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	<meta name="og:image:alt" content="Lumoin logo on the left. Then text &quot;Lumoin&quot; in a special font. Above letters five birds in a flying formation. Below slogan &quot;Nurture Prosperity&quot;. The logo description is A circle shaped logo with 'L' created by two segments on length of about one third of the edge forming a vibrant, green water lily leaf with an azure blue arch from the tip of the top leaf to the tip of the bottom leaf on a snow white background.">
	<meta property="og:description" content="Humane finance and nurturing prosperity. Journeying to regenerative sustainable finance, circular economies, water, and socio-digital innovation.">
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	<meta name="twitter:title" content="Lumoin">
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	<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Lumoin logo on the left. Then text &quot;Lumoin&quot; in a special font. Above letters five birds in a flying formation. Below slogan &quot;Nurture Prosperity&quot;. The logo description is A circle shaped logo with 'L' created by two segments on length of about one third of the edge forming a vibrant, green water lily leaf with an azure blue arch from the tip of the top leaf to the tip of the bottom leaf on a snow white background.">
	<meta name="twitter:description" content="Humane finance and nurturing prosperity. Journeying to regenerative sustainable finance, circular economies, water, and socio-digital innovation.">
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		/* Card section. */

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	<div class="top-bar">
		<div class="logo">
			<img src="images/lumoin-logo.svg" title="Lumoin logo: A circle shaped logo with 'L' created by two segments on length of about one third of the edge forming a vibrant, green water lily leaf with an azure blue arch from the tip of the top leaf to the tip of the bottom leaf on a snow white background." alt="Lumoin logo: A circle shaped logo with 'L' created by two segments on length of about one third of the edge forming a vibrant, green water lily leaf with an azure blue arch from the tip of the top leaf to the tip of the bottom leaf on a snow white background.">
				<li><a href="#verifable">Verifable</a></li>
				<li><a href="#circomy">Circomy</a></li>
				<li><a href="#contact">Consultation</a></li>
				<li><a href="writings.html">Writings</a></li>
		<div class="actions"></div>
	<header id="top">
		<div class="hero-text-container">
			<h1>Nurture Finance with Heart and Soul</h1>
			<p>Join a journey towards a regenerative future with Lumoin's digital wallet-based data infrastructure and
				financial tools.</p>
		<div class="hero-video-container">
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			<article id="verifable">
				<h2 class="story-header"><span>Verifable</span><span>Pathway to regenerative future</span></h2>
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							<source type="image/avif" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 50vw" srcset="images/landingpage/verifable.avif">

							<source type="image/webp" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 50vw" srcset="images/landingpage/verifable.webp">

							<img src="images/landingpage/verifable.webp" title="You see a young woman from behind in a dreamlike cosmic landscape, confidently dancing towards a crowd. Her purposeful movement draws you in, embodying a sense of agency as she steps into the unknown. The scene blends realistic and impressionistic styles, featuring vibrant colors and anamorphic distortions. Civil rights imagery is subtly incorporated, symbolizing collective action and journey. The overall composition is playful and surreal, evoking themes of unity, agency, and security." alt="You see a young woman from behind in a dreamlike cosmic landscape, confidently dancing towards a crowd. Her purposeful movement draws you in, embodying a sense of agency as she steps into the unknown. The scene blends realistic and impressionistic styles, featuring vibrant colors and anamorphic distortions. Civil rights imagery is subtly incorporated, symbolizing collective action and journey. The overall composition is playful and surreal, evoking themes of unity, agency, and security." loading="lazy">
							<figcaption>You see a young woman from behind in a dreamlike cosmic landscape, confidently dancing towards a crowd.</figcaption>
						<picture class="shadow-image">
							<source type="image/avif" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 50vw" srcset="images/landingpage/verifable.avif">

							<source type="image/webp" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 50vw" srcset="./images/landingpage/verifable.webp">

							<img src="images/landingpage/verifable.webp" title="An image to create a soft shadow with right colors (not visible): You see a young woman from behind in a dreamlike cosmic landscape, confidently dancing towards a crowd. Her purposeful movement draws you in, embodying a sense of agency as she steps into the unknown. The scene blends realistic and impressionistic styles, featuring vibrant colors and anamorphic distortions. Civil rights imagery is subtly incorporated, symbolizing collective action and journey. The overall composition is playful and surreal, evoking themes of unity, agency, and security." alt="An image to create a soft shadow with right colors (not visible): You see a young woman from behind in a dreamlike cosmic landscape, confidently dancing towards a crowd. Her purposeful movement draws you in, embodying a sense of agency as she steps into the unknown. The scene blends realistic and impressionistic styles, featuring vibrant colors and anamorphic distortions. Civil rights imagery is subtly incorporated, symbolizing collective action and journey. The overall composition is playful and surreal, evoking themes of unity, agency, and security." role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" loading="lazy">
						<p>Your gateway to a regenerative future. Verifable creates digital product passports,
							facilitates secure credential
							storage, seamless transactions, and cultivates meaningful connections between individuals
							and both local and international businesses.</p>
						<p>It's more than just a wallet—it's your personal diary and professional tool, your access to public
							services, and a tool
							to foster relationships. Verifable is the nexus where personal meets professional, aligning
							individuals and businesses with real, tangible regenerative and sustainable action.
						<a class="story-button" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-no-after="true" href="">
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							<span class="story-button-backdrop"></span>
							<span class="text">
								Discover Verifable
			<article id="circomy">
				<h2 class="story-header"><span>Circomy</span><span>Pioneering Humane
					<div class="shadow-parent">
						<picture class="colorful-shadow">
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							<img src="images/landingpage/eyeofthesea/eyeofthesea.jpg" loading="lazy" title="A bright, reflective sphere of water between two rocks by sea shore. An Unsplash image by Tim Huyghe." alt="A bright, reflective sphere of water between two rocks by sea shore. An Unsplash image by Tim Huyghe.">
							<figcaption>A bright, reflective sphere of water between two rocks by sea shore.</figcaption>
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                                    images/landingpage/eyeofthesea/eyeofthesea_w3291.jpg 3291w">

							<img src="images/landingpage/eyeofthesea/eyeofthesea.jpg" loading="lazy" title="An image to create a soft shadow with right colors (not visible): A bright, reflective sphere of water between two rocks by sea shore. An Unsplash image by Tim Huyghe." alt="An image to create a soft shadow with right colors (not visible): A bright, reflective sphere of water between two rocks by sea shore. An Unsplash image by Tim Huyghe." role="presentation" aria-hidden="true">
						<p>Join us to redefine investment banking for a circular economy. Our upcoming services aim to
							bridge the gap from tools such as digital product passports to real projects and circular
							business models, turning future building waste into valued commodities today. Moreover, it
							enables sustainability reporting to reflect the history of wise decisions made today with a
							duty of care for tomorrow's world.
							With a clear vision, we strategize to craft the data architecture tools needed to reduce
							material waste from the outset, preserve and enhance the value of circulating materials, and
							transform future waste into valuable assets.</p>
						<p>Our digital passports serve as stepping stones
							toward a circular economy, managing today's risks to unlock tomorrow's potential. In
							essence, both you and we are nurturing assets, not just owning them, aiding the biosphere in
							its regeneration.
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								Discover Circomy (soon)
		<section id="contact">
			<h2>Interested on our consulting services?</h2>
			<p>We also consult in digital product passports, digital identity, artificial intelligence, architectures, security software development and
				circular economy strategies.

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			<h2>Latest blog posts</h2>
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								<img src="./images/landingpage/verifable.avif" alt="Blog post image" loading="lazy">
							<div class="blog-card-meta">
								<h2 class="blog-card-title">The blog post header!</h2>
								<time class="published" datetime="2022-10-23">October 23, 2022</time>
								<p>This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
					<article class="blog-card">
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								<img src="./images/landingpage/verifable.avif" alt="Blog post image" loading="lazy">
							<div class="blog-card-meta">
								<h2 class="blog-card-title">The blog post header!</h2>
								<time class="published" datetime="2022-10-23">October 23, 2022</time>
								<p>This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
					<article class="blog-card">
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							<div class="blog-card-image">
								<img src="./images/landingpage/verifable.avif" alt="Blog post image" loading="lazy">
							<div class="blog-card-meta">
								<h2 class="blog-card-title">The blog post header!</h2>
								<time class="published" datetime="2022-10-23">October 23, 2022</time>
								<p>This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
					<article class="blog-card">
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								<img src="./images/landingpage/verifable.avif" alt="Blog post image" loading="lazy">
							<div class="blog-card-meta">
								<h2 class="blog-card-title">The blog post header!</h2>
								<time class="published" datetime="2022-10-23">October 23, 2022</time>
								<p>This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
									This is a short blurb on a blog post that was written.
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		"description": "Humane finance and nurturing prosperity. Journeying to regenerative sustainable finance, circular economies, water, and socio-digital innovation.",
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