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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #75c7fb;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #8ed1fc;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #75c7fb;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
  background-color: #8ed1fc;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #8ed1fc;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #8ed1fc;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #8ed1fc;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #68c1fb;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #0693e3;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #0693e3;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #0583ca;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #0693e3;
  border-color: #0693e3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #0583ca;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #0693e3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #0583ca;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #0693e3;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #0693e3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #0693e3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #0ca3f9;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #abb8c3;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #abb8c3;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #9cabb8;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #abb8c3;
  border-color: #abb8c3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #9cabb8;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #abb8c3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #9cabb8;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
  background-color: #abb8c3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #abb8c3;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #abb8c3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #abb8c3;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #b3bfc9;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #eb144c;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #eb144c;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #d31244;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #eb144c;
  border-color: #eb144c;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #d31244;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #eb144c;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #d31244;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
  background-color: #eb144c;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #eb144c;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #eb144c;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #eb144c;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #ed2c5e;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #f78da7;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #f78da7;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #f57595;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #f78da7;
  border-color: #f78da7;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #f57595;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #f78da7;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #f57595;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #f78da7;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #f78da7;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #f78da7;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #f898b0;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #9900ef;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #9900ef;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #8900d5;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #9900ef;
  border-color: #9900ef;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #8900d5;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #9900ef;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #8900d5;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #9900ef;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #9900ef;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #9900ef;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #a70bff;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #b80000;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #b80000;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #9f0000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #b80000;
  border-color: #b80000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #9f0000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #b80000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #b80000;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #b80000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #b80000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #d90000;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #db3e00;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #db3e00;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #c23700;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #db3e00;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #c23700;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #db3e00;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #db3e00;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #db3e00;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #db3e00;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #f84600;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #fccb00;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #fccb00;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #e3b600;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #fccb00;
  border-color: #fccb00;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #e3b600;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #fccb00;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #fccb00;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #fccb00;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #fccb00;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #ffd217;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #008b02;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #008b02;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #007202;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #008b02;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #008b02;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #008b02;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #008b02;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #008b02;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #00b003;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #006b76;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #006b76;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #00545d;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #006b76;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #006b76;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
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  border-bottom: 2px solid #006b76;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #006b76;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #008f9d;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #1273de;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #1273de;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #1067c6;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #1273de;
  border-color: #1273de;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #1067c6;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #1273de;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #1273de;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #1273de;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #1273de;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #1e80ed;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #004dcf;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #004dcf;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #0044b5;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #004dcf;
  border-color: #004dcf;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #004dcf;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #004dcf;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #004dcf;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #004dcf;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #0058ed;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #5300eb;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #5300eb;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #4a00d2;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #5300eb;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #5300eb;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #5300eb;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #5300eb;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #5300eb;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #5f07ff;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #000;
  border-color: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #000;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #000;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #1a1a1a;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
  color: #e31010;
#st-cmp-v2 a {
  color: #e31010;
#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
  color: #cb0e0e;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner {
  background: #e31010;
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: #cb0e0e;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner {
  color: #e31010;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
  background: none;
  color: #cb0e0e;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-switch .slider[data-checked] {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-checkbox [type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  border-right: 2px solid #e31010;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #e31010;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
  background-color: #e31010;
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
  background-color: #ef1f1f;
#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 a {
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#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 a {
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#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 a {
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#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-settings:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-button.ghost .st-button-inner:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active,
#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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#st-cmp-v2 a:hover {
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#st-cmp-v2 h1,
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#st-cmp-v2 .st-cmp-vendor-selection-card .st-cmp-header .st-cmp-toggles .st-cmp-checkbox .st-cmp-li-label-active {
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	  <h6 style="font-size:18px;">What's Anitaku?</h6>
	  <p>Anitaku is a completely free streaming site for users to watch or download anime in HD quality with English subtitles or dubbing. A vast database, fast update and no registering requirement.</p>
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    </script></div><iframe src="" id="st_gdpr_iframe" title="GDPR Consent Management" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; position: absolute; left: -5000px;"></iframe><div id="st-cmp-v2"><div data-version="2.0.1" class="st-cmp-app  st-cmp-undefined "><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><div class="st-cmp-overlay"></div><div class="st-cmp-content"><div class="st-layer st-first-layer"><div class="st-cmp-full-header"><div class="header"><h1>WE CARE ABOUT YOUR PRIVACY</h1></div><div class="st-cmp-header-nav-buttons"><div class="st-button  ghost"><span><div class="st-button-inner"><span class="st-text">Manage Settings</span></div></span></div><div class="st-button  ghost"><span><div class="st-button-inner"><span class="st-text">Vendors</span></div></span></div></div></div><div class="st-cmp-selection-cards"><div id="vendor-settings"><h2>Vendor Settings</h2><div class="st-cmp-selection-card"><h3>Purposes</h3><div class="st-cmp-item"><h4>Vendors can:</h4><div class="st-switch "><label>Store and/or access information on a device</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Use limited data to select advertising</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Create profiles for personalised advertising</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Use profiles to select personalised advertising</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Create profiles to personalise content</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Use profiles to select personalised content</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Measure advertising performance</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Measure content performance</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Develop and improve services</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Use limited data to select content</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div></div></div><div class="st-cmp-selection-card"><h3>Special Purposes</h3><div class="st-cmp-item"><h4>Vendors can:</h4><ul><li>Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors
</li><li>Deliver and present advertising and content</li><li>Save and communicate privacy choices</li></ul></div></div><div class="st-cmp-selection-card"><h3>Features</h3><div class="st-cmp-item"><h4>Vendors can:</h4><ul><li>Match and combine data from other data sources</li><li>Link different devices</li><li>Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically</li></ul></div></div><div class="st-cmp-selection-card"><h3>Special Features</h3><div class="st-cmp-item"><h4>Vendors can:</h4><div class="st-switch "><label>Use precise geolocation data</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div><div class="st-switch "><label>Actively scan device characteristics for identification</label><div class="switch"><span class="slider"></span></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="st-cmp-disclaimer"><p>Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they rely on their legitimate business interest. Personal data processed includes but is not limited to cookies, IP addresses, and URLs visited.<a> View our list of partners </a>to see the purposes they believe they have a legitimate interest for and object to legitimate interests on a per vendor basis.<a> Manage your settings </a>and object to purposes as a legitimate interest in general.</p><p>You can change your settings at any time, including by withdrawing your consent, by clicking on the cog icon in the bottom right hand corner.</p></div><div class="st-cmp-nav-buttons"><div class="st-cmp-footer-nav-buttons"><div class="st-button"><span><div class="st-button-inner"><span class="st-text">Manage Settings</span></div></span></div><div class="st-button"><span><div class="st-button-inner"><span class="st-text">Vendors (865)</span></div></span></div></div><div class="st-cmp-permanent-footer-nav-buttons"><div class="st-button"><span><div class="st-button-inner"><span class="st-text">Accept All</span></div></span></div><div class="st-button"><span><div class="st-button-inner"><span class="st-text">Reject All</span></div></span></div><div class="st-button" disabled=""><span><div class="st-button-inner"><span class="st-text">Save &amp; Exit</span></div></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>