- ID de l'analyse :
- bce51c4f-88b4-4c76-a7b8-81122759132aTerminée
- URL soumise :
- https://music.visualizing.info/Redirigé
- Fin du rapport :
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https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=thgiDgAAQBAJ&pg=PT113&lpg=PT113&dq=%22The+most+characteristic+feature+of+stupidity+is+not+inability+to+think+or+lack+of+knowledge+but+the+certainty+with+which+ideas+are+held.%22&source=bl&ots=f_KKeqMX4M&sig=ACfU3U0p19ZxK_Cpb6ZlyH7yFGTJTMGnuA&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv0qb34aTqAhXFGaYKHZCrBNIQ6AEwAHoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22The%20most%20characteristic%20feature%20of%20stupidity%20is%20not%20inability%20to%20think%20or%20lack%20of%20knowledge%20but%20the%20certainty%20with%20which%20ideas%20are%20held.%22&f=false | “The most characteristic feature of stupidity is not inability to think or lack of knowledge but the certainty with which ideas are held.” — Edward de Bono |
https://www.debono.com/about-and-contact | Edward de Bono |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_de_Bono | Edward de Bono (Wikipedia) |
http://www.aoky.net/articles/david_mccandless/the_beauty_of_data_visualization.htm | データビジュアライゼーションの美 |
https://honkawa2.sakura.ne.jp/index.html | 社会実情データ図録 Honkawa Data Tribune |
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