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http://eweiibe6tdjsdprb4px6rqrzzcsi22m4koia44kc5pcjr7nec2rlxyad.onion/tgragnato.gpghttp://eweiibe6tdjsdprb4px6rqrzzcsi22m4koia44kc5pcjr7nec2rlxyad.onion/tgragnato.gpg - A ✨special✨ repository dedicated to my profile README and my Jekyll website - An aMule fork that aims to improve the use the cmake build system - A custom tap for things that are not in homebrew - A collection of software and tools that I use to manage my network and my storage - Simple and Really Fast Varnish Cache Cluster Manager (for Varnish 6.x/7.x) - The high-scalability sFlow/NetFlow/IPFIX collector used internally at Cloudflare [syslog transport] - GraphQLHub demo

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💬 I'm always eager to engage in discussions and share my knowledge, especially about networking and censorship circumvention | - Tommaso Gragnato | Tommaso Gragnato"><meta name="description" content=" Hi there 👋 I'm Tommaso - 🔧 I am a backend developer currently engaged in platform engineering roles - 💼 I strive to leverage my knowledge and expertise to create and manage robust and scalable infrastructures - 🚀 My focus is on security, containerization and orchestration, monitoring and logging - 🔭 I am presently working on projects that involve Go and/or PHP - 🌱 I am actively engaged in expanding my skill set by delving into the realms of Ruby and Javascript - 💬 I'm always eager to engage in discussions and share my knowledge, especially about networking and censorship circumvention | - Tommaso Gragnato | Tommaso Gragnato"><meta property="og:description" content=" Hi there 👋 I'm Tommaso - 🔧 I am a backend developer currently engaged in platform engineering roles - 💼 I strive to leverage my knowledge and expertise to create and manage robust and scalable infrastructures - 🚀 My focus is on security, containerization and orchestration, monitoring and logging - 🔭 I am presently working on projects that involve Go and/or PHP - 🌱 I am actively engaged in expanding my skill set by delving into the realms of Ruby and Javascript - 💬 I'm always eager to engage in discussions and share my knowledge, especially about networking and censorship circumvention | - Tommaso Gragnato | Tommaso Gragnato"><meta name="twitter:description" content=" Hi there 👋 I'm Tommaso - 🔧 I am a backend developer currently engaged in platform engineering roles - 💼 I strive to leverage my knowledge and expertise to create and manage robust and scalable infrastructures - 🚀 My focus is on security, containerization and orchestration, monitoring and logging - 🔭 I am presently working on projects that involve Go and/or PHP - 🌱 I am actively engaged in expanding my skill set by delving into the realms of Ruby and Javascript - 💬 I'm always eager to engage in discussions and share my knowledge, especially about networking and censorship circumvention | - 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Tommaso Gragnato</h1><p class="subtitle"> Hi there 👋 I'm Tommaso <br><br> - 🔧 I am a backend developer currently engaged in platform engineering roles <br> - 💼 I strive to leverage my knowledge and expertise to create and manage robust and scalable infrastructures <br> - 🚀 My focus is on security, containerization and orchestration, monitoring and logging <br> - 🔭 I am presently working on projects that involve Go and/or PHP <br> - 🌱 I am actively engaged in expanding my skill set by delving into the realms of Ruby and Javascript <br> - 💬 I'm always eager to engage in discussions and share my knowledge, especially about networking and censorship circumvention</p></header><section class="content"><h2 id="contacts">Contacts</h2><p>Email: tgragnato「単価記号」icloud</p><p>PGP: A283 C77F BE2B 15D8 7EF4 16E9 B7E4 732B 4DE7 4631</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a> - <a href="http://eweiibe6tdjsdprb4px6rqrzzcsi22m4koia44kc5pcjr7nec2rlxyad.onion/tgragnato.gpg">http://eweiibe6tdjsdprb4px6rqrzzcsi22m4koia44kc5pcjr7nec2rlxyad.onion/tgragnato.gpg</a></p><hr><h2 id="words">Words</h2><p><a href="/2024/12/02/Red-Nosed-Reports.html">02-12-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Red-Nosed Reports</code> - Advent of Code 2024 [Day 2]</a></p><p><a href="/2024/12/01/Historian-Hysteria.html">01-12-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Historian Hysteria</code> - Advent of Code 2024 [Day 1]</a></p><p><a href="/2024/10/31/usenix-srecon24.html">31-10-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">USENIX SREcon24 Europe/Middle East/Africa</code> - 29-31 Oct 2024 The Convention Centre Dublin</a></p><p><a href="/2024/10/20/Risks.html">20-10-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Risks</code> - The dichotomy that exists between genius and the solitude of failure</a></p><p><a href="/2024/09/08/Covert-Communications.html">08-09-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">US Covert Communications</code> - Channels uncovered by the counter intelligence of Iran, Russia and China</a></p><p><a href="/2024/07/22/WeAreDevelopers.html">22-07-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">We Are Developers 2024</code> - 17-19 Jul 2024 Messe Berlin</a></p><p><a href="/2024/07/05/BPF-HTTP-Replay.html">05-07-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">BPF HTTP Replay</code> - Midpoint network interception for HTTP traffic mirroring</a></p><p><a href="/2024/05/14/DxDay.html">14-05-2024 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">DxDay 2024 (1st edition)</code> - Bologna - Hotel Savoia Regency</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/12/Hot-Springs.html">12-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Hot Springs</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 12]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/11/Cosmic-Expansion.html">11-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Cosmic Expansion</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 11]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/09/Mirage-Maintenance.html">09-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Mirage Maintenance</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 9]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/08/Haunted-Wasteland.html">08-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Haunted Wasteland</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 8]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/07/Camel-Cards.html">07-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Camel Cards</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 7]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/06/Wait-For-It.html">06-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Wait For It</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 6]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/05/If-You-Give-A-Seed-A-Fertilizer.html">05-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 5]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/04/Scratchcards.html">04-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Scratchcards</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 4]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/03/Gear-Ratios.html">03-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Gear Ratios</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 3]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/02/Cube-Conundrum.html">02-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Cube Conundrum</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 2]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/12/01/Trebuchet.html">01-12-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Trebuchet?!</code> - Advent of Code 2023 [Day 1]</a></p><p><a href="/2023/09/20/ebmbtreebench.html">20-09-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">EBMBTreeBench</code> - a naive measurement tool for ebmb trees</a></p><p><a href="/2023/08/20/n5105-j6413.html">20-08-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Topton N5105 e Kingnovy J6413</code> - Due schede efficienti e potenti, con un mucchio di porte</a></p><p><a href="/2023/06/04/Cloudflare-SEO.html">04-06-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Fondamenti SEO con Cloudflare</code> - Una guida completa su come Cloudflare può migliorare la SEO del tuo sito web</a></p><p><a href="/2023/03/26/memory.html">26-03-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Browser's "memory management"</code> - A common memory leak in JS engines</a></p><p><a href="/2023/03/12/Micro-Miniature.html">12-03-2023 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Микро Миниатюра / Micro Miniatura</code> - Транзисторные Усилители / Amplificatori e Transistor</a></p><p><a href="/2022/12/07/APIs.html">07-12-2022 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Application Programming Interface</code> - We followed your API documentation to the letter!</a></p><p><a href="/2022/10/03/apple-silicon-decompilation.html">03-10-2022 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Apple Silicon Decompilation</code> - When you wish you didn’t know how to use a decompiler</a></p><p><a href="/2022/09/06/pilsung.html">06-09-2022 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">붉은별 사용자용체계</code> - pilsung 암호화 알고리즘</a></p><p><a href="/2020/08/27/Geiger.html">27-08-2020 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Geiger Counter</code> - A nuclear side project</a></p><p><a href="/2019/12/28/grizzly-steppe.html">28-12-2019 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Grizzly Steppe</code> - Samples from Russian cyber operations</a></p><p><a href="/2018/07/13/traffic-analysis.html">13-07-2018 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Traffic Analysis</code> - Exfiltrating (meta)data while minimising lateral movements</a></p><p><a href="/2018/07/01/dlink-botnet.html">01-07-2018 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">D-Link botnet</code> - Extracting binaries from a botnet of compromised NAS devices</a></p><p><a href="/2018/05/10/FASTGate-RCE.html">10-05-2018 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">FASTGate-RCE</code> - Abusing DNS to exploit a command injection and obtain root</a></p><p><a href="/2017/05/14/DNS323-Toolchain.html">14-05-2017 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">D-Link DNS-323 toolchain</code> - An in-depth guide for DNS-323 hacking with patches, binaries, and helpful resources</a></p><p><a href="/2017/03/23/integrity-check.html">23-03-2017 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">macOS firmware integrity check</code> - Looking how Apple’s security features are implemented across architectures</a></p><p><a href="/2015/06/24/sudoku.html">24-06-2015 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Generatore di sudoku in coffeescript</code> - Permutazioni, rimozione validazione e backtracking</a></p><p><a href="/snippets.html">日付不明 - <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Snippets / Gists</code> - Welcome to the Chronicles of Nonchalance!</a></p><hr><h2 id="git">Git</h2><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">tgragnato</code> - A ✨special✨ repository dedicated to my profile README and my Jekyll website</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">magnetico</code> - An updated version of the famous “Autonomous (self-hosted) BitTorrent DHT search engine suite”</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">snowflake</code> - Pluggable Transport using WebRTC, inspired by Flashproxy. A custom fork with mine opinionated patches</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">amule</code> - An aMule fork that aims to improve the use the cmake build system</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">homebrew-tap</code> - A custom tap for things that are not in homebrew</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">pure</code> - A collection of software and tools that I use to manage my network and my storage</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">vaban</code> - Simple and Really Fast Varnish Cache Cluster Manager (for Varnish 6.x/7.x)</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">goflow</code> - The high-scalability sFlow/NetFlow/IPFIX collector used internally at Cloudflare [syslog transport]</a></p><p><a href=""><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">socialhub</code> - GraphQLHub demo</a></p><hr><h2 id="quotes">Quotes</h2><blockquote><p>Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, “We’ve always done it this way.” I try to fight that. <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Grace Murray Hopper</code></p></blockquote><blockquote><p>We can lick gravity but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming. <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun</code></p></blockquote><blockquote><p>It’s often easier to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission. <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Grace Murray Hopper</code></p></blockquote><blockquote><p>Just keep making great shit, keep your costs in check, charge appropriate prices for your work, share as much as you can, and let the chips fail where they may. <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">Jason Fried</code></p></blockquote></section><footer><div class="columns is-mobile"><div class="column"> <a href=""> <img class="image is-32x32 m-auto" src="/fonts/square-github.svg" alt="GitHub" loading="lazy"> </a></div><div class="column"> <a href=""> <img class="image is-32x32 m-auto" src="/fonts/square-linkedin.svg" alt="LinkedIn" loading="lazy"> </a></div><div class="column"> <a href=""> <img class="image is-32x32 m-auto" src="/fonts/square-hn.svg" alt="Hacker News" loading="lazy"> </a></div><div class="column"> <a href=""> <img class="image is-32x32 m-auto" src="/fonts/tor.svg" alt="Tor Project" loading="lazy"> </a></div><div class="column"> <a href=""> <img class="image is-32x32 m-auto" src="/fonts/square-signal.svg" alt="Signal" loading="lazy"> </a></div></div></footer>