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<div class="hero">
<div class="hero-content">
<h1>Welcome to the Electronic Ticket Portal for entering and exiting the Dominican Republic</h1>
<div class="cta-buttons">
<a href="form/index.html" class="cta-button">E-TICKET APPLICATION</a>
<!-- <a href="#" class="cta-button">FIND YOUR E-TICKET</a> -->
<div class="hero-image">
<img src="e-ticket-sample-mini.png" alt="Dominican Republic e-Ticket">
<div class="info-section">
<div class="info-section-text"><p>Every traveler arriving in or departing from the Dominican Republic is required to possess a <a href="https://eticket-dom-rep.com/planning-your-visit-to-the-dominican-republic.html">Dominican electronic Ticket</a>. This e-Ticket serves as a dual-purpose document, functioning as both an entry/exit card and a declaration form for customs and health travel.
Failure to fill out this essential requirement precludes entry into the Dominican Republic, and a valid e-Ticket is necessary to exit as well.
To obtain your Dominican e-Ticket, simply fill out an online form. Upon submission, the authorized e-Ticket will be sent directly to your email.</p></div>
<div class="customer_info">
<div class="customer_60">
<h3>Key Information Required for the E-Ticket</h3>
<li><strong>1. Name of Traveler(s):</strong> Full legal names as they appear on your travel documents.</li>
<li><strong>2. Travel Dates:</strong> Specific dates and times of arrival and departure.</li>
<li><strong>3. Flight Information:</strong> Your flight number, airline name, and your origin and destination airports.</li>
<li><strong>4. Ticket Details:</strong> Complete flight ticket information must be detailed in the application.</li>
<li><strong>5. Payment Confirmation:</strong> Proof of e-Ticket purchase or a payment receipt.</li>
<p>The information on your e-Ticket should exactly match the information on your travel documents. Any mistakes could leave your e-Ticket useless and make it more challenging for you to enter the country.</p>
<div class="steps-section">
<h2>Steps to make your request</h2>
<div class="steps-container">
<div class="step">
<div class="icon">👤</div>
<li>Click the button <a href="form/index.html">E-ticket request</a></li>
<li>Fill in the other requested fields.</li>
<li>Click on Submit button.</li>
<li>If you already have an application, click access and enter your application number.</li>
<div class="step">
<div class="icon">📄</div>
<h3>Inside the Form</h3>
<li>Save the generated application code, with this code you can enter the form at any time</li>
<li>Fill in the required data correctly.</li>
<li>The Unique Customs Declaration is only required for adults (18+)</li>
<div class="step">
<div class="icon">✔️</div>
<h3>Filled Form</h3>
<li>A Ticket will be generated with a QR code</li>
<li>Click the Generate PDF button if you want to save it to your device</li>
<div id="e-ticket-container">
<div id="e-ticket-top">
<div id="e-ticket-image">
<!-- Replace 'path-to-your-e-ticket-image.jpg' with the actual path to your e-ticket image -->
<img src="e-ticket-sample.png" alt="E-Ticket">
<div id="e-ticket-summary">
<h2>e-TICKET IN SHORT</h2>
<p><strong>Trip Purpose:</strong> Tourism, business, or other.</p>
<p><strong>e-Ticket Validity:</strong> Valid during the whole period of stay.</p>
<p><strong>Delivery Time:</strong> Few hours within successful payment.</p>
<p><strong>Price:</strong> Agency fee - USD 39$</p>
<p><strong>Application Process:</strong> Apply online only. Approved e-Ticket sent by email as a pdf.</p>
<a href="form/index.html"><button id="start-application">START e-TICKET APPLICATION</button></a>
The e-Ticket is part of a larger plan to keep the Dominican Republic's immigration systems safe and effective. According to immigration and health rules, the system helps make sure that all visitors are properly registered and safe.</p>
Please read and follow these e-Ticket steps carefully so that your <a href="planning-your-visit-to-the-dominican-republic.html">trip to the Dominican Republic</a> goes smoothly and you can focus more on enjoying your trip to this beautiful Caribbean destination.</p>
<div id="e-ticket-description">
<p>An e-Ticket serves as a document that numerous global governments, such as the Dominican Republic, utilize to oversee the movement of individuals entering and departing the nation. This system is designed to ensure transparency in travel activities, thereby safeguarding the well-being of both tourists and the local populace.</p>
<!-- <div id="services-container">
<center><h2>What Our Services Include</h2></center>
<table class="service-table">
<th>Government service</th>
<th>Our services</th>
<td>Online application available 24/7</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Examination of the application by e-Ticket specialists prior to submission to the Government.</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Amendment of any absent or erroneous details by e-Ticket professionals, such as verifying passport information using our proprietary state-of-the-art technology API.</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Confirmation and authentication of supplementary details by travel authority specialists.</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Round-the-clock email support and help provided by e-Ticket professionals, available in native languages including English, French, and Spanish. </td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Simplified application process</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Privacy protection and secure form</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Receipt of your authorized Dominican e-Ticket in PDF format.</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Retrieval of Dominican e-Ticket through email in instances of loss or misplacement, utilizing the passport details provided during the application process.</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Acceptance of various international payment options, including Visa, Mastercard, Amex, JCB, and Unionpay.</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Approved Insurance Policy</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<td>Refund if your e-Ticket is denied</td>
<td class="not-available">✕</td>
<td class="available">✓</td>
<center><a href='form'><button id="start-application">START YOUR e-TICKET Process</button></a></center>
</div> -->
<div class="centerplease">
<div class="content">
<input type="checkbox" id="question1" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question1" class="question">
Is an e-Ticket Enough for Entry into the Dominican Republic?
<div class="answers">
An e-Ticket alone doesn't serve as a visa. If your home country is excused from Dominican visa requirements, the e-Ticket is enough. Otherwise, a visa is necessary with the e-Ticket.</div>
<input type="checkbox" id="question2" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question2" class="question">
Is a Dominican e-Ticket and a Dominican Travel Visa the same?
<div class="answers">
An e-Ticket is a digital record needed for all travelers for entry and exit. A travel visa is a formal authorization needed for certain nationalities to enter the Dominican Republic. Verify travel requirements with official sources as they can change.
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
How is a Dominican e-Ticket acquired?
<div class="answers">
Fill out our application form, which includes the Boarding and Disembarkation Card, Travelers Health Affidavit, and Customs Declaration Form, to easily get an e-Ticket. After payment, expect your e-Ticket in your inbox within a day.
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
How long does it take to issue an e-Ticket?
<div class="answers">
If all submitted information is accurate and complete, your e-Ticket will be emailed within 24 hours after payment is confirmed.
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
Do we need to reapply for an e-Ticket After a Recent Visit?
<div class="answers">
You must reapply for an e-Ticket for each visit to the Dominican Republic
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
What are the next steps if an e-Ticket isn’t received after payment?
<div class="answers">
As your trip date gets closer, call our customer service if you have not received your e-Ticket yet. You can expect our team to respond to your question as fast as possible.
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
Can I Apply for an e-Ticket Without a Confirmed Departure Date?
<div class="answers">
You may apply for an e-Ticket with just an arrival date. Once the departure date is confirmed, contact us to finalize your e-Ticket.
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
How many QR Codes are Issued Per e-Ticket Application?
<div class="answers">
You will receive two QR codes per application: one for entry and another for exit. Group applications will receive one QR code for the entire group for both entry and exit.
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
What’s the cost of the Dominican e-Ticket?
<div class="answers">
The e-Ticket for the Dominican Republic is priced at $68 USD, payable before we process your application.
<input type="checkbox" id="question3" name="q" class="questions">
<div class="plus">+</div>
<label for="question3" class="question">
Is there a Refund Policy for the e-Ticket?
<div class="answers">
A full refund is available under our no-questions-asked policy. Simply reach out to request it.
<div class="footer">
<p>© 2024 E-Ticket Assistance for the Dominican Republic</p>
<a href="term.html">Terms & Conditions</a> | <a href="privacy-policy.html">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="term.html">Terms & Conditions</a>
<p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong> We are an independent service provider and are not affiliated with any government website. Our service offers assistance with completing and submitting Dominican Republic e-ticket applications for a fee.</p>