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				 <!-- <p>Trusted by influencers, celebrities, and creators worldwide.</p>-->
				  <h1>One profile to verify every link.</h1>
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				  <p id="verification-msg">Verifications are free for everyone.</p>
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				<h2>Safeguard Your Digital Reputation</h2>
				<p>Make it easy for your audience to verify your websites, social media, and much more.</p>
				<p>By safeguarding your fans, you build a reputation of trust and integrity for your brand.</p>
				<!--<p>Join thousands who rely on us to maintain their online reputation.</p>-->
				<a href="./pages/get-listed.html" class="btn">Create Your Verified Fame Profile</a>
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					<li>✓ &nbsp;Instant Verification</li>
					<li>✓ &nbsp;Unlimited Personal Sites</li>
					<li>✓ &nbsp;30+ Third-Party Websites</li>
					<li>✓ &nbsp;Support for Multiple Platforms</li>
					<li>✓ &nbsp;Safeguard Online Reputation</li>
					<li>✓ &nbsp;Personal Verification Pages</li>
					<li>— &nbsp; <a href="./pages/about.html" style="color:skyblue; text-decoration:none;"> Learn More</a></li>
			<p style="color:goldenrod; margin: 0 20px;">You focus on building your brand, we'll ensure its digital reputation remains safeguarded.</p>
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				  <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
					  <summary>What is an authifyFame Profile Card?</summary>
					  <p>authifyFame Profile Card is a free online service to easily verify websites and social media sites of celebrities, influencers and other creators. </p>
					  <p>It helps celebrities, influencers, and digital creators safeguard their online reputation by ensuring that their fans are interacting with the genuine accounts.</p>
					  <summary>How secure is authifyFame Profile Card?</summary>
					  <p>We never ask for anything from you as a visitor. When you visit an authifyFame profile page, it fetches data from our server and locally saves on your device. Once you submit the link, it verifies on your device and no data is send to our server.</p>
					  <p>The data that is used to verify is submitted directly by the creators.</p>
					  <summary>Is verification free?</summary>
					  <p>Yes. This platform is provided for free, intended to help identify scam easily. Though you could always donate <a href=""> here</a>.</p>
					  <summary>Can I access authifyFame Profile Card from multiple devices?</summary>
					  <p>Yes. Our profile pages are simply fast and well optimised for all devices. You can use our services from multiple devices at a time, as long as you dont misuse our services.</p>
					<summary>Is authifyFame Profile Card just another linkinbio page?</summary>
					<p>No. While Linkinbio is a great tool for adding external links to your social media profiles, an authifyFame profile card is a powerful external addon that works seamlessly with most Linkinbio pages.</p>
					<p><i>We only focus on making website verification reliable &amp; faster for your followers.</i></p>	
					<p>authifyFame make it easy for your followers to verify the authenticity of websites and social media sites that may pop up anytime, including those that immediately impersonate your brand identity. With authifyFame, your audience can easily verify whether these sites actually belong to you as a creator. </p> <p>This means creators don't have to worry about monitoring for fake websites; they can simply add their real websites here, and anything fake will be shown as fake. Even if the creator is not online 24/7 to respond to verification queries from fans, thier authifyFame Profile Card acts as an auto-respondent to verify links, ensuring continuous protection and trust.</p>
					<summary>For whom is authifyFame profiles useful?</summary>
					<p>Any individual or person who has a digital reputation to manage, should definitely have a authifyFame profile card.</p>
						<li>Digital Creators</li>
						<li>Start-up owners</li>
						<li>Corporate exectives</li>
						 &nbsp; &amp; more
					<p>Once you get a verified profile, you don't have to worry about monitoring for fake websites. You can simply add your real websites and social media sites here, and anything fake will be shown as fake. Even if you are not online 24/7 to respond to verification queries from fans, your authifyFame profile card acts as an auto-respondent to verify links, ensuring continuous protection and trust, safeguarding your digital reputation.</p>
					<summary>How can you get an authifyFame Profile Card?</summary>
					<p>Any individual or person who has a digital reputation to manage, should definitely have a authifyFame profile card.</p>
					<p>Join our waiting list <a href="./pages/get-listed.html">here</a>.</p> 
					<p>To ensure the authenticity of our users and prevent impersonation, we manually verify each account; please be patient during this process</p>
					<summary>How are authifyFame and authifyBrand different?</summary>
					<p>authifyFame is meant for individuals, like celebrities, influencers, creators, freelancers etc, while authifyBrand is for brands, companies, communities, non-profits etc.</p>
					<p>Learn more about <a href="./pages/about.html">authifyFame</a>.</p> 

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