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							<h1>Enterprise Solutions, Projects... </h1>
							<h2>New and Future</h2>
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								<h2>Our focus sectors are Health, Energy, Aviation, and  Business </h2>
								<p>Our trained manpower and experience in these sectors create a synergy that enables us to exceed our customers expectations. We are specialists in the sector and we offer corporate solutions that our customers love! </p>
								<ul class="checked">
									<li>Object and Service based solutions</li>
									<li>Local and/or global solutions</li>
									<li>Big Data &amp; Decision Support</li>
								<p><a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-outline">Contact us</a></p>

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								<h2>Our state-of-the-art office and infrastructure, combined with our commitment to up-to-date standards, ensure that our human resources are operating at their very best!</h2>
								<p>From analysis to design, from production to delivery, we recreate all processes with a professional approach and an amateur spirit. Each day is exciting, and we love the challenge of making each customer's experience unique.</p>
								<ul class="checked">
									<li>Suitable Infrastructure</li>
									<li>High Level Standards</li>
									<li>Amateur spirit, professional approach it is a winning combination!</li>
								<p><a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-outline">Contact us</a></p>

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								<h2>Forty times we think, and then we do it! (Turkish Proverb)...</h2>
								<p>We're going to create user-friendly project outputs with subject mastery, analysis with a future-oriented approach, design compatible with constantly changing conditions, coding in accordance with standards, and tests performed with care. And we're going to make sure that all of our user-friendly project outputs are top-notch! </p>
								<ul class="checked">
									<li>Domain Competence</li>
									<li>Accurate Analysis and Flexible Design</li>
									<li>Development in accordance with Standards</li>
                                    <li>Real Test</li>
								<p><a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-outline">Contact us</a></p>



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					<h2>Services Offered</h2>
					<p>We're sorry to say that we don't currently offer our services in all areas of the digital world....</p>
                    <div class="col-md-4">
                        <div class="service">
                            <div class="icon"><i class="icon-present"></i></div>
                            <h3>Web base solutions</h3>
                            <p>We are proud to develop cutting-edge business software. We also produce services for our customers who want to work on a project-based basis, giving them the flexibility to work in a way that suits them best.</p>
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                            <div class="icon"><i class="icon-eye"></i></div>
                            <h3>Specific Areas</h3>
                            <p>We're thrilled to offer solution services to complex jobs that require a combination of knowledge and experience to produce solutions.</p>
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                            <div class="icon"><i class="icon-paper-plane"></i></div>
                            <h3>Quick solutions</h3>
                            <p>We produce solutions that will enable us to surpass today's pace, not just keep up with it. This is how we can realise efficient projects and make a real difference!</p>
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						<div class="icon"><i class="icon-pencil"></i></div>
						<p>We are thrilled to offer our experience and knowledge in this field as a consultancy service to institutions and structures that need a complete, turnkey solution.</p>
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						<div class="icon"><i class="icon-rocket"></i></div>
						<p>We are thrilled to offer our customers with complex processes and solutions integration services that will make their lives easier!</p>
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						<div class="icon"><i class="icon-support"></i></div>
						<p>We're dedicated to keeping our customers happy! We're always there for them, 24/7, and we never stop producing and delivering for them.</p>
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					<p><a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-outline">Contact us</a></p>


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						<h3>T??rkiye Transplant, Diyaliz ve ??zlem Sistemleri (Turkey Transplant, Dialysis and Monitoring Systems)</h3>
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						<h2>Consectetur adipisicing</h2>
						<h3>Web Design</h3>
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						<h2>Consectetur adipisicing</h2>
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						<h2>Consectetur adipisicing</h2>
						<h3>Web Design</h3>
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						<h2>Consectetur adipisicing</h2>
						<h3>Logo, Branding</h3>
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						<h2>Consectetur adipisicing</h2>
						<h3>Brnading, Identity</h3>
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						<h2>Consectetur adipisicing</h2>
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						<h2>Consectetur adipisicing</h2>
						<h3>Web Design</h3>
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					<p>Let us introduce you to our amazing team leaders!</p>
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						<h3>Hamza KENDİ</h3>
						<h4>Partner, CTO</h4>
						<p>He has been in IT and solution development for 20 years and he is really excited to bring his experience to this role!</p>
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						<h3>Şeref BİNGÖL</h3>
						<h4>Partner, CEO</h4>
						<p>Entrepreneur of many years. Now he's at the helm, leading the way!</p>
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						<h3>Ilker SAPAN</h3>
						<h4>Partner, CIO</h4>
						<p>Project &amp; Team Lead - like a teacher.</p>
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                    <h3>Arice Technology Ltd. (Arice Teknoloji Limited Şirketi)</h3>
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