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35.5158ZM62.4874 40.6596C63.952 42.3741 65.4165 44.8235 65.4165 44.8235C67.8574 42.3741 72.9834 41.3944 79.5738 41.6393C70.2983 39.6798 62.4874 40.6596 62.4874 40.6596ZM53.456 36.9855C53.456 36.9855 56.141 36.9855 59.8024 37.7203C57.3615 36.0057 53.456 35.0259 53.456 35.0259V36.9855ZM75.9124 50.4572L71.7629 54.1313L74.9361 55.111L78.1093 51.6819L76.4006 50.9471L75.9124 50.4572ZM48.3301 31.1069C48.3301 31.1069 50.0387 32.0867 50.2828 32.0867C50.5269 32.0867 53.9442 33.3114 55.4087 33.8012C56.6292 34.2911 57.3615 33.8012 57.6056 33.8012C57.8497 33.8012 61.9992 31.3518 61.9992 31.3518C58.3378 29.8822 54.9205 28.9024 54.9205 28.9024C54.6765 28.9024 48.3301 31.1069 48.3301 31.1069ZM73.2274 33.3114C72.9833 32.8215 72.4951 32.8215 69.566 32.3316C66.881 32.0866 64.4401 31.8417 63.952 31.8417C63.4638 31.8417 63.2197 32.0867 63.2197 32.0867C63.2197 32.0867 61.7551 33.0664 60.5347 33.8012C59.3142 34.5361 59.0701 34.781 58.826 35.2709C58.5819 35.5158 59.3142 36.4956 59.3142 36.4956L61.2669 38.945C61.511 38.945 62.2433 39.4349 62.2433 39.4349C62.2433 39.4349 66.1488 39.1899 68.5897 38.945H74.9361C75.1802 38.945 74.9361 37.9652 74.4479 36.7405C73.9597 35.7607 73.2274 33.3114 73.2274 33.3114ZM50.0387 36.0057C50.0387 36.0057 50.2828 36.0057 50.771 36.2506C51.2592 36.2506 51.5033 35.7608 51.5033 35.2709C51.5033 34.5361 50.771 34.2911 50.771 34.2911H50.2828L49.5505 34.5361L49.3064 36.2506H49.5505L50.0387 36.0057C49.7946 35.5158 49.7946 35.2709 49.7946 34.781C49.7946 34.5361 50.2828 34.0462 50.5269 34.0462C50.5269 34.0462 51.0151 34.0462 50.771 35.0259C50.771 36.0057 50.0387 36.0057 50.0387 36.0057ZM91.2902 55.356L89.3375 58.0503V58.2953H92.0225C92.5107 56.5807 91.2902 55.356 91.2902 55.356ZM42.4719 42.6191H41.9837L40.7632 42.3741C39.5428 42.1292 40.0309 39.9247 40.0309 39.9247L38.5664 40.4146C38.0782 39.4349 35.8814 36.7405 35.8814 36.7405L35.3932 38.7C35.6373 38.945 36.8578 40.9045 37.1019 41.3944L36.3696 42.1292C36.3696 42.1292 36.1255 42.6191 36.1255 42.864C36.1255 43.109 35.8814 43.3539 35.8814 43.3539L34.905 43.8438H34.6609L31.2437 41.1494V43.109H31.4877C31.7318 43.5988 32.22 44.5786 33.4405 45.0685C34.4168 45.5584 35.6373 45.5584 36.1255 45.3134C36.6137 45.5584 36.8578 45.5584 37.1019 45.8033C38.0782 46.2932 38.3223 46.0482 38.3223 46.0482L39.7869 45.5584H40.0309L40.275 45.3134L40.7632 44.3337C40.7632 44.3337 43.2042 44.5786 44.1805 44.5786C45.1569 43.109 48.3301 40.9045 50.5269 40.6596C52.7237 40.6596 56.3851 41.1494 59.3142 44.0887C61.9992 47.028 61.2669 50.9471 61.2669 50.9471L66.637 52.6616L64.196 50.9471C62.2433 46.0482 57.6056 41.6393 57.6056 41.6393C57.6056 41.6393 56.3851 41.3944 55.6528 41.3944C54.9206 41.1494 54.4324 40.6596 54.4324 40.6596C54.4324 40.6596 54.1883 40.4146 53.7001 39.6798L53.2119 38.7C53.2119 38.7 52.7237 38.2102 51.9915 37.7203C51.2592 37.2304 48.5742 36.9855 47.1096 36.7405C45.6451 36.4956 45.6451 36.7405 45.6451 36.7405C49.7946 37.7203 51.0151 37.9652 51.2592 38.2102C51.2592 38.2102 51.5033 38.7 51.7474 38.945C48.3301 38.2102 45.1569 38.7 44.4246 38.945C44.9128 39.6798 44.9128 40.6596 44.4246 41.3944C43.9364 41.8843 42.4719 42.6191 42.4719 42.6191ZM88.8493 60.2548L89.5816 63.439C89.5816 63.439 90.3139 62.7042 91.0461 61.7244C91.7784 60.7447 92.0225 59.7649 92.0225 59.7649L89.0934 60.0098L88.8493 60.2548ZM30.0232 37.9652L29.7791 40.6596H31.2437L31.4877 38.945V39.9247H31.7318V38.4551H31.4877V37.4753L33.6846 38.7L33.9287 39.1899L34.4168 39.6798H34.905L35.1491 39.4349V39.1899C33.6846 39.1899 33.6846 38.4551 33.6846 38.4551C33.6846 38.4551 33.9287 36.7405 34.1727 36.2506C34.4168 35.7608 35.3932 36.0057 35.3932 36.0057L35.1491 35.7608H34.6609C34.1728 35.5158 32.7082 34.536 32.22 34.2911V34.0462L32.4641 33.8012V32.8215H32.7082C32.7082 32.5765 32.9523 32.5765 32.9523 32.3316C33.4405 32.3316 37.1019 31.5968 37.1019 31.5968L33.6846 30.8619V30.617C32.7082 30.3721 31.9759 30.1271 31.4877 29.8822C30.2673 31.3518 29.7791 33.3114 29.7791 33.3114C29.7791 33.3114 29.535 36.7405 29.535 37.2304C29.2909 37.7203 30.0232 37.9652 30.0232 37.9652ZM87.3848 57.3155L87.8729 58.0503L88.117 57.8054L90.0698 55.356V55.111C89.0934 55.111 87.3848 57.3155 87.3848 57.3155ZM81.5266 52.9066L80.062 52.4167L76.6447 56.3357L79.0856 57.0706C79.5738 55.111 81.5266 52.9066 81.5266 52.9066ZM86.6525 58.5402C85.432 60.9896 85.6761 62.7042 85.6761 62.7042L86.8966 60.0098V59.52C87.1407 59.52 86.8966 59.0301 86.6525 58.5402ZM85.432 42.6191C85.432 42.6191 84.9438 43.5988 84.6998 43.8438C84.4557 44.0887 82.747 44.3337 81.7706 44.5786C80.7943 45.0685 79.0856 45.8033 78.5975 46.2932C78.3534 46.5381 78.3534 47.2729 78.3534 47.5179C78.3534 47.5179 78.8415 47.7628 79.0856 47.7628L76.8888 49.7224L77.377 50.2122L82.747 51.9268C83.9675 50.9471 85.6761 50.7021 85.6761 50.7021C84.6998 50.2122 80.5502 48.4977 79.3297 48.0078C79.3297 48.0078 78.5975 47.7628 78.5975 47.5179V46.7831C78.5975 46.7831 81.7706 44.3337 86.6525 44.3337L87.3848 42.864L85.432 42.6191ZM88.6052 64.1738L87.6289 61.2345H87.3848L85.9202 63.9289L86.1643 64.1738C87.3848 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41.9837 37.2304 41.2514 37.7203ZM23.9209 73.9714C20.7477 73.9714 17.0863 75.1961 19.2831 78.6253C37.3459 109.733 56.3851 117.081 64.4401 121C68.1015 119.285 73.9597 116.591 81.0384 111.692C85.1879 108.998 84.6998 104.834 83.7234 102.14C78.5975 89.4027 50.5269 74.9512 23.9209 73.9714ZM125.707 15.9206C118.384 10.7768 100.322 1.46912 64.4401 1.46912C51.9914 1.46912 41.4955 2.69381 33.1964 4.4084C35.1491 7.59262 36.1255 11.2667 36.1255 15.1858C36.1255 20.5745 34.1728 25.4733 30.9996 29.1474C31.7318 29.3923 32.7082 29.6372 33.9287 29.8822L34.4168 28.6575C34.4168 28.6575 34.905 28.6575 35.1491 28.9024C35.1491 27.6777 35.8814 27.6777 35.8814 27.6777C35.8814 27.6777 35.8814 27.4328 36.1255 27.4328C37.3459 27.6777 40.7632 29.3923 42.2278 30.1271C43.6923 30.862 43.6923 31.1069 43.6923 31.1069C43.6923 31.1069 47.1096 31.1069 48.086 30.8619C49.0624 30.8619 50.771 30.1271 53.2119 29.3923C55.6528 28.6575 56.141 28.4125 56.6292 28.4125C57.1174 28.4125 61.511 28.6575 65.4165 29.1474C69.322 29.6372 72.9833 31.1069 73.7156 31.5968L74.9361 31.8417L75.1802 31.1069L73.2274 30.3721C73.2274 30.3721 73.4715 29.1474 73.4715 28.9024C73.4715 28.6575 73.7156 28.4125 73.9597 28.4125C74.2038 28.4125 76.4006 28.9024 77.1329 29.1474C77.8652 29.3923 80.3061 31.1069 80.5502 31.1069C80.7943 31.1069 80.7943 31.3518 80.7943 31.3518C80.7943 31.8417 80.3061 32.8215 80.3061 32.8215C80.3061 32.8215 81.0384 33.0664 81.2825 33.3114C81.5266 33.5563 82.2588 34.0462 82.9911 34.781C83.7234 35.2709 83.4793 36.0057 83.4793 36.0057L85.1879 37.7203V38.4551L89.3375 42.6191V42.864L87.3848 44.0887C87.3848 44.0887 90.0698 43.8438 92.0225 44.8235C93.9752 45.8033 94.2193 46.2932 94.2193 46.7831C93.7311 47.028 92.9989 47.273 92.9989 47.273C91.5343 47.7628 87.8729 50.2122 87.8729 50.2122V50.4572L89.8257 50.9471C92.0225 48.9875 95.928 48.2527 98.8571 48.7426C108.865 50.7021 115.699 57.3155 117.164 62.9491C117.164 63.1941 117.408 63.6839 117.408 63.9289C127.416 40.4146 126.439 23.5137 125.707 15.9206ZM90.558 51.6819C90.802 51.9268 91.0461 51.9268 91.2902 52.1718C92.7548 53.1515 93.487 53.6414 93.7311 55.8459C93.9752 57.5604 93.4871 60.0098 92.2666 62.2143C99.1012 66.8682 108.621 63.1941 112.282 66.8682C111.55 57.5604 97.8807 48.2527 90.558 51.6819ZM34.4168 39.6798L33.9287 39.9247V41.8843L34.4168 41.6393V39.6798ZM104.959 70.0524C99.8334 70.0524 94.7075 68.3378 91.0461 63.9289V64.1738C88.8493 67.1131 86.4084 67.1131 85.432 67.1131C84.4557 67.1131 81.2825 65.6435 80.062 64.1738C78.8415 62.7042 78.8415 60.0098 78.8415 60.0098L73.9597 58.2953L67.8574 54.8661L66.881 54.6212C64.9283 55.6009 62.4874 54.8661 60.2906 53.1515C60.0465 54.1313 58.826 56.5807 57.3615 57.8054C55.8969 59.0301 52.9678 60.7447 50.771 60.7447C48.5742 60.7447 43.6923 58.2953 42.2278 54.8661C40.7632 51.4369 42.2278 47.7628 42.2278 47.7628L39.7869 47.273L38.8105 46.0482C38.8105 46.0482 35.8814 48.4977 32.7082 47.5179C29.535 46.5381 26.85 43.8438 26.1177 41.3944C25.6295 38.945 26.3618 36.7405 26.6059 36.4956C26.1177 34.781 26.1177 33.8012 26.1177 33.8012H25.8736V33.0664C22.7004 35.2709 19.0391 36.2506 15.1336 36.2506C10.7399 36.2506 6.59038 34.781 3.1731 32.5765C3.66128 37.9652 5.12583 44.3337 7.07856 51.4369C9.76357 61.2345 18.5509 64.4188 31.7318 66.6232C60.7787 71.2771 88.6052 93.5667 86.6525 107.283C93.9752 101.16 101.786 92.097 109.597 78.6253C112.77 73.4816 109.841 70.0524 104.959 70.0524ZM27.3382 36.2506L27.0941 38.945H28.8027V38.7H28.5586V38.4551H28.3146L28.5586 37.9652L28.8027 36.7405L28.5586 36.4956V36.0057L28.8027 35.7608L29.0468 32.8215L27.8264 32.0867C28.3145 30.1271 29.535 28.4125 29.535 28.4125H28.8027C27.5823 29.8822 27.0941 31.8417 27.0941 31.8417C27.0941 31.8417 26.85 35.0259 26.85 35.5158C26.85 36.2506 27.3382 36.2506 27.3382 36.2506ZM54.1883 52.6616L55.4087 56.5807C57.8497 54.8661 58.3378 52.1718 58.3378 52.1718L54.4324 52.4167L54.1883 52.6616ZM56.3851 46.5381L54.4324 49.9673L54.6765 50.2122L58.5819 50.4572C58.5819 47.7628 56.3851 46.5381 56.3851 46.5381ZM31.9759 38.945L31.7318 40.4146H31.9759V38.945ZM50.5269 48.2527L52.4796 49.7224L52.9678 49.4774L55.1646 46.0482C52.4796 45.8033 50.5269 48.2527 50.5269 48.2527ZM32.4641 39.1899L32.22 38.945V40.6596H32.4641V39.1899ZM33.1964 39.6798L32.9523 41.3944H33.1964V39.6798ZM33.6846 39.9247L33.4405 41.6393H33.6846V39.9247ZM32.7082 39.4349L32.4641 41.1494H32.7082V39.4349Z"></path><path d="M15.1337 30.3726C23.4918 30.3726 30.2674 23.5735 30.2674 15.1863C30.2674 6.79913 23.4918 0 15.1337 0C6.77559 0 0 6.79913 0 15.1863C0 23.5735 6.77559 30.3726 15.1337 30.3726Z"></path></svg> <img src="/_astro/rocket_league-gray.CJCSMZET_RAMyu.webp" alt="rocket_league teams" width="560" height="250" loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="hidden xl:block h-full max-w-full max-h-fit"> </div> <div class="relative p-40 xl:p-0 bg-rocket content-center min-w-full min-h-full max-w-full max-h-full hidden group-hover:block"> <svg class="block xl:hidden  h-full max-w-full max-h-fit" width="127" height="121" viewBox="0 0 127 121" fill="#F3F3F3" 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55.356L89.3375 58.0503V58.2953H92.0225C92.5107 56.5807 91.2902 55.356 91.2902 55.356ZM42.4719 42.6191H41.9837L40.7632 42.3741C39.5428 42.1292 40.0309 39.9247 40.0309 39.9247L38.5664 40.4146C38.0782 39.4349 35.8814 36.7405 35.8814 36.7405L35.3932 38.7C35.6373 38.945 36.8578 40.9045 37.1019 41.3944L36.3696 42.1292C36.3696 42.1292 36.1255 42.6191 36.1255 42.864C36.1255 43.109 35.8814 43.3539 35.8814 43.3539L34.905 43.8438H34.6609L31.2437 41.1494V43.109H31.4877C31.7318 43.5988 32.22 44.5786 33.4405 45.0685C34.4168 45.5584 35.6373 45.5584 36.1255 45.3134C36.6137 45.5584 36.8578 45.5584 37.1019 45.8033C38.0782 46.2932 38.3223 46.0482 38.3223 46.0482L39.7869 45.5584H40.0309L40.275 45.3134L40.7632 44.3337C40.7632 44.3337 43.2042 44.5786 44.1805 44.5786C45.1569 43.109 48.3301 40.9045 50.5269 40.6596C52.7237 40.6596 56.3851 41.1494 59.3142 44.0887C61.9992 47.028 61.2669 50.9471 61.2669 50.9471L66.637 52.6616L64.196 50.9471C62.2433 46.0482 57.6056 41.6393 57.6056 41.6393C57.6056 41.6393 56.3851 41.3944 55.6528 41.3944C54.9206 41.1494 54.4324 40.6596 54.4324 40.6596C54.4324 40.6596 54.1883 40.4146 53.7001 39.6798L53.2119 38.7C53.2119 38.7 52.7237 38.2102 51.9915 37.7203C51.2592 37.2304 48.5742 36.9855 47.1096 36.7405C45.6451 36.4956 45.6451 36.7405 45.6451 36.7405C49.7946 37.7203 51.0151 37.9652 51.2592 38.2102C51.2592 38.2102 51.5033 38.7 51.7474 38.945C48.3301 38.2102 45.1569 38.7 44.4246 38.945C44.9128 39.6798 44.9128 40.6596 44.4246 41.3944C43.9364 41.8843 42.4719 42.6191 42.4719 42.6191ZM88.8493 60.2548L89.5816 63.439C89.5816 63.439 90.3139 62.7042 91.0461 61.7244C91.7784 60.7447 92.0225 59.7649 92.0225 59.7649L89.0934 60.0098L88.8493 60.2548ZM30.0232 37.9652L29.7791 40.6596H31.2437L31.4877 38.945V39.9247H31.7318V38.4551H31.4877V37.4753L33.6846 38.7L33.9287 39.1899L34.4168 39.6798H34.905L35.1491 39.4349V39.1899C33.6846 39.1899 33.6846 38.4551 33.6846 38.4551C33.6846 38.4551 33.9287 36.7405 34.1727 36.2506C34.4168 35.7608 35.3932 36.0057 35.3932 36.0057L35.1491 35.7608H34.6609C34.1728 35.5158 32.7082 34.536 32.22 34.2911V34.0462L32.4641 33.8012V32.8215H32.7082C32.7082 32.5765 32.9523 32.5765 32.9523 32.3316C33.4405 32.3316 37.1019 31.5968 37.1019 31.5968L33.6846 30.8619V30.617C32.7082 30.3721 31.9759 30.1271 31.4877 29.8822C30.2673 31.3518 29.7791 33.3114 29.7791 33.3114C29.7791 33.3114 29.535 36.7405 29.535 37.2304C29.2909 37.7203 30.0232 37.9652 30.0232 37.9652ZM87.3848 57.3155L87.8729 58.0503L88.117 57.8054L90.0698 55.356V55.111C89.0934 55.111 87.3848 57.3155 87.3848 57.3155ZM81.5266 52.9066L80.062 52.4167L76.6447 56.3357L79.0856 57.0706C79.5738 55.111 81.5266 52.9066 81.5266 52.9066ZM86.6525 58.5402C85.432 60.9896 85.6761 62.7042 85.6761 62.7042L86.8966 60.0098V59.52C87.1407 59.52 86.8966 59.0301 86.6525 58.5402ZM85.432 42.6191C85.432 42.6191 84.9438 43.5988 84.6998 43.8438C84.4557 44.0887 82.747 44.3337 81.7706 44.5786C80.7943 45.0685 79.0856 45.8033 78.5975 46.2932C78.3534 46.5381 78.3534 47.2729 78.3534 47.5179C78.3534 47.5179 78.8415 47.7628 79.0856 47.7628L76.8888 49.7224L77.377 50.2122L82.747 51.9268C83.9675 50.9471 85.6761 50.7021 85.6761 50.7021C84.6998 50.2122 80.5502 48.4977 79.3297 48.0078C79.3297 48.0078 78.5975 47.7628 78.5975 47.5179V46.7831C78.5975 46.7831 81.7706 44.3337 86.6525 44.3337L87.3848 42.864L85.432 42.6191ZM88.6052 64.1738L87.6289 61.2345H87.3848L85.9202 63.9289L86.1643 64.1738C87.3848 64.6637 88.6052 64.1738 88.6052 64.1738ZM51.7474 36.2506L52.4796 36.4956C52.4796 36.4956 52.9678 36.4956 52.9678 36.0057V35.0259L52.2355 34.5361L51.2592 34.2911C51.5033 34.536 51.5033 34.781 51.5033 34.781H51.7474C51.7474 34.5361 51.9915 34.5361 51.9915 34.781C51.9915 34.781 52.4796 35.0259 52.2355 35.7608C52.4796 36.0057 51.9915 36.2506 51.7474 36.2506ZM49.5505 49.7224C47.8419 52.9066 49.0624 55.111 49.0624 55.111L51.2592 51.9268V51.4369L49.5505 49.7224ZM33.6846 30.8619L36.6137 31.5968C36.8578 31.5968 38.5664 31.3518 38.5664 31.3518L33.9287 30.1271L33.6846 30.8619ZM35.3932 30.1271C39.2987 30.617 40.0309 31.3518 40.0309 31.3518C40.0309 31.3518 41.4955 31.1069 42.2278 31.1069C41.0073 30.1271 35.6373 28.4125 35.6373 28.4125C35.6373 28.4125 35.3932 29.1474 35.3932 30.1271ZM41.2514 37.7203C40.5191 38.2102 39.7869 39.6798 40.0309 40.9045C40.275 42.1292 40.5191 42.1292 41.2514 42.1292C40.0309 41.6393 40.275 39.6798 41.2514 38.4551C41.9837 37.4753 42.716 38.2102 42.716 38.2102C42.716 38.2102 41.9837 37.2304 41.2514 37.7203ZM23.9209 73.9714C20.7477 73.9714 17.0863 75.1961 19.2831 78.6253C37.3459 109.733 56.3851 117.081 64.4401 121C68.1015 119.285 73.9597 116.591 81.0384 111.692C85.1879 108.998 84.6998 104.834 83.7234 102.14C78.5975 89.4027 50.5269 74.9512 23.9209 73.9714ZM125.707 15.9206C118.384 10.7768 100.322 1.46912 64.4401 1.46912C51.9914 1.46912 41.4955 2.69381 33.1964 4.4084C35.1491 7.59262 36.1255 11.2667 36.1255 15.1858C36.1255 20.5745 34.1728 25.4733 30.9996 29.1474C31.7318 29.3923 32.7082 29.6372 33.9287 29.8822L34.4168 28.6575C34.4168 28.6575 34.905 28.6575 35.1491 28.9024C35.1491 27.6777 35.8814 27.6777 35.8814 27.6777C35.8814 27.6777 35.8814 27.4328 36.1255 27.4328C37.3459 27.6777 40.7632 29.3923 42.2278 30.1271C43.6923 30.862 43.6923 31.1069 43.6923 31.1069C43.6923 31.1069 47.1096 31.1069 48.086 30.8619C49.0624 30.8619 50.771 30.1271 53.2119 29.3923C55.6528 28.6575 56.141 28.4125 56.6292 28.4125C57.1174 28.4125 61.511 28.6575 65.4165 29.1474C69.322 29.6372 72.9833 31.1069 73.7156 31.5968L74.9361 31.8417L75.1802 31.1069L73.2274 30.3721C73.2274 30.3721 73.4715 29.1474 73.4715 28.9024C73.4715 28.6575 73.7156 28.4125 73.9597 28.4125C74.2038 28.4125 76.4006 28.9024 77.1329 29.1474C77.8652 29.3923 80.3061 31.1069 80.5502 31.1069C80.7943 31.1069 80.7943 31.3518 80.7943 31.3518C80.7943 31.8417 80.3061 32.8215 80.3061 32.8215C80.3061 32.8215 81.0384 33.0664 81.2825 33.3114C81.5266 33.5563 82.2588 34.0462 82.9911 34.781C83.7234 35.2709 83.4793 36.0057 83.4793 36.0057L85.1879 37.7203V38.4551L89.3375 42.6191V42.864L87.3848 44.0887C87.3848 44.0887 90.0698 43.8438 92.0225 44.8235C93.9752 45.8033 94.2193 46.2932 94.2193 46.7831C93.7311 47.028 92.9989 47.273 92.9989 47.273C91.5343 47.7628 87.8729 50.2122 87.8729 50.2122V50.4572L89.8257 50.9471C92.0225 48.9875 95.928 48.2527 98.8571 48.7426C108.865 50.7021 115.699 57.3155 117.164 62.9491C117.164 63.1941 117.408 63.6839 117.408 63.9289C127.416 40.4146 126.439 23.5137 125.707 15.9206ZM90.558 51.6819C90.802 51.9268 91.0461 51.9268 91.2902 52.1718C92.7548 53.1515 93.487 53.6414 93.7311 55.8459C93.9752 57.5604 93.4871 60.0098 92.2666 62.2143C99.1012 66.8682 108.621 63.1941 112.282 66.8682C111.55 57.5604 97.8807 48.2527 90.558 51.6819ZM34.4168 39.6798L33.9287 39.9247V41.8843L34.4168 41.6393V39.6798ZM104.959 70.0524C99.8334 70.0524 94.7075 68.3378 91.0461 63.9289V64.1738C88.8493 67.1131 86.4084 67.1131 85.432 67.1131C84.4557 67.1131 81.2825 65.6435 80.062 64.1738C78.8415 62.7042 78.8415 60.0098 78.8415 60.0098L73.9597 58.2953L67.8574 54.8661L66.881 54.6212C64.9283 55.6009 62.4874 54.8661 60.2906 53.1515C60.0465 54.1313 58.826 56.5807 57.3615 57.8054C55.8969 59.0301 52.9678 60.7447 50.771 60.7447C48.5742 60.7447 43.6923 58.2953 42.2278 54.8661C40.7632 51.4369 42.2278 47.7628 42.2278 47.7628L39.7869 47.273L38.8105 46.0482C38.8105 46.0482 35.8814 48.4977 32.7082 47.5179C29.535 46.5381 26.85 43.8438 26.1177 41.3944C25.6295 38.945 26.3618 36.7405 26.6059 36.4956C26.1177 34.781 26.1177 33.8012 26.1177 33.8012H25.8736V33.0664C22.7004 35.2709 19.0391 36.2506 15.1336 36.2506C10.7399 36.2506 6.59038 34.781 3.1731 32.5765C3.66128 37.9652 5.12583 44.3337 7.07856 51.4369C9.76357 61.2345 18.5509 64.4188 31.7318 66.6232C60.7787 71.2771 88.6052 93.5667 86.6525 107.283C93.9752 101.16 101.786 92.097 109.597 78.6253C112.77 73.4816 109.841 70.0524 104.959 70.0524ZM27.3382 36.2506L27.0941 38.945H28.8027V38.7H28.5586V38.4551H28.3146L28.5586 37.9652L28.8027 36.7405L28.5586 36.4956V36.0057L28.8027 35.7608L29.0468 32.8215L27.8264 32.0867C28.3145 30.1271 29.535 28.4125 29.535 28.4125H28.8027C27.5823 29.8822 27.0941 31.8417 27.0941 31.8417C27.0941 31.8417 26.85 35.0259 26.85 35.5158C26.85 36.2506 27.3382 36.2506 27.3382 36.2506ZM54.1883 52.6616L55.4087 56.5807C57.8497 54.8661 58.3378 52.1718 58.3378 52.1718L54.4324 52.4167L54.1883 52.6616ZM56.3851 46.5381L54.4324 49.9673L54.6765 50.2122L58.5819 50.4572C58.5819 47.7628 56.3851 46.5381 56.3851 46.5381ZM31.9759 38.945L31.7318 40.4146H31.9759V38.945ZM50.5269 48.2527L52.4796 49.7224L52.9678 49.4774L55.1646 46.0482C52.4796 45.8033 50.5269 48.2527 50.5269 48.2527ZM32.4641 39.1899L32.22 38.945V40.6596H32.4641V39.1899ZM33.1964 39.6798L32.9523 41.3944H33.1964V39.6798ZM33.6846 39.9247L33.4405 41.6393H33.6846V39.9247ZM32.7082 39.4349L32.4641 41.1494H32.7082V39.4349Z"></path><path d="M15.1337 30.3726C23.4918 30.3726 30.2674 23.5735 30.2674 15.1863C30.2674 6.79913 23.4918 0 15.1337 0C6.77559 0 0 6.79913 0 15.1863C0 23.5735 6.77559 30.3726 15.1337 30.3726Z"></path></svg> <img src="/_astro/rocket_league.C0sQEWvb_H879O.webp" alt="rocket_league teams" width="560" height="250" loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="hidden xl:block h-full max-w-full max-h-fit"> </div> </div> </a><link rel="preload" href="/_astro/counter_strike.DAApm4rD_1h11Uq.webp" as="image"> <a href="/teams/counter_strike"> <div class="min-w-160 min-h-160 w-160 h-160 xl:w-560 xl:h-250 group"> <div class="relative p-40 xl:p-0 bg-gray-300 content-center min-w-full min-h-full max-w-full max-h-full block group-hover:hidden"> <svg class="block xl:hidden h-full max-w-full max-h-fit" width="196" height="70" viewBox="0 0 196 70" fill="#F3F3F3" xmlns=""><path d="M120.3 16.2C122.3 17.1 124.1 18 125.9 18.8C127.2 19.3 127.6 20.1 126.9 21.4C126.4 22.4 126 23.4 125.5 24.5C124.4 27 124.5 27.1 127.1 27.1C130.2 27.1 133.3 27.1 136.3 27.1C146.3 27.1 156.3 27.1 166.3 27.1C174.7 27.1 180.5 35.2 177.8 43.1C176.1 48 174.2 52.8 171.6 57.3C167.2 65 160.4 69.4 151.5 69.7C130.8 70.2 110.1 69.8 89.3998 69.9C87.2998 69.9 87.0998 69.6 87.8998 67.8C89.1998 64.7 90.5998 61.7 91.8998 58.6C93.0998 55.7 95.1998 54.4 98.3998 54.4C116 54.4 133.5 54.4 151.1 54.4C153.3 54.4 154.5 53.8 155.2 51.6C156.1 48.7 157.7 46 158.6 43.1C157.5 42.6 156.6 42.8 155.7 42.8C143 42.8 130.2 42.8 117.5 42.8C110.6 42.8 106.2 39.1 104.7 32.4C104.2 30.1 104.8 28.1 105.6 26.1C107.1 22.4 108.6 18.7 110.3 15.1C115 5.20002 122.8 0.300016 133.3 0.200016C153.6 -0.0999841 173.9 0.200016 194.2 0.100016C195.7 0.100016 196.3 0.300016 195.6 2.00002C194.2 5.00002 193 8.00002 191.7 11C190.4 14 188.4 15.5 184.9 15.6C169.6 15.9 154.4 15.6 139.1 15.6C133.4 15.6 128.2 15.5 122.1 15.5C116 15.5 121 15.3 120.3 16.1V16.2Z"></path><path d="M27.6 16.2C29.4 17 31.2 17.9 33.1 18.6C34.5 19.2 34.8 19.8 34.1 21.3C29.9 31 25.8 40.7 21.6 50.4C21.4 50.9 21.2 51.3 21 51.8C20.1 54.1 20.1 54.1 22.5 54.1C38.9 54.1 55.2 54.1 71.6 54.1C72.2 54.1 72.9 54.1 73.5 54.1C74.5 54.1 74.9 54.4 74.4 55.5C72.8 59.1 71.2 62.7 69.6 66.2C68.6 68.3999 66.9 69.5 64.5 69.5C64.3 69.5 64.1 69.5 63.9 69.5C46.3 69.5 28.8 69.8 11.2 69.4C3.50002 69.2 -1.89998 61.5 0.500022 54.2C2.30002 48.6 5.00002 43.3 7.20002 37.9C10.5 30.1 13.7 22.3 17.2 14.6C21.6 5.39996 29.1 0.499955 39.3 0.299955C58.2 -0.200045 77 -4.46141e-05 95.8 -4.46141e-05C98.1 -4.46141e-05 98.1 -4.45843e-05 97.2 2.19996C96 4.99996 94.8 7.69995 93.7 10.5C92.4 13.9 90.1 15.5 86.3 15.4C68.1 15.4 49.9 15.4 31.7 15.4C30.4 15.4 29.2 15.4 27.6 15.4C27.6 15.6 27.6 15.8 27.6 15.9V16.2Z"></path></svg> <img src="/_astro/counter_strike-gray.eGx8Fb_9_Z13w1bd.webp" alt="counter_strike teams" width="560" height="250" loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="hidden xl:block h-full max-w-full max-h-fit"> </div> <div class="relative p-40 xl:p-0 bg-white content-center min-w-full min-h-full max-w-full max-h-full hidden group-hover:block"> <svg class="block xl:hidden fill-gray-200 h-full max-w-full max-h-fit" width="196" height="70" viewBox="0 0 196 70" fill="#F3F3F3" xmlns=""><path d="M120.3 16.2C122.3 17.1 124.1 18 125.9 18.8C127.2 19.3 127.6 20.1 126.9 21.4C126.4 22.4 126 23.4 125.5 24.5C124.4 27 124.5 27.1 127.1 27.1C130.2 27.1 133.3 27.1 136.3 27.1C146.3 27.1 156.3 27.1 166.3 27.1C174.7 27.1 180.5 35.2 177.8 43.1C176.1 48 174.2 52.8 171.6 57.3C167.2 65 160.4 69.4 151.5 69.7C130.8 70.2 110.1 69.8 89.3998 69.9C87.2998 69.9 87.0998 69.6 87.8998 67.8C89.1998 64.7 90.5998 61.7 91.8998 58.6C93.0998 55.7 95.1998 54.4 98.3998 54.4C116 54.4 133.5 54.4 151.1 54.4C153.3 54.4 154.5 53.8 155.2 51.6C156.1 48.7 157.7 46 158.6 43.1C157.5 42.6 156.6 42.8 155.7 42.8C143 42.8 130.2 42.8 117.5 42.8C110.6 42.8 106.2 39.1 104.7 32.4C104.2 30.1 104.8 28.1 105.6 26.1C107.1 22.4 108.6 18.7 110.3 15.1C115 5.20002 122.8 0.300016 133.3 0.200016C153.6 -0.0999841 173.9 0.200016 194.2 0.100016C195.7 0.100016 196.3 0.300016 195.6 2.00002C194.2 5.00002 193 8.00002 191.7 11C190.4 14 188.4 15.5 184.9 15.6C169.6 15.9 154.4 15.6 139.1 15.6C133.4 15.6 128.2 15.5 122.1 15.5C116 15.5 121 15.3 120.3 16.1V16.2Z"></path><path d="M27.6 16.2C29.4 17 31.2 17.9 33.1 18.6C34.5 19.2 34.8 19.8 34.1 21.3C29.9 31 25.8 40.7 21.6 50.4C21.4 50.9 21.2 51.3 21 51.8C20.1 54.1 20.1 54.1 22.5 54.1C38.9 54.1 55.2 54.1 71.6 54.1C72.2 54.1 72.9 54.1 73.5 54.1C74.5 54.1 74.9 54.4 74.4 55.5C72.8 59.1 71.2 62.7 69.6 66.2C68.6 68.3999 66.9 69.5 64.5 69.5C64.3 69.5 64.1 69.5 63.9 69.5C46.3 69.5 28.8 69.8 11.2 69.4C3.50002 69.2 -1.89998 61.5 0.500022 54.2C2.30002 48.6 5.00002 43.3 7.20002 37.9C10.5 30.1 13.7 22.3 17.2 14.6C21.6 5.39996 29.1 0.499955 39.3 0.299955C58.2 -0.200045 77 -4.46141e-05 95.8 -4.46141e-05C98.1 -4.46141e-05 98.1 -4.45843e-05 97.2 2.19996C96 4.99996 94.8 7.69995 93.7 10.5C92.4 13.9 90.1 15.5 86.3 15.4C68.1 15.4 49.9 15.4 31.7 15.4C30.4 15.4 29.2 15.4 27.6 15.4C27.6 15.6 27.6 15.8 27.6 15.9V16.2Z"></path></svg> <img src="/_astro/counter_strike.DAApm4rD_1h11Uq.webp" alt="counter_strike teams" width="560" height="250" loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="hidden xl:block h-full max-w-full max-h-fit"> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="global-padding min-h-fit"> <h1 class="pt-120 text-6xl font-display">
Wer Wir Sind
</h1> <p class="text-xl md:text-2xl font-body pt-4">
Düsseldorf Gaming ist die zentrale Anlaufstelle für Gaming-Enthusiasten in und um Düsseldorf. Ob eSports, PC-, oder Konsolen-Gaming – hier kommen alle Fans digitaler Unterhaltung zusammen. Unsere Community ist bunt gemischt: von Gelegenheitsspielern über eSports-Profis bis hin zu denen, die einfach die neuesten Spiele und Trends entdecken wollen.
</p> <p class="text-xl md:text-2xl font-body pt-4">
Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt bei uns auf der Teilnahme an der Uniliga. Hier messen sich studentische Teams aus ganz Deutschland in verschiedenen Spielen und kämpfen um die Meisterschaft. Düsseldorf Gaming unterstützt und fördert ambitionierte Spieler*innen, die Lust haben, Teil unserer Uniliga-Teams zu werden und gemeinsam auf Wettbewerbsniveau zu spielen.
</p> <p class="text-xl md:text-2xl font-body pt-4">
Bei Düsseldorf Gaming bieten wir zudem eine Vielzahl an Events und Aktivitäten, die alle Bereiche des Gamings abdecken. Von Turnieren und Wettbewerben bis hin zu entspannten Game-Nights – es gibt immer etwas zu erleben. Unsere Events schaffen Raum für Kontakte, Zusammenarbeit und vor allem für jede Menge Spaß.
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