- ID de l'analyse :
- eb78249f-7e2b-4049-96ea-df93580fc515Terminée
- URL soumise :
- https://www.cloudoptimizedsmb.com/
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Liens sortants identifiés à partir de la page
Variables JavaScript : 13 trouvée(s)
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0 | object |
onbeforetoggle | object |
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onscrollend | object |
webpackChunkStripeJSouter | object |
noop | function |
Stripe | function |
___grecaptcha_cfg | object |
grecaptcha | object |
__recaptcha_api | string |
Messages de journal de console : 4 trouvé(s)
Messages consignés dans la console web
Type | Catégorie | Enregistrement |
error | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
error | other |
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<p><span class="content">I provide a wide set of IT outsourcing, consulting, administration, and hosting services to clients of all sizes. I believe that while there are often default solutions, those will not fit the needs of every client., I work with each client to see if my standard go-to tools are right for their needs and if not I will work with them to find the solution that does fit their needs and then to implement and maintain that solution. I am used to the varying budgets and cash flows that small businesses have and can work to fit your needs both in terms of what solutions to use, how I bill for them, and on what schedule. I can take care of most home and businesses IT needs and work with a variety of vendors to find the best prices and solutions for services I don't directly provide, such as internet service to their location(s).</span></p>
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