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<title>Flex Edition Download</title>
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<p align="center"><font color="#0000ff" face="Times New Roman"><big><strong><big><u>HydroCAD</u></big></strong></big></font><font color="#0000ff" face="Arial"><sup>®</sup></font><font color="#0000ff" face="Times New Roman"><big>
Stormwater Modeling - Since 1986</big></font></p>
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<p>1) Use of HydroCAD 10.2 is governed by the updated <a href="../license.htm">software license agreement</a>.
You will be asked to formally accept the agreement when you install the software
in step 4, below. The setup program will <i>replace</i> any existing HydroCAD
installation on your PC. A detailed list of software changes is available
<a href="../versions/changes.htm">here</a>. </p>
<p>2) Download the setup program.</p>
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</font><p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"><b><font size="2">If you just purchased HydroCAD, are
under maintenance, or have<br>
an annual license, please download the latest version below:</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></p></td>
<td width="44%"><!--mstheme--><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">
</font><p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"><b><font size="2">If you are <i>not</i> licensed for the
latest release,<br>
you can download earlier versions below:</font></b><!--mstheme--></font></p></td>
<td width="56%"><!--mstheme--><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">
<p align="center">
<span style="background-color: #FFFF00">
<a onclick="ga('send','event','Download','Setup','Flex');" href="download/HydroCAD-setup-10.2-6a.exe">Click here to download the latest HydroCAD 10.20-6a release.</a></span></p>
</font><p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"><font size="2">(Also applies to the HydroCAD
<a href="../sampler.htm">Sampler</a>.)</font><!--mstheme--></font></p></td>
<td width="44%"><!--mstheme--><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">
</font><p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"><font size="2">
<a href="download/HydroCAD-setup-10.2-5c.exe">HydroCAD 10.20-5c</a></font><br>
<font size="2">
<a href="download/HydroCAD-setup-10.2-4c.exe">HydroCAD 10.20-4c</a><br>
<a onclick="ga('send','event','Download','Setup','Flex');" href="download/HydroCAD-setup-10.2-3h.exe">
HydroCAD 10.20-3h</a><br>
<a href="download/HydroCAD-setup-10.2-2h.exe">HydroCAD 10.20-2h</a><br>
<a href="../download.htm">Earlier versions</a></font><!--mstheme--></font></p></td>
</tbody></table><!--mstheme--><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">
<p>3) Save the file to your <u>windows desktop</u> under the suggested file name
<u><font size="2">HydroCAD-setup.exe</font></u></b> If the download fails to start, disable any anti-virus software or
download manager which may be blocking the download.</p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/icons/setup-icon.gif" align="right" width="54" height="51">4) When
the download is complete, click (or double-click) the downloaded file
(HydroCAD-setup.exe) to begin the installation. (If you get a "corrupt file" message
or other error, your
download file is incomplete. Delete the download file and repeat the
download. The complete file should have a size of approximately 5MB. See the
<a href="tips.htm">download tips</a> for further details.)</p>
<p>5) When the installation is complete, we suggest that you delete the download
file (HydroCAD-setup.exe), which is no longer required. If you have problems with
the installation, <a href="../install.htm">click here for technical details</a>.</p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/icons/hydrocad-shortcut.gif" align="right" width="56" height="53">6) To start HydroCAD, click the
HydroCAD shortcut on the <b>desktop</b> or <b>Start menu</b>.</p>
<p>7) If HydroCAD does not find a previous license, enter your complete serial
number when prompted.</p>
<p>8) If you haven't purchased a HydroCAD license, you can select "<b>Run as
Sampler</b>" to run in evaluation mode.</p>
<p>9) For new users, please accept the suggestion to review the HydroCAD Tutorial, which will
get you up to speed in a minimum of time! After completing the tutorial,
you'll be ready to set up your own project.</p>
<p>10) You'll find answers to 99% of your question by clicking the <b>Help</b>
button on each screen. We also recommend the <a href="../hcmanual.htm">
HydroCAD Reference Manual.</a> Starting with HydroCAD 10.2, a PDF copy of
the <b><font size="2">Reference Manual</font></b> is also available on the <b>
<font size="2">Help</font></b> menu.<br>
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