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                        <font size="7" face="Helvetica">Know Your User<sup>™</sup></font><br><br>
                        <font size="5" face="Helvetica">Open source user analytics<br>for sovereign cybersecurity.</font>
                        <a target="_blank" href=""><font size="4" face="Helvetica">Live demo</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="arr.svg" width="5" height="9" alt="Arrow">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href=""><font size="4" face="Helvetica">See documentation</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="arr.svg" width="5" height="9" alt="Arrow">
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               <font color="#F5F5F7" face="Helvetica" size="5">Tailor-made<br>security</font>
               <code>Whether you're seeking to defend your organization from insider threats or pre-screen customers to prevent online fraud, Tirreno is here at your service.</code>
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               <font color="#F5F5F7" face="Helvetica" size="5">Platform<br>agnostic</font>
               <code>We've built Tirreno to treat your data the way we'd want ours to be treated — private and secure. You can deploy it on-premises in any environment.</code>
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               <font color="#F5F5F7" face="Helvetica" size="5">Simple<br>integration</font>
               <code>Tirreno is as easy to setup as website analytics tools, without the need to route web traffic through a CDN. It can be ready for production in hours.</code>

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                  Tirreno<sup>®</sup>. Know Your User.<br>
                  © 2024 Tirreno Technologies Sàrl.<br>
                  Rte des Flumeaux 48, Prilly, Switzerland <img width="12" height="12" src="/switzerland.svg" alt="Switzerland">
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