- ID de l'analyse :
- c8308923-62f5-46a6-9aa2-22be9f5c74eaTerminée
- URL soumise :
- https://1337x-to-search.pages.dev/
- Fin du rapport :
Liens : 3 trouvé(s)
Liens sortants identifiés à partir de la page
Lien | texte |
https://telegram.dog/HashHackers | t.me/HashHackers |
https://1337x.to | 1337x.to |
https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org | Web Scraper API |
Variables JavaScript : 26 trouvée(s)
Les variables JavaScript globales chargées dans l'objet fenêtre d'une page sont des variables déclarées en dehors des fonctions et accessibles depuis n'importe quel endroit du code au sein du champ d'application actuel
Nom | Type |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
$ | function |
jQuery | function |
Popper | object |
uidEvent | number |
bootstrap | object |
generateSHA256 | function |
showSpinner | function |
Messages de journal de console : 3 trouvé(s)
Messages consignés dans la console web
Type | Catégorie | Enregistrement |
error | network |
info | other |
info | other |
Le corps HTML de la page en données brutes
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<div id="Top100ResultsBox" class="text-center" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 10px;">
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<p class="info text-center"><img src="https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2F1337x.search.zindex.eu.org&count_bg=%2379C83D&title_bg=%23555555&icon=&icon_color=%23E7E7E7&title=Daily/All Views&edge_flat=false"></p>
<p class="info text-center">Made with ❤️ by <a href="https://telegram.dog/HashHackers" target="_blank">Hash Hackers</a></p>
<p class="info text-center">This is a mirror of <a href="https://1337x.to" target="_blank">1337x.to</a> and uses <a href="https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org" target="_blank">Web Scraper API</a> to fetch data.</p>
<p class="info text-center">This website is not affiliated with 1337x.to in any way.</p>
<p class="info text-center">If you have any issues, please report them to the developer at <a href="https://telegram.dog/HashHackers" target="_blank">t.me/HashHackers</a></p>
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<textarea class="form-control" id="magnetLinkInput" rows="10" readonly=""></textarea>
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async function generateSHA256(input) {
console.info('Generating SHA-256 hash for:', input);
// Encode the input as a Uint8Array
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(input);
// Generate the hash using subtle.digest
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data);
// Convert ArrayBuffer to Hex String for easier readability
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
const hashHex = hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
console.info('SHA-256 hash:', hashHex);
return hashHex;
// Function to show spinner
function showSpinner(spinnerId) {
var spinnerCard = document.getElementById(spinnerId);
spinnerCard.style.display = "block";
// Function to hide spinner
function hideSpinner(spinnerId) {
var spinnerCard = document.getElementById(spinnerId);
spinnerCard.style.display = "none";
// handle id= searchButton
document.getElementById('searchInput').addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submission
document.getElementById('searchButton').click(); // Manually trigger search button click
document.getElementById('searchButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
var searchQuery = document.getElementById('searchInput').value;
var sortSelect = document.getElementById('sortSelect');
if (searchQuery.trim() !== '') { // Use trim() to remove leading and trailing whitespace
window.location.href = '/?search=' + encodeURIComponent(searchQuery) + '&sort=' + sortSelect.value;
// Keep track of the current page number
var currentPage = 1;
// Flag to check if a request is in progress
var requestInProgress = false;
function openUrl(url) {
window.location.href = url;
async function loadTop100(type = "top-100") {
// Prevent multiple concurrent requests
if (requestInProgress) return;
requestInProgress = true;
try {
// Construct the initial URL
const baseUrl = "https://1337x.to/";
const pageUrl = `${baseUrl}${type}`;
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the page URL
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(pageUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(pageUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : pageUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL
const scrapingUrl = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1%2C+td.coll-2%2C+td.coll-3%2C+td.coll-date%2C+td.coll-4%2C+td.coll-5&scrape=text&spaced=true&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the scraped data
const scrapeResponse = await fetch(scrapingUrl);
const data = await scrapeResponse.json();
// Generate the item list
generateItemList(data, 0, type);
currentPage++; // Increment page for pagination
// Show results and hide spinner
document.getElementById('Top100ResultsBox').style.display = 'block';
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching top 100:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} finally {
// Reset the request flag and hide spinner
requestInProgress = false;
async function fetchUserUploads(username, type) {
// Prevent multiple concurrent requests
if (requestInProgress) return;
requestInProgress = true;
try {
// Construct the initial URL
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${username}-torrents/${currentPage}/`;
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the page URL
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL
const scrapingUrl = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1%2C+td.coll-2%2C+td.coll-3%2C+td.coll-date%2C+td.coll-4%2C+td.coll-5&scrape=text&spaced=true&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the scraped data
const scrapeResponse = await fetch(scrapingUrl);
const data = await scrapeResponse.json();
// Generate the item list
generateItemList(data, currentPage, type);
currentPage++; // Increment page for pagination
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching user uploads:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} finally {
// Reset the request flag and hide spinner
requestInProgress = false;
async function fetchData() {
// Prevent multiple concurrent requests
if (requestInProgress) return;
requestInProgress = true;
try {
// Extract search query and sort parameter from URL
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('search');
const sort = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('sort');
if (!searchQuery) {
throw new Error('Search query is missing in the URL.');
// Construct the search path based on the sort parameter
let constantForSearch;
if (!sort) {
constantForSearch = `search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${currentPage}`;
} else {
const sortMap = {
size_asc: 'size/asc',
size_desc: 'size/desc',
time_asc: 'time/asc',
time_desc: 'time/desc',
seeders_asc: 'seeders/asc',
seeders_desc: 'seeders/desc',
leechers_asc: 'leechers/asc',
leechers_desc: 'leechers/desc',
constantForSearch = `sort-search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${sortMap[sort]}/${currentPage}`;
// Construct the base URL
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/`;
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the URL
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL
const scrapingUrl = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1%2C+td.coll-2%2C+td.coll-3%2C+td.coll-date%2C+td.coll-4%2C+td.coll-5&scrape=text&spaced=true&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the scraped data
const scrapeResponse = await fetch(scrapingUrl);
const data = await scrapeResponse.json();
// Generate the item list
generateItemList(data, currentPage, 'search');
currentPage++; // Increment page for pagination
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching search results:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} finally {
// Reset the request flag and hide spinner
requestInProgress = false;
// Generate item list from the fetched data
// Global scope variable to keep track of whether the event listener is added
let isEventListenerAdded = false;
function generateItemList(data, currentPage, type) {
var itemList = document.getElementById('itemList');
var results = data.result;
if (results['td.coll-1'].length === 0) {
// Show no results message
document.getElementById('noMoreResultsBox').style.display = 'block';
var listContainer = document.createElement('ul');
listContainer.className = 'list-group';
for (var i = 0; i < results['td.coll-1'].length; i++) {
var listItem = document.createElement('li');
listItem.className = 'text-break list-group-item';
listItem.setAttribute('data-magnet', 'true');
// Extracting size value
var sizeText = results['td.coll-4'][i];
var size = sizeText.substring(0, sizeText.indexOf('B') + 1);
// Get leeches and seeds count
var leeches = parseInt(results['td.coll-3'][i]);
var seeds = parseInt(results['td.coll-2'][i]);
let details;
if (type == 'user') {
var username = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('user');
details = `<small class="d-block">Seeds (<span style="color: ${seeds > 0 ? 'green' : 'inherit'};">${seeds}</span>) Leecher (<span style="color: ${leeches > 0 ? 'red' : 'inherit'};">${leeches}</span>) by <a href="/?user=${username}">${username}</a> ${results['td.coll-5'][i]}</small>`;
} else {
details = `<small class="d-block">Seeds (<span style="color: ${seeds > 0 ? 'green' : 'inherit'};">${seeds}</span>) Leecher (<span style="color: ${leeches > 0 ? 'red' : 'inherit'};">${leeches}</span>) By <a href="/?user=${results['td.coll-5'][i]}">${results['td.coll-5'][i]}</a> on ${results['td.coll-date'][i]}</small>`;
var innerHTML = `
<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between">
<div style="width: 90%;">
<a style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit;" class="clickable">${results['td.coll-1'][i]} - ${size}</a>
` + details + `
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link bi bi-box-arrow-up-right" onclick="goToSourcePage(${i}, ${currentPage}, '${type}')"></button>
listItem.innerHTML = innerHTML;
// Adding event listener to handle clicking on the list item only once
if (!isEventListenerAdded) {
itemList.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var target = event.target;
if (target.closest('.clickable') && target.closest('li').getAttribute('data-magnet') === 'true') {
// Open magnet link
var index = Array.from(target.closest('ul').children).indexOf(target.closest('li'));
fetchMagnetLink(index, currentPage, type);
isEventListenerAdded = true; // Set to true to prevent further additions
// Check if search query is present in URL and fetch data for the initial page
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
var searchQuery = urlParams.get('search');
var sort = urlParams.get('sort');
var top100_type = urlParams.get('top100');
var user = urlParams.get('user');
if (sort) {
document.getElementById('sortSelect').value = sort;
if (searchQuery !== null && searchQuery !== '') {
// put the query in the search input
document.getElementById('searchInput').value = searchQuery;
} else if (top100_type !== null && top100_type !== '') {
} else if (user !== null && user !== '') {
fetchUserUploads(user, "user");
} else {
// Detect scroll to bottom of the page for pagination
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
// Buffer to start loading more data
var buffer = 100;
// Check if scroll is at the bottom and there are more results to fetch
if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY + buffer) >= document.body.offsetHeight && !requestInProgress && searchQuery !== null && searchQuery !== '' && document.getElementById('noMoreResultsBox').style.display !== 'block') {
} else if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY + buffer) >= document.body.offsetHeight && !requestInProgress && user !== null && user !== '' && document.getElementById('noMoreResultsBox').style.display !== 'block') {
fetchUserUploads(user, "user");
async function goToSourcePage(index, currentPage, type) {
try {
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('search');
let url;
// Determine the URL based on type
if (type !== 'search') {
// Generate SHA-256 hash for the `type` URL
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${type}`;
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL using the cached or original URL
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else if (type === 'search') {
if (!searchQuery) {
throw new Error('Search query is missing in the URL.');
const sort = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('sort');
let constantForSearch;
if (!sort) {
constantForSearch = `search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${currentPage}`;
} else {
const sortMap = {
size_asc: 'size/asc',
size_desc: 'size/desc',
time_asc: 'time/asc',
time_desc: 'time/desc',
seeders_asc: 'seeders/asc',
seeders_desc: 'seeders/desc',
leechers_asc: 'leechers/asc',
leechers_desc: 'leechers/desc',
constantForSearch = `sort-search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${sortMap[sort]}/${currentPage}`;
const baseUrl = `https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/`;
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(baseUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
// Check if the hashed URL exists
const response = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (!response.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(baseUrl)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const useCacheUrl = response.ok ? cacheUrl : baseUrl;
// Construct the scraping URL using the cached or original URL
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${encodeURIComponent(useCacheUrl)}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Fetch the torrent URL
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
if (!data.result) {
throw new Error('Torrent URL not found in the response.');
const torrentUrl = data.result;
const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
// Open the torrent URL in a new tab
window.open(`https://1337x-to.pages.dev/processor/?path=/${timestamp}/${torrentUrl}`, '_blank');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching torrent URL:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
// Function to fetch magnet link based on selected item index
async function fetchMagnetLink(index, currentPage, type) {
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('search');
let url;
let url_1337x
if (type === 'user') {
const username = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('user');
url_1337x = `https://1337x.to/${username}-torrents/${currentPage}/`;
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${url_1337x}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Cache URL check block
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(url_1337x);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cached URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
// Use cached URL instead of scraping
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${cacheUrl}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using scraper URL: ${url}`);
// Continue with the URL from the scraper
} else if (type === 'search') {
const sort = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('sort');
const constantForSearch = sort === null
? `search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${currentPage}`
: `sort-search/${searchQuery.replace(' ', '+')}/${sort.split('_')[0]}/${sort.split('_')[1]}/${currentPage}`;
url_1337x = `https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/`
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=https://1337x.to/${constantForSearch}/&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Cache URL check block
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(url_1337x);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cached URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
// Use cached URL instead of scraping
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${cacheUrl}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using scraper URL: ${url}`);
// Continue with the URL from the scraper
} else {
url_1337x = `https://1337x.to/${type}`;
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=https://1337x.to/${type}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
// Cache URL check block
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256(url_1337x);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cached URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
// Use cached URL instead of scraping
url = `https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${cacheUrl}&selector=td.coll-1+a:nth-child(2)&scrape=attr&attr=href[${index}]&pretty=true`;
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using scraper URL: ${url}`);
// Continue with the URL from the scraper
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
let torrentUrl = data.result;
// Cache URL check
const sha256Hash = await generateSHA256("https://1337x.to" + torrentUrl);
const cacheUrl = `https://1337x-r2-torrents-cache.zindex.eu.org/${sha256Hash}.txt`;
let url_1337x = `https://1337x.to${torrentUrl}`;
const cacheResponse = await fetch(cacheUrl, { method: "HEAD" });
if (cacheResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Using cache URL: ${cacheUrl}`);
torrentUrl = cacheUrl; // Use the cached URL if found
const fetchMagentfromCacheURL = await fetch(`https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${torrentUrl}&selector=div.no-top-radius+%3E+div+%3E+ul+%3E+li+%3E+a&scrape=attr&attr=href[0]&pretty=true`);
let magnetLink;
if (fetchMagentfromCacheURL.status === 200) {
const data2 = await fetchMagentfromCacheURL.json();
magnetLink = data2.result;
if (magnetLink.startsWith('magnet:')) {
} else {
$('#errorMessage').text('Magnet link not found. Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
} else {
console.log(`Cache not found, something went wrong: ${torrentUrl}`);
} else {
let request_cdn_to_cache = await fetch(`https://1337x-d1-static-api.zindex.eu.org/r2-request-api?url=${btoa(url_1337x)}`);
if (request_cdn_to_cache.ok) {
let request_cdn_to_cache_json = await request_cdn_to_cache.json();
console.log(`Request Result: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.status} and URL: ${request_cdn_to_cache_json.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`Request failed to cache URL: ${url_1337x}`);
console.log(`Cache not found, using original URL: ${torrentUrl}`);
// Check CDN if cache is not available
const fileCode = torrentUrl.split('/')[2];
let githubRepoName;
if (fileCode < 2000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-1000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 2000000 && fileCode < 3000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-2000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 3000000 && fileCode < 4000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-3000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 4000000 && fileCode < 5000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-4000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 5000000 && fileCode < 6000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-5000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 6000000 && fileCode < 7000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-6000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 7000000 && fileCode < 8000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-7000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 8000000 && fileCode < 9000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-8000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 9000000 && fileCode < 10000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-9000000';
} else if (fileCode >= 10000000) {
githubRepoName = '1337x-torrents-10000000';
const checkCdn = await fetch(`https://${githubRepoName}.pages.dev/torrent/${fileCode}/?time=${new Date().getTime()}`);
let urlForMagnetRequest;
let magnetLink;
if (checkCdn.status === 200) {
const cdnContent = await checkCdn.text();
if (cdnContent.startsWith('magnet')) {
console.log('Magnet link found in CDN');
magnetLink = cdnContent;
} else {
const creationDate = cdnContent.match(/<meta name="creation_date" content="(\d+)" \/>/)[1];
console.log('Creation date:', creationDate);
if (new Date().getTime() - creationDate > 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
urlForMagnetRequest = `https://${githubRepoName}.pages.dev/torrent/${fileCode}/?time=${new Date().getTime()}`;
const response2 = await fetch(`https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${urlForMagnetRequest}&selector=div.no-top-radius+%3E+div+%3E+ul+%3E+li+%3E+a&scrape=attr&attr=href[0]&pretty=true`);
const data2 = await response2.json();
magnetLink = data2.result;
} else {
urlForMagnetRequest = `https://1337x.to${torrentUrl}`;
const response2 = await fetch(`https://web.scraper.zindex.eu.org/?url=${urlForMagnetRequest}&selector=div.no-top-radius+%3E+div+%3E+ul+%3E+li+%3E+a&scrape=attr&attr=href[0]&pretty=true`);
const data2 = await response2.json();
magnetLink = data2.result;
if (magnetLink.startsWith('magnet:')) {
} else {
$('#errorMessage').text('Magnet link not found. Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
// since cacheURL is now av
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching magnet link or torrent URL:', error, ' Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
$('#errorMessage').text('Error fetching magnet link or torrent URL. Please report this issue to the developer at t.me/HashHackers');
// Copy magnet link to clipboard
document.getElementById('copyButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
var magnetLinkInput = document.getElementById('magnetLinkInput');
document.addEventListener('click', function() {
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