- ID de l'analyse :
- 00b29b8b-df41-4618-95af-cddd5610c80fTerminée
- URL soumise :
- https://slic3r.org/
- Fin du rapport :
Liens : 9 trouvé(s)
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Lien | texte |
https://github.com/slic3r/Slic3r | |
https://github.com/slic3r/Slic3r/issues | Join the discussion |
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:37926 | Blossoming Lamp |
https://www.lulzbot.com/ | LulzBot |
https://www.flickr.com/photos/68272764@N05/ | Robosprout |
https://www.thingiverse.com/yzorg | Yvo Waldmeier |
https://forums.reprap.org/read.php?282,154559,157388#msg-157388 | forums |
https://reprap.org/ | The RepRap Project |
https://twitter.com/cdugd/ | Corey Daniels |
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<h1>1.3.0 was released!</h1>
<p>The Slic3r project has been under active and massive development. Make sure you <a href="/download">get 1.3.0 now</a> or try the development builds!</p>
<p><em><a href="/releases/1.3.0">Read the full release notes for 1.3.0</a></em></p>
<a href="/download" class="button icon download-button"><img src="/images/go_icon.png" alt=""><span style="text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 2px;">Download Now!</span></a>
<span class="trial">Free. For macOS, Windows and Linux.</span>
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<p>Slic3r is <b>free software</b>, developed by <a href="/about">Alessandro Ranellucci</a> with the help of several contributors and a wonderful community.</p>
<p><a href="https://github.com/slic3r/Slic3r/issues">Join the discussion</a> on GitHub and help us make it better!</p>
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<p>If you find this software useful, want to say thanks and encourage development, please consider a donation (<a href="/donations/">more about donations</a>).</p>
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<h3 style="text-shadow: rgb(62, 40, 40) 0px 0px 2px;">What is Slic3r?</h3>
<div class="hp-boxes slic3r-is">
<div class="sidebar_box" style="border-radius: 8px;">
<h3>The Slic3r desktop app</h3>
<li>Turn your 3D models into G-code</li>
<li>Visual preview of toolpaths</li>
<li>Advanced configuration management</li>
<li>Custom G-code with conditional logic</li>
<li>Print spool queue (print on multiple machines simultaneously) or send to OctoPrint</li>
<li>FDM/FFF and SLA/DLP</li>
<li>modifiers (distinct settings on custom regions)</li>
<li>...and much more</li>
<div class="sidebar_box" style="border-radius: 8px;">
<h3>The command line tool</h3>
<p>Most features are exposed from command line, thus providing a handy tool for batch operations and custom integrations:</p>
<li>Generate G-code in batch form</li>
<li>Export SVG slices</li>
<li>Cut, transform, repair 3D models</li>
<li>Convert between 3D formats</li>
<div class="sidebar_box" style="border-radius: 8px;">
<p>A C++ library for building custom applications on top of the Slic3r internal algorithms:</p>
<li>Handle 3D models (open, repair, transform, convert)</li>
<li>Slice to vector data</li>
<li>Generate G-code in many flavors</li>
<li>Generate infill patterns</li>
<li>Send G-code over serial port</li>
<li>Estimate G-code printing time</li>
<div id="features">
<div class="section_title">
<h3 style="text-shadow: rgb(62, 40, 40) 0px 0px 2px;">Features</h3>
<b>Compatible with your printer too.</b>
RepRap (Prusa Mendel, MendelMax, Huxley, Tantillus...), Ultimaker, Makerbot, Lulzbot AO-100, TAZ, MakerGear M2, Rostock, Mach3, Bukobot and lots more. And even DLP printers.
<b>Fast G-code generation is fast.</b>
Don't wait hours for slicing that detailed model. Slic3r is about 100x faster than Skeinforge. It also uses multithreading for parallel computation.
<p class="last">
<b>Lots of input/output formats.</b>
Slic3r reads STL, AMF and OBJ files while it can output G-code and SVG files.
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<b>Do you like the graphical interface or command line?</b>
All the features of the user-friendly interface are also available from command line. This allows to integrate Slic3r in your custom toolchain and batch operations as you like.
<b>Open source, open development.</b>
Slic3r is open source software, licenced under the AGPLv3 license. The development is centered on GitHub and the #slic3r IRC channel on FreeNode, where the community is highly involved in testing and providing ideas and feedback.
<p class="last">
<b>Dependencies? Nah.</b>
Slic3r is super-easy to run: download, double click and enjoy. No dependencies needed. Hassle-free. For MacOS X, Windows, Linux.
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<b>Print with <strike>dual</strike> multiple extruders.</b>
Print beautiful colored objects, or use your secondary extruder to build support material. Or put a larger nozzle on it and print a faster infill.
<b>Use brim for the best adhesion.</b>
This unique feature improves built plate adhesion by generating a base flange around your objects that you can easily remove after printing.
<p class="last">
<b>Microlayering: save time, increase accuracy.</b>
You can choose to print a thicker infill to benefit from low layer heights on perimeters and still keep your print time within a reasonable amount.
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<b>Compose a plate but print one object at time.</b>
Use the built-in plating interface that allows to place objects with drag-and-drop, rotate and scale them, arrange everything as you like. The <i>sequential printing</i> feature allows to print one complete object at time in a single print job.
<b>Cool cooling strategies.</b>
A very smart cooling logic will regulate your fan speed and print speed to ensure each layer has enough time to cool down before next one is laid on it.
<p class="last">
<b>Manage multiple printers, filaments and build styles.</b>
The configuration handling system was designed for people working with multiple machines and filaments: you can save configurations as presets for each category avoiding to multiply your saved configurations.
<div class="clear spacer"></div>
<b>Enjoy support material.</b>
Automatic generation of support material for overhangs.
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<h3 style="text-shadow: rgb(62, 40, 40) 0px 0px 2px;">Gallery</h3>
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<a data-title-id="gallery-0" href="/gallery-01.jpg" class="screenshot" rel="group">
<img src="/gallery-01_hucb36f630fadec62b178c63f94ff0b86e_120297_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-0" style="display: none">
Auto-repair of non-manifold meshes
<a data-title-id="gallery-1" href="/gallery-02.jpg" class="screenshot" rel="group">
<img src="/gallery-02_hu03b7bf44df78cbbac6c6792c5850b2c6_155209_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-1" style="display: none">
Distinct print settings can be set for individual parts
<a data-title-id="gallery-2" href="/gallery-03.jpg" class="screenshot" rel="group">
<img src="/gallery-03_hubaf56a6e12611234e6a0c780e88aa480_147464_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-2" style="display: none">
The <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:37926">Blossoming Lamp</a> by emmet (Slic3r 0.9.9)
<a data-title-id="gallery-3" href="/gallery-04.jpg" class="screenshot" rel="group">
<img src="/gallery-04_hu0e99edfd6b3edb895676afbaba3e6c25_244949_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-3" style="display: none">
by blddk (Slic3r 0.9.8)
<a data-title-id="gallery-4" href="/gallery-05.jpg" class="screenshot" rel="group">
<img src="/gallery-05_hu927f68c6866f3c32b4c6f57fb32fb0dd_259935_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-4" style="display: none">
by blddk
<a data-title-id="gallery-5" href="/gallery-06.jpg" class="screenshot" rel="group">
<img src="/gallery-06_hudbe3b7c0f721788aaffece21771e83ac_198699_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-5" style="display: none">
Wood + ABS: dual material print by jebba (<a href="https://www.lulzbot.com/">LulzBot</a>)
<a data-title-id="gallery-6" href="/gallery-07.jpg" class="screenshot" rel="group">
<img src="/gallery-07_hu1b15701a61cbbb039f3573282438e32e_157392_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-6" style="display: none">
A RepRap part printed by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/68272764@N05/">Robosprout</a>
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<img src="/gallery-08_huece2fcc1b050e796f5d7a529077d2c91_167841_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-7" style="display: none">
Printed with 0.9.8 by starno (model by <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/yzorg">Yvo Waldmeier</a>, CC-NC-SA)
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<img src="/gallery-09_hue870b7568af9e440fd54be72bf4b8f3f_199469_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
<div id="gallery-8" style="display: none">
Yoda print by OoiTY, published in the <a href="https://forums.reprap.org/read.php?282,154559,157388#msg-157388">forums</a>
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<div id="gallery-9" style="display: none">
Dual-color print
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<img src="/gallery-11_hu5465b31571bbfc61867151fcac575cd3_159520_130x90_fill_q75_box_smart1.jpg">
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<h3 style="text-shadow: rgb(62, 40, 40) 0px 0px 2px;">Links</h3>
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<p>Slic3r is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3<br>
The Slic3r icon was designed by <a href="https://twitter.com/cdugd/">Corey Daniels</a></p>
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