- ID de l'analyse :
- e633e7fe-98db-4eee-8fc4-4cfe35b4af12Terminée
- URL soumise :
- https://t.co/0wxMpjrDXq
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Variables JavaScript : 131 trouvée(s)
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documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
RemoteStorage | function |
Widget | function |
gtag | function |
dataLayer | object |
science | function |
Pickr | function |
JSZip | function |
Messages de journal de console : 1 trouvé(s)
Messages consignés dans la console web
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warning | other |
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// remoteStorage backend that'll be our plugged in module
// This should be abstracted from what actually handles updates,
// since this'll give us the ability to pull this out in the future
const RS_PATH = "cubari";
const remoteStorage = (() => {
// Define the schema for our history
const Model = {name: RS_PATH, builder: (private) => {
const SERIES_META = "series";
const SERIES_META_PATH_BASE = "series/";
private.declareType(SERIES_META, {
type: "object",
properties: {
slug: {
type: "string"
coverUrl: {
type: "string"
source: {
type: "string"
url: {
type: "string"
title: {
type: "string"
timestamp: {
type: "number"
chapters: {
type: "array",
default: [] // Note that these aren't validated by our schema handler
pinned: {
type: "boolean",
default: false // Thus it's documenting only; handle it
required: ["slug", "source", "url", "title", "timestamp", "chapters", "pinned"]
let firstPartyValidator = (source) => {
return (source === "manga" || source === "series" || source === "default");
let pathBuilder = (path, slug, source) => {
if (!source) source = "default";
if (firstPartyValidator(source)) source = "default";
source = source.replace(" ", "_");
return path.replace(REPLACEMENT_STR, `${source}-${slug}`);
let seriesBuilder = (slug, coverUrl, source, url, title, pinned, chapters) => {
source = source.replace(" ", "_");
if (firstPartyValidator(source)) {
source = "default";
pinned = true; // First party chapters always pinned
return {
slug: slug,
coverUrl: coverUrl || "",
source: source,
url: url,
title: title,
timestamp: Date.now(),
chapters: chapters || [],
pinned: (pinned === undefined) ? false : pinned
return {
exports: {
firstPartyHandler: (source) => {
return firstPartyValidator(source) ? "default" : source;
slugBuilder: (slug, source) => {
return `${source}-${slug}`;
addSeries: (slug, coverUrl, source, url, title, pinned, chapters) => {
let toStore = seriesBuilder(slug, coverUrl, source, url, title, pinned, chapters);
return private.storeObject(
pathBuilder(SERIES_META_PATH, slug, source),
editSeries: async (slug, coverUrl, source, url, title, pinned, chapters) => {
let obj = await private.getObject(pathBuilder(SERIES_META_PATH, slug, source));
if (obj) {
let toStore = seriesBuilder(
slug || obj.slug,
coverUrl || obj.coverUrl,
source || obj.source,
url || obj.url,
title || obj.title,
(pinned !== undefined) ? pinned : obj.pinned,
chapters || obj.chapters // Empty array is truthy
return private.storeObject(
pathBuilder(SERIES_META_PATH, slug, source),
} else {
// Fail-fast instead of adding the series
throw new Error("Cannot edit a non-existent series.");
getSeries: (slug, source) => {
return private.getObject(pathBuilder(SERIES_META_PATH, slug, source));
removeSeries: (slug, source) => {
return private.remove(pathBuilder(SERIES_META_PATH, slug, source));
getAllSeries: () => {
// Note for the future: getAll gives you the objects within, while
// getListing gives you just a list of files; thus, this gives you the
// metadata within
if (private.storage.connected) {
// maxAge cache in millis
return private.getAll(SERIES_META_PATH_BASE, 30000);
} else {
// Promise resolves immediately if no storage is connected
// https://remotestoragejs.readthedocs.io/en/v1.2.3/js-api/base-client.html#caching-logic-for-read-operations
return private.getAll(SERIES_META_PATH_BASE);
let remoteStorage = new RemoteStorage({cache: true, modules: [Model]});
remoteStorage.access.claim(RS_PATH, "rw");
return remoteStorage;
// This will be the main handler that deals with both
// chapter and series history. All logic should be here
// and abstracted from the rest of the code
const globalHistoryHandler = (() => {
const STORAGE_KEY = "proxyHistory";
const SORT_KEY = "timestamp";
const MAX_VALUES = 20;
// Helper to return an array of objects from a nested object, sorted by key
let sortObjectByKey = (obj, key) => {
let sortable = [];
for (let k in obj) {
sortable.sort((f, s) => s[key] - f[key]);
return sortable;
const sync = async () => {
// Sync operation ensures the local cache doesn't have any dangling objects.
// We'll sort for the timestamp key since that's what we use everywhere else
let allSeries = await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getAllSeries();
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(allSeries)) {
try {
if (!value[SORT_KEY]) {
// We don't use split here since the slug can potentially include "-"
let separatorIndex = key.indexOf("-");
let slug = key.slice(separatorIndex + 1);
let source = key.slice(0, separatorIndex);
await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].removeSeries(slug, source);
} catch (e) {
console.error("[Global History] Sync error, continuing.");
const enabled = () => {
return localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) ? true : false;
const enable = () => {
let settings = localStorage.getItem("settings");
let redirected = localStorage.getItem("redirected");
let storageOnce = localStorage.getItem("storageOnce");
if (settings) localStorage.setItem("settings", settings);
if (redirected) localStorage.setItem("redirected", redirected);
if (storageOnce) localStorage.setItem("storageOnce", storageOnce);
localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, true);
const disable = () => {
let settings = localStorage.getItem("settings");
let redirected = localStorage.getItem("redirected");
let storageOnce = localStorage.getItem("storageOnce");
if (settings) localStorage.setItem("settings", settings);
if (redirected) localStorage.setItem("redirected", redirected);
if (storageOnce) localStorage.setItem("storageOnce", storageOnce);
const pushSeries = async (slug, coverUrl, source, url, title) => {
await sync();
source = remoteStorage[RS_PATH].firstPartyHandler(source);
let allCurrentSeries = sortObjectByKey(await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getAllSeries() || {}, SORT_KEY);
let existingSeries = allCurrentSeries.find((e) => e.slug === slug && e.source === source.replace(" ", "_"));
allCurrentSeries = allCurrentSeries.filter(e => !e.pinned);
// Be mindful of the cap regardless of the state of the tree
while ((allCurrentSeries.length + ((existingSeries) ? 0 : 1)) > MAX_VALUES) {
let last = allCurrentSeries.pop();
await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].removeSeries(last.slug, last.source);
if (existingSeries) {
// Effectively this updates the timestamp of the series, pushing it to the top
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].editSeries(slug, coverUrl, source, url, title, existingSeries.pinned, existingSeries.chapters);
} else {
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].addSeries(slug, coverUrl, source, url, title, undefined, undefined);
const removeSeries = async (slug, source) => {
await sync();
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].removeSeries(slug, source);
const removeAllUnpinnedSeries = async () => {
let series = await globalHistoryHandler.getAllUnpinnedSeries();
if(series) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(series, srs => {
removeSeries(srs.slug, srs.source)
const addChapters = async (slug, source, chapters) => {
let existingSeries = await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getSeries(slug, source);
if (existingSeries) {
chapters = [...new Set([...chapters, ...existingSeries.chapters])];
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].editSeries(slug, undefined, source, undefined, undefined, undefined, chapters);
} else {
console.error("[Global History] addChapters - Series didn't exist.");
const addChapter = async (slug, source, chapter) => {
return addChapters(slug, source, [chapter]);
const removeChapter = async (slug, source, chapter) => {
let existingSeries = await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getSeries(slug, source);
if (existingSeries) {
chapters = existingSeries.chapters.filter(e => e !== chapter);
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].editSeries(slug, undefined, source, undefined, undefined, undefined, chapters);
} else {
console.error("[Global History] removeChapter - Series didn't exist.");
const removeAllChapters = async (slug, source) => {
let existingSeries = await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getSeries(slug, source);
if (existingSeries) {
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].editSeries(slug, undefined, source, undefined, undefined, undefined, []);
} else {
console.error("[Global History] removeAllChapters - series didn't exist.");
const getReadChapters = async (slug, source) => {
let existingSeries = await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getSeries(slug, source);
if (existingSeries) {
return existingSeries.chapters;
} else {
console.error("[Global History] getReadChapters - series didn't exist.");
const pinSeries = async (slug, source) => {
let existingSeries = await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getSeries(slug, source);
if (existingSeries) {
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].editSeries(slug, undefined, source, undefined, undefined, true, undefined);
} else {
console.error("[Global History] pinSeries - series didn't exist.");
const unpinSeries = async (slug, source) => {
let existingSeries = await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getSeries(slug, source);
if (existingSeries) {
return remoteStorage[RS_PATH].editSeries(slug, undefined, source, undefined, undefined, false, undefined);
} else {
console.error("[Global History] unpinSeries - series didn't exist.");
const getAllPinnedSeries = async () => {
await sync();
return sortObjectByKey(await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getAllSeries() || {}, SORT_KEY).filter(e => e.pinned);
const getAllUnpinnedSeries = async () => {
await sync();
return sortObjectByKey(await remoteStorage[RS_PATH].getAllSeries() || {}, SORT_KEY).filter(e => !e.pinned);
return {
toggle: {
const tag = () => {
try {
let coverUrl = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("history_coverUrl").textContent);
let source = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("history_source").textContent);
if (!source) {
source = window.location.pathname
.filter(e => e)[1]
.replace("_", " ");
} else {
source = source.split("/")[1];
let slug = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("history_slug").textContent);
let url = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("history_url").textContent);
if (url) {
url = `/${url}`.split(slug)[0] + slug;
let title = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("history_title").textContent);
if (source && slug && url && title) {
remoteStorage.on("ready", async () => {
await globalHistoryHandler.pushSeries(slug, coverUrl, source, url, title);
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("history-ready"));
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing, silently fail.
window.addEventListener("load", async () => {
if((await localStorage.getItem('storageOnce')) == "1") return;
if (!globalHistoryHandler.enabled()) {
localStorage.setItem('storageOnce', "1")
// Seed the values from the template for the reader API calls
const BASE_API_PATH = "/read/api/imgchest/series/";
const IS_FIRST_PARTY = false;
const IS_INDEXED = false;
const IMAGE_PROXY_URL = "https://services.f-ck.me";
<body class="fit-width_limit direction-ltr gap-false theme-Cubari reset-false spread-1 spreadCount-1 spreadOffset-0 selectorAnchor-left selPinned-false selNum-true hoverinos-true sidebar-true previews-false clickTurnPage-true arrowTurnPage-false swipeGestures-true parallelDownloads-5 zoom-100">
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const science = (measurePerformance = false) => {
const scienceEndpoint = "https://obs.f-ck.me/ingest";
const proxyBasePath = "read";
const pathFragments = location.pathname.split("/");
const proxyMetadata = pathFragments[pathFragments.findIndex(e => e === proxyBasePath) + 1];
if (!proxyMetadata) {
const sciencePayload = {
"p": "cubari.moe",
"m": proxyMetadata,
if (measurePerformance) {
const navPerf = performance.getEntriesByType("navigation");
if (navPerf.length === 1) {
sciencePayload["t"] = navPerf[0].duration;
fetch(`${scienceEndpoint}`, {
method: "POST",
mode: "no-cors",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(sciencePayload),
window.science = science;
// Science once when the page is loaded
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
// We need to add this to the event loop so that the load
// event can be properly hydrated in the performance object
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
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<input class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
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