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	<title>books by Randall Munroe</title>

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				<a href="../what-if-2/"><img src="../what-if-2/whatif2-cover.png"></a>
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					<h4><a href="../what-if-2/">What If? 2</a></h4>
					<h5>More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions</h5>
					<p><a href="../what-if-2/">more info &gt;</a></p>

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				<a href="../how-to/"><img src="../how-to/howto-cover.png"></a>
				<div class="book-info">
					<h4><a href="../how-to/">How To</a></h4>
					<h5>Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems</h5>
					<p><a href="../how-to/">more info &gt;</a></p>

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				<a href="../thing-explainer"><img src="../thing-explainer/thingexplainer-cover.png"></a>
				<div class="book-info">
					<h4><a href="../thing-explainer/">Thing Explainer</a></h4>
					<h5>Complicated Stuff in Simple Words</h5>
					<p><a href="../thing-explainer/">more info &gt;</a></p>
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					<h4><a href="../what-if">What If?</a></h4>
					<h5>Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions</h5>
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