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Clicador - HNsoft CSearcher
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<h3>Clicador - A simple and fast free auto clicker.</h3>
Clicador is basically an auto clicker, that is simple a program that simulates mouse clicking. It's fairly generic and will work alongside any other computer program running at the time and acting as though a physical mouse button is pressed.
There are other free auto clickers, but I had a need for one, and once again I wanted to include some features that I found missing in the other ones.
That's how I created Clicador.
It can be used for many thing, like games, keep alive applications, etc.
<img src="Images/clicador.png">
<h3>Versions history:</h3>
<h3>Version (July 28, 2020)</h3>
<h6>[new] New button to change the handle of a group of configuration entries</h6>
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.5.zip">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.5.zip</a> Compressed archive.
<h3>Version (April 2, 2018)</h3>
<h6>[fix] While a config is running no longer will the tooltip flicker and no more scrollbar jump</h6>
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.4.zip">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.4.zip</a> Compressed archive.
<h3>Version (March 24, 2018)</h3>
<h6>[fix] Added a main form minimum resize limit</h6>
<h6>[fix] Detection of Ctrl-Alt-Del was not working</h6>
<h6>[new] Option to Auto minimize main form when starting clicking</h6>
<h6>[alt] Close Clicador when clicks are finished option is now stored on XML and when closing/opening clicador</h6>
<h6>[new] Clicador will now hide its forms, while showing the random area click preview</h6>
<h6>[fix] Minor fixes</h6>
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.3.zip">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.3.zip</a> Compressed archive.
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.3.exe">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.3.exe</a> Self-Extracting file.</h6>
<h3>Version (March 21, 2018)</h3>
<h6>[fix] Editing or deleting an item will not reset scroll anymore</h6>
<h6>[fix] When cloning a configuration it will now clone the enable state</h6>
<h6>[fix] When deleting a configuration and no item is selected the buttons are now disabled</h6>
<h6>[fix] Some labels text have been corrected</h6>
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.2.zip">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.2.zip</a> Compressed archive.
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.2.exe">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.2.exe</a> Self-Extracting file.</h6>
<h3>Version (March 20, 2018)</h3>
<h6>[fix] When adding a clicking configuration it will now be enabled by default</h6>
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.1.zip">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.1.zip</a> Compressed archive.
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.1.exe">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.1.exe</a> Self-Extracting file.</h6>
<h3>Version (March 20, 2018)</h3>
<h6>[new] New feature that allows a quick way to enable/disable specific clicking items</h6>
<h6>[new] Allow resizing of main form</h6>
<h6>[new] The state and arrangement of the list view columns is stored on XML and when closing/opening clicador</h6>
<h6>[alt] When a new item is cloned or added, it will be displayed and selected on the list (no more scroll reset)</h6>
<h6>[alt] If clicador is run as administrator there is a precision improvement in mode: "Move (& return) mouse..."</h6>
<h6>[new] New button that will draw on screen a preview area of random clicks</h6>
<h6>[new] Feature to check new version on program start</h6>
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.0.zip">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.0.zip</a> Compressed archive.
<h6>·<a href="http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.0.exe">http://www.hnsoft.pt/Repository/clicador/clicador_2.1.0.0.exe</a> Self-Extracting file.</h6>
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