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Data Controller</groupui-headline><groupui-text class="hydrated">We are pleased that you are using a system of Volkswagen AG, Berliner Ring 2, 38440 Wolfsburg, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Braunschweig under No. HRB 100484 ("Volkswagen AG"), and by Volkswagen Konzernlogistik GmbH & Co. OHG, Heßlinger Straße 12, 38436 Wolfsburg, (hereinafter referred to as Group Logistics), registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Braunschweig under No. HRA 100170. In the following we inform you about the processing of your personal data by Volkswagen AG and Group Logistics in connection with your use of the Contact Information Service (CIS) system. You can contact us via the mailbox <a href="mailto:[email protected]" style="color: white;">[email protected]</a>.</groupui-text><br><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">B. Acquisition, processing and use of your personal data</groupui-headline><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">General information </groupui-headline><groupui-text class="hydrated">The Contact Information Service makes it possible to store personal data as part of the processing of logistics and production tasks in accordance with current case law and GDPR-requirements. For this purpose, employees of the VW Group can create or edit a contact data record with the help of CIS. Within these processes, personal data will be collected from you. This is data that is either transferred to the system from other existing Volkswagen Group systems or entered manually.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">1. What personal data is collected from you or processed in other steps:</groupui-text><ul><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">IT usage data</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Business contact and organisational data of the stored persons:</groupui-text><ul><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">First and last name</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Business telephone numbers</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Business e-mail address</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Communication language(s)</groupui-text></li></ul></li></ul><groupui-text class="hydrated">2. For what purpose is your personal data processed?</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">The stored contact data of external persons are used for the purpose of clear, centralised and user-oriented presentation as well as business contact in the logistics context. They thus serve as a communication basis for maintaining the logistics process chain. The personal data concerned are presented within CIS and offered to other WINGS applications with the help of an interface. These WINGS applications access the contact data in order to maintain and handle general, logistical business processes (partially automated).</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">On the one hand, the data of the employees of Volkswagen AG and Group Logistics are processed for the purpose of logging. On the other hand, professional contact data is processed for the purpose of identification: this makes it clear to external persons who created or updated them in CIS. This ensures direct communication between Group employees and service providers.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">3. Where do we get the information from, which we need for the initial contact process?</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">The contact data originate either from existing contact lists, from other existing systems of the Volkswagen Group or existing correspondence that is transferred to the CIS or they are collected within the CIS processes. They may also originate from information that is publicly available on the Internet (company websites, etc.) for the purpose of establishing initial contact. The access rights for the CIS login are collected in the URS system. The access data of Volkswagen Group employees are provided by the VW Cloud-IDP system.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">4. Sharing of data with third parties?</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">The CIS system transmits requested contact data to the CIS-using systems. Depending on the request, one or more personal data per contact may be transmitted. In the context of support, operational or development work, your data will be passed on to authorised third parties. These may be:</groupui-text><ul><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Volkswagen Group IT Services India</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">All Group companies</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Volkswagen AG strictly and Group Logistics observes the relevant data protection regulations when transferring data to so-called third countries (countries that are neither members of the European Union nor the European Economic Area). In connection with CIS, Volkswagen AG and Group Logistics only transmits data to recipients (e.B. IT service providers and logistics service providers) in third countries if there is express consent for the data transfer within the meaning of Art. 49 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR. Before granting this consent, you were informed that your data may be accessible to CIS users worldwide - even in those countries that have a lower level of data protection than that of the European Union - and can in principle also be passed on to external service providers in the course of the logistics process. Specific data protection guarantees may not be provided in such countries, so that in particular there could not be sufficient protection against official access. Information stored in the CIS could easily be copied and further processed. This may result in information published by CIS continuing to be found elsewhere (within the system) even after it has been deleted. The third-country transfer also applies if there is an adequacy decision of the EU Commission for the respective third country or if the data transfers are adequately secured by the conclusion of EU standard contractual clauses issued by the EU Commission with the recipient of the data. The EU standard contractual clauses used can be accessed via the URL<a href="https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32010D0087" style="color: white;">https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32010D0087</a> .</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Development service provider for CIS.</groupui-text></li></ul><groupui-text class="hydrated">The CIS system can also be used by partner companies (e.g. logistics service providers) of Volkswagen AG group entities with the appropriate access requirements.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">Depending on the authorisations, the following data can be viewed:</groupui-text><ul><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">IT-usage-data</groupui-text></li><li><groupui-text class="hydrated">Professional contact and (work) organisation data (see also point B.1). To ensure an appropriate level of protection for your personal data, Volkswagen AG and Group Logistics conclude EU standard contractual clauses with these recipients. In addition, to the extent required by applicable data protection laws, further protective measures (e.g. encryption and additional contractual arrangements) are taken to ensure an adequate level of protection for your personal data.</groupui-text></li></ul><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">C. Legal basis for the acquisition of your personal data</groupui-headline><groupui-text class="hydrated">For employees of Volkswagen AG, the legal basis for processing is the performance or termination of your employment (§ 26 BDSG). For the data processing of the group companies and external persons, the balancing of interests according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO or the consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO applies as the legal basis</groupui-text><br><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">D. Storage and deletion of your personal data</groupui-headline><groupui-text class="hydrated">The acquisition, processing and transmission of your personal data is only carried out for a specific purpose. The system documentation is subject to legal storage periods and the procedure for deleting the personal data in the system is defined in the system's deletion concept.</groupui-text><br><table style="text-align: left; border: 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse;"><tbody><tr style="border: 1px solid;"><th style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;">Data</th><th style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;">Deletion period</th></tr><tr><td style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;">IT-usage-data</td><td style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;">Data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed. The necessity results from the use of the URS system and is checked every 6 months as part of an authorization stock talking.</td></tr><tr><td style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;">Business contact and organizational data</td><td style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;">Data is deleted as soon as the data subject deletes their data from the system or it is deleted from the system by an employee of the Volkswagen Group. In addition, an automated annual inventory takes place. If the data subject does not respond to the inventory request, it is deleted from the system after 28 days.</td></tr></tbody></table><br><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">E. Your rights</groupui-headline><groupui-text class="hydrated">You can assert your following rights against Volkswagen AG and the Group Logistics at any time and free of charge. Further information on exercising your rights can be found in section D.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right to information: </span>You have the right to obtain information from us (Art. 15 of the GDPR) about the processing of your personal data.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right of rectification: </span>You have the right to request that we correct (Art. 16 of the GDPR) any inaccurate or incomplete personal data concerning you.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right to erasure: </span>You have the right to request the erasure of your data if the conditions set out in Article 17 of the GDPR apply. According to this, you can, for example, demand the deletion of your data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. You can also request deletion if we process your data on the basis of your consent and you revoke this consent.</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right to restriction of processing: </span>You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data if the conditions of Art. 18 DSGVO are met. This is the case, for example, if you dispute the accuracy of your data. You can then demand the restriction of processing for the duration of the verification of the accuracy of the data.</groupui-text><br><div style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;"><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right of objection: </span>If the processing is based on an overriding legitimate interest, you have the right to object to the processing of your data. An objection is permissible if the processing is either in the public interest or is based on a legitimate interest of Volkswagen AG or a third party. In the event of an objection, please inform us of the reasons why you object to the processing of your data.</groupui-text></div><br><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right to data portability: </span>If data processing is based on consent or the performance of a contract and is also carried out using automated processing, you have the right to receive your data in a structured, common and machine-readable format and to transfer it to another data processor.</groupui-text><br><div style="border: 1px solid; padding: 5px;"><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right of withdrawal: </span>If the data processing is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent with effect for the future at any time and free of charge.</groupui-text></div><br><groupui-text class="hydrated"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Right of complaint: </span>You also have the right to complain about our processing of your data to a supervisory authority (e.g. the State Commissioner for Data Protection of Lower Saxony).</groupui-text><br><br><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">F. Your contact persons</groupui-headline><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">Contact person for executing your rights</groupui-headline><groupui-text class="hydrated">You can find the contact persons for exercising your rights and further information vis-à-vis Volkswagen AG on the following website: <a href="https://datenschutz.volkswagen.de" style="color: white;">https://datenschutz.volkswagen.de</a>.</groupui-text><groupui-text class="hydrated">You can reach the contact persons for exercising your rights vis-à-vis Group Logistics via:<a href="[email protected]" style="color: white;">[email protected]</a>.</groupui-text><br><groupui-headline heading="h6" class="hydrated">Data Protection Officer</groupui-headline><groupui-text class="hydrated">Our data protection officer is available to you as a contact for data protection-related concerns:</groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">Data Protection Officer of Volkswagen AG and Group Logistics</groupui-text><groupui-text class="hydrated">Berliner Ring 2, 38440 Wolfsburg</groupui-text><groupui-text class="hydrated"><a href="mailto:[email protected]" style="color: white;">[email protected]</a></groupui-text><br><groupui-text class="hydrated">Status: August 2023</groupui-text></div></groupui-grid-col></groupui-grid-row><groupui-grid-row type="fixed" margin-type="static" class="hydrated"><groupui-grid-col s="0" m="1" l="1" xl="1" xxl="1" class="hydrated"></groupui-grid-col><groupui-grid-col s="12" m="10" l="10" xl="10" xxl="10" class="hydrated"><div id="footer-container"><div id="footer"><div class="footer-seperator"></div><div id="footer-nav"><a class="no-decoration " href="/privacy"><groupui-text class="no-linebreak margin-5 font-size-14 hydrated">Privacy</groupui-text></a><span class="divider"> | </span><a class="no-decoration" href="/imprint"><groupui-text class="no-linebreak margin-5 font-size-14 hydrated">Imprint</groupui-text></a><span class="divider"> | </span><a class="no-decoration" href="/terms-of-use"><groupui-text class="no-linebreak margin-5 font-size-14 hydrated">Terms of Use</groupui-text></a><span class="divider"> | </span><a href="https://www.volkswagenag.com/en/group/compliance-and-risk-management/whistleblowersystem.html" target="_blank" class="no-decoration"><groupui-text class="no-linebreak margin-5 font-size-14 hydrated">Whistleblower System</groupui-text></a><span class="divider"> | </span><a class="no-decoration" href="/license"><groupui-text class="no-linebreak margin-5 font-size-14 hydrated">Third Party License Notes</groupui-text></a></div><div class="footer-seperator"></div></div><svg width="300" height="100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g fill="#FFF" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M217.347 69.062V75h-.913v-5.938h-1.928v-.765h4.777v.765h-1.936M209.395 69.052v2.185h2.681v.735h-2.68V75h-.914v-6.703h3.763v.755h-2.85M202.895 70.105c-.11-.328-.199-.646-.289-.944h-.009c-.08.298-.18.616-.279.934l-.913 2.581h2.403l-.913-2.572zM204.573 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1.122-.844 1.957-2.413 1.957-.546 0-1.093-.07-1.51-.18v-.894c.428.17 1.023.29 0 1.41-.319 1.41-1.103 0-1.549-3.069-1.003-3.069-3.168 0-1.072.864-1.827 2.353-1.827a6.2 6.2 0 011.152.11v.823M138.405 75v-6.703h3.793v.755h-2.88v2.125h2.642v.735h-2.642v2.323h2.92V75h-3.833M134.02 74.702a6.621 6.621 0 01-2.215.388c-2.095 0-3.326-1.262-3.326-3.307 0-2.076 1.231-3.575 3.604-3.575.577 0 1.192.1 1.709.238v.894a4.992 4.992 0 00-1.798-.347c-1.807 0-2.542 1.27-2.542 2.661 0 1.668.924 2.642 2.482 2.642.447 0 .824-.07 1.182-.18v-2.532h.904v3.118M123.835 75l-2.482-3.932c-.477-.755-.665-1.102-.874-1.54h-.02c.04.755.09 2.404.09 3.595V75h-.894v-6.703h1.043l2.343 3.694c.427.675.725 1.201.914 1.6h.02a72.983 72.983 0 01-.09-3.606v-1.688h.894V75h-.944M111.674 75v-6.703h3.793v.755h-2.88v2.125h2.642v.735h-2.641v2.323h2.919V75h-3.833M106.046 75h.914v-6.703h-.913zM100.618 69.062V75h-.914v-5.938h-1.927v-.765h4.777v.765h-1.936M94.445 75l-2.791-3.317V75h-.913v-6.703h.913v3.158l2.691-3.158h1.102l-2.81 3.208L95.617 75h-1.172M84.936 70.105c-.11-.328-.2-.646-.289-.944h-.01c-.079.298-.178.616-.278.934l-.913 2.581h2.403l-.913-2.572zM86.613 75l-.546-1.599h-2.85L82.662 75h-.934l2.403-6.703h1.112L87.636 75h-1.023zM265.545 50l-7.87-12.667c-1.41-2.259-2.19-3.74-2.933-5.407h-.075c.185 2.518.373 7.222.373 11.258V50h-4.677V25h5.492l7.39 11.852c1.298 2.037 2.3 3.925 3.005 5.481h.075c-.185-2.74-.373-7.148-.373-11.258V25h4.68v25h-5.087M228.61 50V25h15.109v4.037h-10.284v6.185h9.466v3.852h-9.466v6.778h10.395V50h-15.22M221.188 48.815c-2.49.998-5.57 1.555-8.576 1.555-8.242 0-12.66-4.889-12.66-12.334 0-7.925 4.863-13.406 13.922-13.406 2.115 0 4.455.333 6.31.852v4.703c-2.042-.851-4.454-1.259-6.607-1.259-5.941 0-8.39 3.926-8.39 8.592 0 5.26 2.782 8.518 7.981 8.518 1.188 0 2.227-.147 3.193-.443v-8.704h4.827v11.925M186.514 33.037a43.414 43.414 0 01-1.002-3.74h-.075A49.504 49.504 0 01184.47 33l-2.596 7.852h7.238l-2.599-7.815zM191.897 50l-1.708-5.333h-9.43L179.017 50h-4.864l8.39-25h6.274l8.427 25h-5.346zM166.804 50h-5.977l-3.823-13.667c-.334-1.333-.631-3.037-.817-4.555h-.075c-.222 1.592-.445 3.222-.78 4.555L151.584 50h-6.013l-6.274-25h5.16l3.34 13.666a92.638 92.638 0 011.078 6.223h.073a55.54 55.54 0 011.189-6.149L153.922 25h4.827l3.897 13.889c.52 1.851 1.003 4 1.3 6h.074c.26-1.927.556-3.963.965-5.926L168.29 25h4.752l-6.238 25M134.285 29.297c-1.374-.408-3.155-.704-4.64-.704-2.748 0-4.159 1.11-4.159 2.888 0 4.556 10.878 2.963 10.878 11.185 0 4.482-3.415 7.74-9.54 7.74-2.08 0-4.196-.259-5.83-.703V45.11c1.634.63 4.01 1.112 6.015 1.112 2.45 0 4.195-.925 4.195-3.111 0-4.815-10.729-3.038-10.729-11.185 0-4.333 3.49-7.333 9.467-7.333 1.373 0 3.007.185 4.343.444v4.26M111.716 50l-8.762-12v12h-4.826V25h4.826v11.333L111.42 25h5.717l-9.244 11.925L117.73 50h-6.014M79.53 50V25h4.827v20.815h9.132V50H79.53M62.159 28.926c-3.935 0-6.72 2.963-6.72 8.444 0 5.37 2.228 8.703 6.72 8.703 3.935 0 6.756-2.962 6.756-8.48 0-5.334-2.227-8.667-6.756-8.667zm-.371 21.48c-7.537 0-11.509-4.591-11.509-12.444 0-8.665 5.643-13.369 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