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      <h2>Like Rescuezilla?</h2>
      <p><strong>Consider giving the project a like on <a target="_blank" href="">AlternativeTo</a> so that more people can discover it! :-)</strong></p>
<h1><img width="128" height="128" align="right" src="./media/icons/usb.png" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;" alt="">Get Rescuezilla</h1>
<p>Follow the steps below to create a Rescuezilla USB stick that you can boot your computer from.<br></p>
<h2><strong>Getting Started</strong></h2>
<div class="faq rounded">
<h3>1. Download the latest live image</h3>
<p>Download the latest stable 64-bit version of Rescuezilla: <strong><a href="">rescuezilla-2.5.1-64bit.noble.iso</a></strong> (recommended).</p>
<p>Checkout the Rescuezilla GitHub release page for information about <a href="">what's new, backwards compatibility, and any bug advisories</a>.</p>
<h3>2. Write the image to a USB</h3>
<p>You'll need to write the image to a USB drive using a program such as <a target="_blank" href="">balenaEtcher</a> which works on Windows, Mac and Linux. <strong>This step will completely erase any data on your USB stick.</strong></p>
<h3>3. Reboot your computer</h3>
<p>Rescuezilla does not run from inside Windows or any other operating system <strong>because it is one</strong><strong>!</strong> You must restart your computer with the USB inserted in order to use Rescuezilla. To boot from the USB, you may need to repeatedly press a key such as <strong>F8</strong> or <strong>F12 </strong>while your computer is starting up.</p>
<h3>4. Enjoy!</h3>
<p>After using Rescuezilla for a while, please consider giving the project a like on <a target="_blank" href="">AlternativeTo</a> so that more people can discover it! :-)</p>
<p>After the USB&nbsp;boots, you will have a mini operating system loaded into memory which will launch Rescuezilla. It will not install anything to your hard drive, and you decide which hard drive to save backup images.</p>
<h2>System Requirements</h2>
    <li>PC&nbsp;(Intel/AMD compatible)</li>
    <li>1GB&nbsp;RAM (2GB recommended)</li>
    <li>USB stick (faster the better, this stick will be completely erased to hold Rescuezilla itself)</li>
    <li>External USB hard drive (with enough free space to hold your backup images)</li>
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  <h2>Like Rescuezilla?</h2>
  <p><strong>Consider giving the project a like on <a target="_blank" href="">AlternativeTo</a> so that more people can discover it! :-)</strong></p>
<div id="footer">Copyright ©2013 Released under GNU GPL license.<br>Copyright ©2019-2024 Rescuezilla: The Swiss Army Knife of System Recovery (</div>


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