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							<h5 class="h5-lg"><i class="bi bi-star-fill"></i> 186k TF2.17 released</h5>

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							<h3>An end-to-end platform for machine learning</h3>

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							<p class="p-md">TensorFlow makes it easy to create ML models that can run in any
								environment. Learn how to use the intuitive APIs through interactive code samples.

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							<h3 class="h3-sm text-center">Get started with TensorFlow</h3>
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									<p class="pt-3"><span style="color:darkblue">import</span> <span style="color: purple">tensorflow</span> <span style="color:darkblue">as</span> <span style="color: purple">tf</span></p>
									<p>mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist</p>
										(x_train, y_train),(x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
										x_train, x_test = x_train / <span style="color: maroon;">255.0</span>, x_test /
										<span style="color: maroon;">255.0</span></p>

									<p>model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
										tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(<span style="color: maroon;">28</span>,
										<span style="color: maroon;">28</span>)),
										tf.keras.layers.Dense(<span style="color: maroon;">128</span>, activation='<span style="color: green;">relu</span>'),
										tf.keras.layers.Dropout(<span style="color: maroon;">0.2</span>),
										tf.keras.layers.Dense(<span style="color: maroon;">
										</span>, activation='softmax')
										loss=' <span style="color: green;"> sparse_categorical_crossentropy</span>',

, y_train, epochs=5)
										model.evaluate(x_test, y_test)

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											quickstart &nbsp;<i class="bi bi-folder-symlink-fill"></i></a> </h6>

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							<h3 class="h3-sm">Solve real-world problems with ML</h3>

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							<p class="p-md" style="font-weight: 500;">Explore examples of how TensorFlow is used to
								advance research and build AI-powered applications.

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										<span style="font-weight: bold;">TENSORFLOW GNN</span>
										<!-- <span>English</span> -->

									<!-- Title -->
									<h5 class="h5-xs"> Analyze relational data using graph neural networks</h5>

									<p style="font-weight: 400;">
										GNNs can process complex relationships between objects, making them a powerful
										technique for traffic forecasting, medical discovery, and more.



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										<span style="font-weight: bold;"> TENSORFIOW LITE</span>

									<!-- Title -->
									<h5 class="h5-xs"> Improving access to maternal health with on-device ML</h5>
									<p style="font-weight: 400;">Learn how TensorFlow Lite enables access to fetal
										ultrasound assessment, improving health outcomes for women and families around
										Kenya and the world.</p>

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										<span style="font-weight: bold;">TENSORFLOW AGENTS</span>

									<!-- Title -->
									<h5 class="h5-xs">Build recommendation systems with reinforcement learning</h5>
									<p style="font-weight: 400;">Learn how Spotify uses the TensorFlow ecosystem to
										design an extendable offline simulator and train RL Agents to generate

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							<h3 class="h3-sm">Explore the ecosystem</h3>

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							<p class="p-md" style="font-weight: 500;">Discover production-tested tools to accelerate
								modeling, deployment, and other workflows.


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								<p class="t">   API</p>
								<p class="ti"> tf.keras</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Create ML models with TensorFlow's high-level API.

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">   Resource</p>
								<p class="ti">  Kaggle Models</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p>   Find pre-trained models ready for fine-tuning and deployment.

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">   Resource</p>
								<p class="ti"> TensorFlow Datasets</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p>Browse the collection of standard datasets for initial training and validation.

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">   Tool</p>
								<p class="ti">  TensorBoard</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Visualize and track development of ML models.

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<p class="t">LIBRARY</p>
								<p class="ti">TensorFlow Lite</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Deploy ML on mobile and edge devices such as Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, and Edge

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<p class="t">LIBRARY</p>
								<p class="ti"> TensorFlow.js</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Train and run models directly in the browser using JavaScript or Node.js.

								<!-- Author Data -->

							</div></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 345px;"><div class="review-1" style="width: 350px;">

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								<p class="t"> API</p>
								<p class="ti"></p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Preprocess data and create input pipelines for ML models..

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<p class="t"> Library</p>
								<p class="ti"> TFX</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p>   Create production ML pipelines and implement MLOps best practices.

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<p class="t">   API</p>
								<p class="ti"> tf.keras</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Create ML models with TensorFlow's high-level API.

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<!-- Quote Icon -->
								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">   Resource</p>
								<p class="ti">  Kaggle Models</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p>   Find pre-trained models ready for fine-tuning and deployment.

								<!-- Author Data -->

							</div></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 345px;"><div class="review-1" style="width: 350px;">

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								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">   Resource</p>
								<p class="ti"> TensorFlow Datasets</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p>Browse the collection of standard datasets for initial training and validation.

								<!-- Author Data -->

							</div></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 345px;"><div class="review-1" style="width: 350px;">

								<!-- Quote Icon -->
								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">   Tool</p>
								<p class="ti">  TensorBoard</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Visualize and track development of ML models.

								<!-- Author Data -->

							</div></div><div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 345px;"><div class="review-1" style="width: 350px;">

								<!-- Quote Icon -->
								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">LIBRARY</p>
								<p class="ti">TensorFlow Lite</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Deploy ML on mobile and edge devices such as Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, and Edge

								<!-- Author Data -->

							</div></div><div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 345px;"><div class="review-1" style="width: 350px;">

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								<!-- <div class="quote-ico"><img src="images/left-quote.png" alt="quote-image" /></div> -->
								<p class="t">LIBRARY</p>
								<p class="ti"> TensorFlow.js</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Train and run models directly in the browser using JavaScript or Node.js.

								<!-- Author Data -->

							</div></div><div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 345px;"><div class="review-1" style="width: 350px;">

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								<p class="t"> API</p>
								<p class="ti"></p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p> Preprocess data and create input pipelines for ML models..

								<!-- Author Data -->

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								<p class="t"> Library</p>
								<p class="ti"> TFX</p>
								<!-- Testimonial Text -->
								<p>   Create production ML pipelines and implement MLOps best practices.

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										<h5 class="h5-xs">Libraries &amp; extensions</h5>
										<p>Packages for domain-specific applications and APIs for languages other than Python.</p>


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										<h5 class="h5-xs">Developer tools</h5>
										<p>Tools to evaluate models, optimize performance, and productionize ML workflows.</p>


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										<h5 class="h5-xs">ML models &amp; datasets</h5>
										<p>Pretrained models and ready-to-use datasets for image, text, audio, and video use cases.</p>


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										<h5 class="h5-xs">Libraries &amp; extensions</h5>
										<p>Packages for domain-specific applications and APIs for languages other than Python.</p>


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										<h5 class="h5-xs">Developer tools</h5>
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										<!-- Course Title -->
										<h5 class="h5-xs">ML models &amp; datasets</h5>
										<p>Pretrained models and ready-to-use datasets for image, text, audio, and video use cases.</p>


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										<h5 class="h5-xs">Libraries &amp; extensions</h5>
										<p>Packages for domain-specific applications and APIs for languages other than Python.</p>


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