-11.94-8.49h-8.48 c-1.77-0.15-2.44,2.3-2.32,4.63v73.59c-0.15,5.16,1.36,9.65,4.23,11.94h-32.73c2.13-1.81,4.19-6.16,4.19-11.94L413.41,16.95z M501.27,102.49h34.27c-3.08-1.53-5-6.57-5-11.94v-78.6c0-4.14,1.3-9.41,4.63-11.94h-33.14c3.04,2.52,4.36,7.8,4.24,11.94v28.91 H492.4V11.94c-0.18-4.14,1.14-9.43,4.23-11.94h-33.14c3.26,2.52,4.57,7.8,4.57,11.94l0.05,78.6c0,5.37-1.95,10.42-5.01,11.94h33.9 c-2.88-1.53-4.78-6.57-4.63-11.94V55.08h13.87v35.46C506.39,95.92,504.49,100.95,501.27,102.49z M113.3,9.25 c45.2-0.19,76.99,22.14,76.99,99.39c0.05,45.02-13.67,80.74-41.55,95.56c26.61,14.21,52.18,47.79,52.01,104.41 c0.18,97.21-40.27,125.24-91.7,125.24L0.01,433.8c12.73-14.01,17.68-26.04,17.68-43.55l0.04-339.42c0-17.23-5-28.08-17.73-41.97 L113.3,9.25z M75.52,174.52c0,9.52,8.36,12.18,22.35,12.32c31.6-0.14,35.32-34.19,35.44-78.98c-0.12-57.84-14.94-70.59-36.22-70.51 C84.49,37.27,75.54,44.25,75.54,52C75.52,60.82,75.54,165.36,75.52,174.52L75.52,174.52L75.52,174.52z M104.8,399.92 c31.88,0,35.8-32.3,35.8-91.7c0.02-53.16-14.64-80.76-39.25-80.91c-10.57,0.15-25.8,2.14-25.8,10.02c-0.01,8.16,0,131.71,0,141.78 c-0.01,11.29,11.73,20.83,29.26,20.83L104.8,399.92L104.8,399.92z M367.18,172.21c9.41,12.19,10.75,19.84,8.1,30.44l-44.69,201.13 c-1.97,8.75-6.62,22.72-14.64,30.01h60.86c-9.24-7.01-11.58-18-9.24-30.01l6.95-30.05h48.93l6.94,28.91 c1.84,7.46,0.05,25.89-8.1,31.2h69.35c-6.17-5.31-14.2-18.02-17.73-30.45l-43.15-200.34c-2.63-10.64-1.28-18.63,8.09-30.84 L367.18,172.21L367.18,172.21z M417.66,344.83h-36.6l18.87-82.07L417.66,344.83z M991.77,177.46l-20.81,44.7 c-6.77-17.68-22.21-25.22-44.55-23.94c-14.8,0.85-32.84,13.71-32.64,34.98c0.54,18.81,10.22,27.72,57.12,52.15 c43.06,22.55,52.82,48.08,52.82,74.32c0,45.67-30.69,79.25-85.55,79.43c-42.07-0.17-66.68-23.21-66.68-51.26 c0.03-22.06,12.53-38.9,33.59-43.92c-7.61,8.78-8.75,19.63-8.88,24.68c0.12,13.96,7.95,37.74,41.99,37.74 c19.54,0,35.06-12.88,35.06-36.97c-0.15-31.89-24.36-41.84-46.61-53.16c-14.6-7.36-55.45-29.07-55.45-79.35 c-0.05-38.24,35.21-67.99,72.38-68.2C958.04,168.43,949.25,183.99,991.77,177.46z" class=""></path></svg></a></div><div class="margin-top-xl"><a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="padding-x-sm" style="--link-color: var(--white); --link-hover-color: var(--fa-blue);"><svg aria-labelledby="svg-inline--fa-title-Thq9Lyp1kS4T" data-prefix="fac" data-icon="washington-post" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 3341.428 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-washington-post fa-lg"><title id="svg-inline--fa-title-Thq9Lyp1kS4T" class="">Washington Post</title><path fill="currentColor" d="M186.008,157.625v181.111c24.47-13.215,41.605-36.224,49.923-62.169l1.96,0.984 c-5.389,64.614-49.439,129.221-117.966,129.221C50.907,406.772,0,355.38,0,273.139c0-61.67,40.137-100.346,91.536-135.101 c-7.342-1.96-15.175-2.937-23.009-2.937c-35.247,0-55.804,23.985-55.804,48.462H9.786c-0.492-3.429-0.492-6.85-0.492-10.278 c0-43.565,23.009-96.433,78.813-96.433c35.732,0,63.146,32.795,104.751,32.795c16.644,0,37.2-7.834,45.518-25.945h1.468 C239.36,115.528,229.574,148.323,186.008,157.625z M212.438,343.142c-24.477,25.938-50.907,47.97-85.171,47.97 c-63.63,0-112.577-49.931-112.577-122.378c0-42.582,17.62-65.583,37.2-92.512h-1.96C37.692,188.46,5.389,219.295,5.389,271.671 c0,80.281,50.415,129.72,116.497,129.72c46.01,0,77.337-31.811,91.536-57.757L212.438,343.142z M232.011,105.742 c-8.318,15.66-25.938,35.725-61.67,35.725s-68.527-24.477-97.409-24.477c-26.437,0-44.542,17.627-51.399,30.842l0.492,0.984 c9.302-9.302,23.493-18.604,46.502-18.604c38.177,0,62.654,23.501,101.322,23.501c41.121,0,59.717-26.929,63.146-47.479 L232.011,105.742z M95.934,139.513c-24.962,25.945-47.97,54.336-47.97,109.648c0,30.343,10.278,61.67,33.287,81.25l14.191-7.349 V191.889l-13.215,6.85l-2.445-4.897l68.527-37.207C129.712,152.728,113.069,144.41,95.934,139.513z M180.62,158.602 c-3.429,0.485-6.85,0.485-10.77,0.485c-6.85,0-13.215-0.485-19.58-1.96v142.927l-64.122,34.77 c13.215,9.786,29.367,15.66,49.923,15.66c16.644,0,31.327-3.429,44.542-9.302v-182.58H180.62z M110.132,183.571l-9.302,5.381V320.14 l9.302-4.897V183.571z M391.589,202.167v169.365c0,46.987-41.605,78.813-88.107,88.107l-0.976-1.96 c23.009-11.262,36.224-34.264,36.224-58.741V223.7l-26.43-23.978l-10.278,11.255v136.57l14.683,13.215v0.984l-39.645,43.074 l-45.518-41.605v-1.96l17.62-18.604V126.298l51.884-55.305l0.976,0.485v131.181l42.589-46.01l44.542,40.144l8.318-8.817l3.92,3.436 L391.589,202.167z M254.535,362.23v-0.976l10.278-10.286V117.973l-10.278,10.777v217.328l-15.667,15.667v0.976l38.177,34.264 l6.85-7.834L254.535,362.23z M354.389,215.867L322.57,188.46l-6.85,7.342l28.39,25.461v176.215c0,11.747-2.445,23.978-6.85,30.835 l0.492,0.492c12.239-8.817,16.644-22.032,16.644-39.16V215.867H354.389z M469.418,300.553v24.962l47.479,37.2l27.414-29.367 l3.92,3.913l-63.63,68.035l-64.614-51.884l-9.786,10.278l-3.92-3.913l11.262-11.747V224.192l92.512-67.551l48.462,78.321 L469.418,300.553z M433.195,343.633V219.295l-10.278,7.349V348.53l60.701,49.439l7.834-8.318L433.195,343.633z M470.402,192.865 l-0.984,0.492v100.346l43.565-31.819L470.402,192.865z M483.125,183.079l-8.81,6.358l43.081,69.019l8.81-6.365L483.125,183.079z M877.579,404.812l-68.042-58.741l-51.883,58.741l-70.487-60.701v-95.934h-13.707c-12.239,0-18.596,7.834-21.54,17.128h-1.468 c-0.976-3.913-2.445-10.763-2.445-18.596c0-12.73,3.429-46.01,39.16-46.01v-84.194c0-16.152-19.088-22.517-19.088-44.057 c0-27.891,26.43-55.305,74.892-72.447l1.96,1.468c-17.62,10.286-26.922,20.072-26.922,41.121c0,32.311,31.327,23.985,31.327,74.892 v19.58l57.272-60.209l60.209,59.225l56.78-59.225l54.82,53.844v181.111L877.579,404.812z M702.833,336.285V233.009h-27.414 c-14.199,0-20.557,9.295-21.54,17.62l0.485,0.492c4.897-5.381,9.794-8.318,21.049-8.318h17.128v98.877l64.614,55.804l7.342-8.817 L702.833,336.285z M702.833,111.608c0-20.065-17.62-26.922-17.62-39.645c0-17.627,6.85-32.303,17.62-46.01l-0.977-0.485 c-14.683,11.262-28.39,29.374-28.39,46.987c0,17.627,19.088,25.945,19.088,41.612v86.639h10.278 C702.833,200.706,702.833,111.608,702.833,111.608z M806.115,160.562l-37.2-36.224l-19.58,20.065v173.278l44.542,37.692 l12.239-13.707V160.562z M821.775,335.308V153.712l-41.605-41.121l-7.834,7.834l39.16,37.685v182.58l66.082,57.272l7.833-7.349 L821.775,335.308z M916.739,154.197l-30.835-29.374l-17.62,18.112v174.262l47.97,42.09l0.485-0.485V154.197z M932.399,147.347 l-35.732-34.755l-7.342,7.834l32.795,31.327v204.605l10.278-9.794V147.347z M1140.389,404.812l-46.502-42.097l-41.605,42.097 l-50.907-45.034l-6.857,7.342l-3.913-3.913l8.81-9.302V222.731l92.028-66.574l52.867,41.121l9.302-9.794l3.92,3.92l-10.77,11.255 v135.593l25.938,23.978l8.325-8.81l3.913,3.429L1140.389,404.812z M1015.082,350.483V218.319l-10.278,7.342v129.72l46.994,42.097 l7.833-7.834L1015.082,350.483z M1093.887,221.747l-40.137-31.327l-1.468,0.984V333.84l33.287,28.875l8.318-8.318V221.747z M1109.554,354.888V214.406l-41.605-33.779l-9.786,6.85l41.113,32.311v139.991l41.121,37.2l7.342-7.834L1109.554,354.888z M1282.832,245.241h50.415v104.751l-77.829,54.82c-10.278-11.747-24.969-20.065-43.073-20.065c-14.683,0-26.437,4.897-42.097,18.112 l-2.445-0.984l66.574-96.917h-41.12v-91.044l81.749-56.78c9.786,7.834,17.128,12.231,29.859,12.231 c9.794,0,23.985-1.96,34.755-10.763l1.96,0.976L1282.832,245.241z M1228.012,370.548c-14.199,0-25.453,4.897-35.247,11.747v0.984 c7.833-3.429,15.667-4.405,23.009-4.405c11.255,0,28.882,5.389,40.629,19.096l11.262-8.318 C1258.355,378.874,1247.1,370.548,1228.012,370.548z M1280.38,288.314h-27.414l-57.272,82.733l0.492,0.976 c14.192-10.278,27.898-17.128,44.542-17.128c14.683,0,29.859,6.85,39.16,18.596l0.492-0.485V288.314z M1208.916,288.314v-78.798 l-10.278,7.342v82.234h39.645l7.833-10.77h-37.2V288.314z M1311.222,192.373c-10.278,7.349-16.152,11.262-33.287,11.262 c-9.794,0-21.54-4.405-30.835-14.199l-0.976,0.492v71.464h18.596l46.994-68.534L1311.222,192.373z M1287.729,187.968 c-8.81,0-20.065-4.398-27.414-14.191l-12.239,8.318c9.302,11.262,18.112,16.152,31.811,16.152c8.81,0,21.54-2.452,34.755-13.714 l0.485-1.461C1306.817,186.507,1296.539,187.968,1287.729,187.968z M1296.047,272.17h-31.819l-7.342,10.278h28.882v94.957 l10.278-7.342V272.17z M1502.12,202.167v169.365c0,46.987-41.605,78.813-88.107,88.107l-0.976-1.96 c23.009-11.262,36.224-34.264,36.224-58.741V223.7l-26.43-23.978l-10.278,11.255v136.57l14.683,13.215v0.984l-39.645,43.074 l-45.518-41.605v-1.96l17.62-18.604V126.298l51.884-55.305l0.976,0.485v131.181l42.589-46.01l44.542,40.144l8.318-8.817l3.92,3.436 L1502.12,202.167z M1365.066,362.23v-0.976l10.278-10.286V117.973l-10.278,10.77v217.328l-15.667,15.667v0.976l38.177,34.264 l6.85-7.834L1365.066,362.23z M1464.92,215.867l-31.819-27.406l-6.85,7.342l28.39,25.461v176.215c0,11.747-2.445,23.978-6.85,30.835 l0.492,0.492c12.239-8.817,16.643-22.032,16.643-39.16V215.867H1464.92z M1591.211,404.812l-42.097-38.669l-9.794,10.278l-3.92-3.92 l11.262-12.231V218.811l-20.557-19.58l-7.833,8.817l-3.921-3.92l44.05-47.97l39.16,35.247l9.794-10.77l4.405,3.429l-12.239,13.215 v142.935l23.5,22.025l10.77-11.262l3.913,3.92L1591.211,404.812z M1562.329,356.849V210.977l-25.453-23.493l-6.85,7.834 l22.025,21.049v145.38l39.16,35.24l7.342-7.834L1562.329,356.849z M1577.012,152.244l-40.137-36.708l36.716-39.16l40.137,36.708 L1577.012,152.244z M1552.05,107.695l-7.342,7.342l31.812,29.859l7.342-8.318L1552.05,107.695z M1798.188,404.812l-42.589-38.669 V223.216l-25.945-23.493l-13.707,14.683v132.157l15.175,14.191v1.96l-40.137,42.097l-45.526-41.605v-1.468l17.627-18.596V219.787 l-23.009-21.049l-9.302,10.278l-3.913-3.913l44.542-48.462l44.542,39.652v9.786l46.502-49.439l43.558,39.16l9.794-10.278 l4.405,3.913l-11.747,12.239v139.991l22.025,20.557l10.77-11.747l3.913,3.913L1798.188,404.812z M1668.96,362.23v-0.976 c0,0.976,9.794-9.794,9.794-9.794V212.438l-27.906-25.454l-6.857,7.342l24.477,22.517v129.221l-15.175,15.667v0.976l37.692,34.264 l7.826-8.318L1668.96,362.23z M1771.259,358.317V214.898l-30.343-27.414l-7.833,8.318l27.898,24.962v142.443l36.708,34.264 l7.833-8.325L1771.259,358.317z M1936.219,492.919c-16.144-17.62-27.406-24.962-42.582-24.962c-16.152,0-34.755,6.365-53.844,16.644 l-1.468-1.461l67.55-78.321l-47.97-38.177l-9.302,9.794l-3.913-3.429l10.763-11.747v-138.53l93.004-66.574l51.884,41.121 l8.817-9.794l3.913,3.92l-10.278,11.255v167.412c0,25.454,14.192,24.477,14.192,43.558 C2016.984,435.654,1985.166,456.211,1936.219,492.919z M1871.12,357.333V218.811l-10.278,7.349v135.586l48.455,39.16l7.349-8.817 L1871.12,357.333z M1905.384,455.234c-16.152,0-30.842,4.897-44.542,14.191v0.984c8.81-3.429,18.597-7.834,35.24-7.834 c15.175,0,27.898,8.318,40.629,23.009l9.794-7.834C1934.258,463.559,1919.575,455.234,1905.384,455.234z M1965.101,408.24 c-12.231-7.834-15.175-16.152-15.175-37.2v-8.817l-81.258,93.981l0.492,0.485c15.66-9.295,29.859-16.144,52.867-16.144 c19.58,0,32.795,7.826,47.97,20.557c9.302-7.834,15.66-15.66,15.66-27.898C1985.657,423.415,1977.332,416.074,1965.101,408.24z M1949.926,221.747l-40.629-31.811l-0.984,0.976v150.269l31.334,24.477l10.278-11.747V221.747z M1979.784,401.39 c-12.73-9.794-14.199-18.112-14.199-39.16V213.429l-41.121-33.287l-9.295,6.365l40.137,31.811V369.08 c0,21.049,0.984,26.929,14.199,35.732c11.747,7.834,21.041,16.152,21.041,27.414c0,2.929-0.484,7.826-0.484,7.826l0.484,0.492 c2.452-2.452,5.389-6.365,5.389-12.73C1995.943,417.05,1990.554,409.708,1979.784,401.39z M2097.265,404.812l-45.034-35.24 l-9.302,10.278l-3.913-3.92l10.763-11.747V192.865h-28.39l-0.984-0.976l17.135-25.461h12.231V133.64l51.891-55.312l0.977,0.984 v87.124h39.16l0.984,0.984l-17.135,25.454h-23.009v148.316l26.929,20.564l10.278-11.262l3.913,3.913L2097.265,404.812z M2065.447,125.315l-10.278,11.262v29.859h10.278V125.315z M2065.447,359.293V192.865h-10.278v172.301l41.605,32.311l7.342-7.834 L2065.447,359.293z M2303.823,207.064v137.054l-82.726,61.185l-62.169-46.987l-7.342,8.318l-3.913-3.92l8.81-9.786V218.811 l86.646-62.169l57.757,45.041l9.295-9.794l3.92,3.913L2303.823,207.064z M2172.157,348.038V214.406l-10.286,7.342V353.42 l58.741,45.034l9.302-6.85L2172.157,348.038z M2250.963,223.216l-41.121-32.311l-0.485,0.492v145.864l41.605,31.327 L2250.963,223.216L2250.963,223.216z M2266.63,214.406l-45.526-35.247l-9.295,6.85l44.542,34.264v152.237l10.278-7.826 L2266.63,214.406L2266.63,214.406z M2490.815,404.812l-42.589-38.669V223.216l-25.945-23.493l-13.707,14.683v132.157l15.175,14.191 v1.96l-40.137,42.097l-45.526-41.605v-1.468l17.627-18.596V219.787l-23.009-21.049l-9.302,10.278l-3.913-3.913l44.542-48.462 l44.542,39.652v9.786l46.502-49.439l43.565,39.16l9.786-10.278l4.405,3.913l-11.747,12.239v139.991l22.025,20.557l10.77-11.747 l3.913,3.913L2490.815,404.812z M2361.58,362.23v-0.976c0,0.976,9.794-9.794,9.794-9.794V212.438l-27.898-25.454l-6.85,7.342 l24.477,22.517v129.221l-15.175,15.667v0.976l37.692,34.264l7.833-8.318L2361.58,362.23z M2463.886,358.317V214.898l-30.343-27.414 l-7.833,8.318l27.898,24.962v142.443l36.708,34.264l7.833-8.325L2463.886,358.317z M2793.205,404.812 c-13.707-14.683-18.597-19.58-34.755-23.985v10.77v85.171l-0.984,0.485l-19.58-17.627L2681.105,512l-0.984-0.485V379.85 c-17.128,3.913-35.24,12.73-52.867,30.343l-0.977-0.485c3.428-37.692,22.025-65.59,53.836-76.361v-95.449h-10.278 c-14.191,0-22.025,7.342-28.875,20.557h-1.469c-1.468-4.398-2.452-11.262-2.452-22.51c0-20.564,15.175-42.097,40.144-42.097h2.929 v-52.867l-20.065-18.112l-9.794,9.794l-3.429-3.429l49.439-52.375l46.01,42.097v44.542l10.77-11.747V95.456h5.381v51.399 l65.099-70.003l55.312,50.422v212.93L2793.205,404.812z M2680.136,361.738c-20.065,3.913-34.256,16.152-43.558,32.303l0.485,0.984 c13.714-11.747,26.43-17.128,43.073-21.049L2680.136,361.738L2680.136,361.738z M2695.803,221.263h-26.922 c-18.604,0-25.946,11.747-26.43,25.454l0.484,0.485c5.874-9.794,11.747-13.215,23.493-14.676h19.096v266.767l10.278-9.794V221.263z M2695.803,133.148l-24.477-22.51l-7.833,8.318l22.032,19.573v55.312h10.278L2695.803,133.148L2695.803,133.148z M2753.075,161.047 l-10.77,11.262v283.417l10.77,9.794V161.047z M2817.197,149.792l-28.882-26.43l-29.858,32.311v172.294 c25.454,2.452,43.073,9.794,58.249,26.43l0.492-0.485V149.792z M2758.457,361.738v12.73c16.643,3.913,23.493,8.81,35.24,22.51 l11.262-8.81C2793.205,373.485,2781.458,364.682,2758.457,361.738z M2832.857,141.965l-33.287-30.842l-7.834,8.318l30.842,28.39 v227.613l10.278-7.834V141.965z M3049.7,207.064v137.054l-82.733,61.185l-62.162-46.987l-7.349,8.318l-3.913-3.92l8.81-9.786 V218.811L2989,156.642l57.757,45.041l9.295-9.794l3.92,3.913L3049.7,207.064z M2918.028,348.038V214.406l-10.285,7.342V353.42 l58.74,45.034l9.302-6.85L2918.028,348.038z M2996.833,223.216l-41.113-32.311l-0.492,0.492v145.864l41.605,31.327L2996.833,223.216 L2996.833,223.216z M3012.5,214.406l-45.526-35.247l-9.295,6.85l44.542,34.264v152.237l10.278-7.826L3012.5,214.406L3012.5,214.406z M3163.254,245.241h50.422v104.751l-77.829,54.82c-10.278-11.747-24.962-20.065-43.073-20.065c-14.683,0-26.43,4.897-42.097,18.112 l-2.445-0.984l66.567-96.917h-41.121v-91.044l81.749-56.78c9.794,7.834,17.128,12.231,29.858,12.231 c9.794,0,23.978-1.96,34.755-10.763l1.96,0.976L3163.254,245.241z M3108.434,370.548c-14.192,0-25.454,4.897-35.24,11.747v0.984 c7.834-3.429,15.66-4.405,23.009-4.405c11.262,0,28.875,5.389,40.622,19.096l11.262-8.318 C3138.791,378.874,3127.529,370.548,3108.434,370.548z M3160.816,288.314h-27.414l-57.265,82.733l0.485,0.976 c14.191-10.278,27.898-17.128,44.542-17.128c14.683,0,29.858,6.85,39.16,18.596l0.484-0.485v-84.693H3160.816z M3089.352,288.314 v-78.798l-10.285,7.342v82.234h39.645l7.834-10.77h-37.193V288.314z M3191.651,192.373c-10.285,7.349-16.152,11.262-33.294,11.262 c-9.794,0-21.54-4.405-30.835-14.199l-0.984,0.492v71.464h18.596l46.994-68.534L3191.651,192.373z M3168.151,187.968 c-8.81,0-20.065-4.398-27.406-14.191l-12.238,8.318c9.302,11.262,18.112,16.152,31.819,16.152c8.81,0,21.54-2.452,34.755-13.714 l0.485-1.461C3187.246,186.507,3176.968,187.968,3168.151,187.968z M3176.476,272.17h-31.812l-7.342,10.278h28.875v94.957 l10.278-7.342L3176.476,272.17L3176.476,272.17z M3294.934,404.812l-45.034-35.24l-9.302,10.278l-3.913-3.92l10.763-11.747V192.865 h-28.39l-0.977-0.976l17.128-25.461h12.231V133.64l51.891-55.312l0.984,0.984v87.124h39.153l0.984,0.984l-17.135,25.454h-23.001 v148.316l26.922,20.564l10.278-11.262l3.913,3.913L3294.934,404.812z M3263.115,125.315l-10.278,11.262v29.859h10.278V125.315z M3263.115,359.293V192.865h-10.278v172.301l41.605,32.311l7.342-7.834L3263.115,359.293z" class=""></path></svg></a></div><div class="margin-top-xl"><a href="https://aws.amazon.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="padding-x-sm" style="--link-color: var(--white); --link-hover-color: var(--fa-blue);"><svg aria-labelledby="svg-inline--fa-title-kFdy4E4ShKp1" data-prefix="fab" data-icon="aws" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 640 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-aws fa-2x"><title id="svg-inline--fa-title-kFdy4E4ShKp1" class="">Amazon Web Services</title><path fill="currentColor" d="M180.41 203.01c-.72 22.65 10.6 32.68 10.88 39.05a8.164 8.164 0 0 1-4.1 6.27l-12.8 8.96a10.66 10.66 0 0 1-5.63 1.92c-.43-.02-8.19 1.83-20.48-25.61a78.608 78.608 0 0 1-62.61 29.45c-16.28.89-60.4-9.24-58.13-56.21-1.59-38.28 34.06-62.06 70.93-60.05 7.1.02 21.6.37 46.99 6.27v-15.62c2.69-26.46-14.7-46.99-44.81-43.91-2.4.01-19.4-.5-45.84 10.11-7.36 3.38-8.3 2.82-10.75 2.82-7.41 0-4.36-21.48-2.94-24.2 5.21-6.4 35.86-18.35 65.94-18.18a76.857 76.857 0 0 1 55.69 17.28 70.285 70.285 0 0 1 17.67 52.36l-.01 69.29zM93.99 235.4c32.43-.47 46.16-19.97 49.29-30.47 2.46-10.05 2.05-16.41 2.05-27.4-9.67-2.32-23.59-4.85-39.56-4.87-15.15-1.14-42.82 5.63-41.74 32.26-1.24 16.79 11.12 31.4 29.96 30.48zm170.92 23.05c-7.86.72-11.52-4.86-12.68-10.37l-49.8-164.65c-.97-2.78-1.61-5.65-1.92-8.58a4.61 4.61 0 0 1 3.86-5.25c.24-.04-2.13 0 22.25 0 8.78-.88 11.64 6.03 12.55 10.37l35.72 140.83 33.16-140.83c.53-3.22 2.94-11.07 12.8-10.24h17.16c2.17-.18 11.11-.5 12.68 10.37l33.42 142.63L420.98 80.1c.48-2.18 2.72-11.37 12.68-10.37h19.72c.85-.13 6.15-.81 5.25 8.58-.43 1.85 3.41-10.66-52.75 169.9-1.15 5.51-4.82 11.09-12.68 10.37h-18.69c-10.94 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S268.65,214.49,245.72,214.49z M245.72,324.81c-22.08,0-39.97,17.9-39.97,39.97s17.9,39.97,39.97,39.97s39.97-17.9,39.97-39.97 S267.8,324.81,245.72,324.81z M245.72,435.13c-21.23,0-38.44,17.21-38.44,38.44c0,21.23,17.21,38.44,38.44,38.44 s38.44-17.21,38.44-38.44C284.16,452.33,266.95,435.13,245.72,435.13z M351.57,102.11c-24.91,0-45.1,20.19-45.1,45.1 s20.19,45.1,45.1,45.1c24.91,0,45.1-20.19,45.1-45.1S376.48,102.11,351.57,102.11z M351.57,209.37c-25.76,0-46.64,20.88-46.64,46.64 c0,25.76,20.88,46.64,46.64,46.64c25.76,0,46.64-20.88,46.64-46.64C398.21,230.25,377.33,209.37,351.57,209.37z M351.57,319.69 c-24.91,0-45.1,20.19-45.1,45.1c0,24.91,20.19,45.1,45.1,45.1c24.91,0,45.1-20.19,45.1-45.1 C396.67,339.88,376.48,319.69,351.57,319.69z M460.24,204.24c-28.59,0-51.76,23.17-51.76,51.76s23.17,51.76,51.76,51.76 S512,284.59,512,256S488.83,204.24,460.24,204.24z M138.5,112.36c-19.25,0-34.85,15.6-34.85,34.85s15.6,34.85,34.85,34.85 s34.85-15.6,34.85-34.85S157.74,112.36,138.5,112.36z M138.5,219.62c-20.1,0-36.39,16.29-36.39,36.39 c0,20.1,16.29,36.39,36.39,36.39s36.39-16.29,36.39-36.39C174.88,235.91,158.59,219.62,138.5,219.62z M138.5,329.94 c-19.25,0-34.85,15.6-34.85,34.85c0,19.25,15.6,34.85,34.85,34.85s34.85-15.6,34.85-34.85C173.35,345.54,157.74,329.94,138.5,329.94 z M31.26,224.74C14,224.74,0,238.74,0,256c0,17.27,14,31.26,31.26,31.26s31.26-14,31.26-31.26 C62.52,238.74,48.53,224.74,31.26,224.74z M905.24,188.61c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v271.45c0,3.71,3.04,6.75,6.75,6.75h32.65 c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75V195.36c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75H905.24z M921.56,74.55c-17.23,0-31.25,14.02-31.25,31.26 c0,17.23,14.02,31.26,31.25,31.26c17.24,0,31.26-14.02,31.26-31.26C952.82,88.57,938.8,74.55,921.56,74.55z M1602.31,188.61 c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v271.45c0,3.71,3.04,6.75,6.75,6.75h32.65c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75V195.36 c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75H1602.31z M1618.62,74.55c-17.11,0-31.47,14.02-31.47,31.25c0,17.23,14.36,31.25,31.47,31.25 c17.12,0,31.04-14.02,31.04-31.25C1649.67,88.57,1635.74,74.55,1618.62,74.55z M1174.59,234.76c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75v-32.65 c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-69.61V84.01c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-32.66c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v104.6h-35.02 c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v32.65c0,3.71,3.04,6.75,6.75,6.75h35.02v158.35c0,48.1,32.32,80.43,80.43,80.43h35.35 c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75v-32.65c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-31.26c-22.58,0-38.35-16.2-38.35-39.4V234.76H1174.59z M1864.71,234.76c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75v-32.65c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-69.61V84.01c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-32.66 c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v104.6h-35.02c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v32.65c0,3.71,3.04,6.75,6.75,6.75h35.02v158.35 c0,48.1,32.32,80.43,80.43,80.43h35.35c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75v-32.65c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-31.26 c-22.58,0-38.35-16.2-38.35-39.4V234.76H1864.71z M698.86,234.76v232.05c0,3.71,3.04,6.75,6.75,6.75h32.65 c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75V234.76h76.8c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75v-32.65c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-76.8v-62.78 c0-23.51,16.49-41.24,38.35-41.24h38.45c3.71,0,6.75-3.04,6.75-6.75V45.18c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-35.57 c-48.18,0-87.38,39.21-87.38,87.39v62.78h-35.03c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v32.65c0,3.71,3.04,6.75,6.75,6.75H698.86z M1492.14,221.64c-25.59-27.62-61.54-42.84-101.22-42.84c-35.67,0-72.99,15.83-94.53,38.89V45.19c0-3.71-3.04-6.75-6.75-6.75h-32.71 c-3.71,0-6.75,3.04-6.75,6.75v285.98c0,105.76,70.69,153.1,140.74,153.1c70.05,0,140.74-47.34,140.74-153.1 C1531.66,287.42,1517.99,249.55,1492.14,221.64z M1390.92,438.06c-69.7,0-94.54-55.22-94.54-106.9 c0-63.49,37.99-106.15,94.54-106.15c56.54,0,94.54,42.66,94.54,106.15C1485.46,382.84,1460.62,438.06,1390.92,438.06z" class=""></path></svg></a></div><div class="margin-top-xl"><a href="https://www.irs.gov" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="padding-x-sm" style="--link-color: var(--white); --link-hover-color: var(--fa-blue);"><svg 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100.58-.08-.11-22.59-83-33-136.8-1-5 1-8 .93-8-56.73-5.64-94.71-8.15-101.6 22-26 .07-38 7.62-40.56 12.09-6.8 11.21 1.37 34.66 5.68 46.23 3.64-9.06 26.93-7.56 34.43-7.11 3.32.16 3.32 2.07 4.24 4l.23 112.8h-66.76l-58 157.86c26.92 13.15 55 23.18 72.4 23.19s60.5-23.14 66.7-23.19c5.89.05 49.43 23.18 67 23.19 17.31 0 45.41-9.05 72.39-23.19l-58.05-157.86h-66.74v-106.77c-1.15-7.06-4.21-9.35-6.82-9.79h33.95c-4.91-20.2-11.69-34.26-21.23-35.25 2.75-4 4.82-5.66 8.73-9.18h-26.16c2.81-14 36.71-9 51.17-8 15 75.66 43.41 177.29 44.57 179.08 1.21 1.63 25.21 10.78 28.1 11.09 13.79-30.3 34.62-119.43 35.82-140.91 17.32 6 10.44 29.64 6.79 53.23-19.56 122.5-35.12 159.26-39.79 182.03 17.34-3.77 28.17-7 29.92-8.94 2.77-2.77 10.68-23.5 17.64-46.37 10.05-33.16 26.91-117.6 25.94-150.81-.08-8-6.66-16.08-18.35-22.21a185.67 185.67 0 0 0 8.67-16.8c3.58-8.67 7.8-23.24 7.8-23.17 6.8 2 12.8 5 13.68 12.05 3.74 32 1.78 35.05-2.11 94.3-1.14 18.91-7.72 56.46-14.4 95.65-12.46 71.89-24.29 102.7-24.29 113.64 18.39-6 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Sharp Duotone
</span> <span class="display-block">solid</span></h4> <p class="margin-0 size-sm">
An extra sharp take on our Duotone icons.
</p></div></div></a></div><div class="column-6 tablet:column-3 laptop:column margin-bottom-2xl"><a href="/search?ip=sharp-duotone&s=regular&o=r" class="card margin-bottom-0 with-top-tag blue dark" style="height: 100%;"><span class="tag top secondary">
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margin-left: calc(-1 * var(--spacing-3xs)); line-height: 1; background-color: var(--fa-blue); color: var(--fa-navy);">
Sharp Duotone
</span> <span class="display-block">regular</span></h4> <p class="margin-0 size-sm">
A two-tone take on Sharp Regular icons.
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Sharp Duotone
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Double your elegance with this light style.
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Styling Tools
</h1> <h2 class="margin-y-md laptop:margin-right-lg">Style your icons to your fa-heart's content.</h2></div> <div class="column-12 tablet:column-6 laptop:column-12"><p>
You know and WE know styling icons on the web can be a bit of a chore. That's why we fine-tuned our styling tools like a Swiss watch to make
icons more malleable right out of the box. Easily size, place, style, and even animate any icon with a short line of code to create the
perfect effect. Bippity-boppity-ICON!
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Icon Commissions
</h1> <h2 class="margin-y-md">Any Icon You Can Imagine.</h2> <p class="margin-bottom-0">
Can't find the exact icon you need? Think of Font Awesome as your very own in-house icon magician. We'll design it for you — alakazam! — and add it
to Font Awesome 6.
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1 Icon
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6 Icons
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</div></h4> <p class="size-sm">Just say the magic word, and six icons of your choice will appear in all of our styles.</p></div></a></div> <div class="column-12 tablet:column-6 laptop:column-3 margin-bottom-xl"><a href="/buy/case" class="card purple dark margin-bottom-0" style="height: 100%;"><div class="header" style="color: var(--white);"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="grid-5" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512" class="padding-2xs svg-inline--fa fa-grid-5 fa-3x"><path fill="currentColor" d="M0 48c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16L16 96C7.2 96 0 88.8 0 80L0 48zm0 96c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM0 336c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM96 48c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM96 240c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM96 432c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zM208 32l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM192 144c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM192 336c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM288 48c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM288 240c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM288 432c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zM400 32l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM384 144c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM384 336c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16z" class=""></path></svg></div> <div class="section text-left"><h4>
24 Icons
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Your Logo
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