- ID de l'analyse :
- fa60b1bc-5a23-4b6a-87a5-04cc6ada87ecTerminée
- URL soumise :
- https://surveys.newtonxcommunity.com/surveys/e/51198dc2-873a-4b38-9436-56f0e327f4a6
- Fin du rapport :
Liens : 0 trouvé(s)
Liens sortants identifiés à partir de la page
Variables JavaScript : 4 trouvée(s)
Les variables JavaScript globales chargées dans l'objet fenêtre d'une page sont des variables déclarées en dehors des fonctions et accessibles depuis n'importe quel endroit du code au sein du champ d'application actuel
Nom | Type |
onbeforetoggle | object |
documentPictureInPicture | object |
onscrollend | object |
DD_RUM | object |
Messages de journal de console : 23 trouvé(s)
Messages consignés dans la console web
Type | Catégorie | Enregistrement |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
error | network |
dir | javascript |
error | javascript |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
warning | other |
Le corps HTML de la page en données brutes
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><meta name="theme-color" content="#000000"><meta name="description" content="Click on the link to continue through the survey process"><link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico"><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/logo192.png"><link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json"><title>Survey</title><script defer="defer" src="/static/js/main.c7b489d101397bd08495.js"></script><link href="/static/css/main.1de16548.css" rel="stylesheet"><meta charset="utf-8" data-react-helmet="true"></head><body><noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript><div id="root"><section class="ant-layout app_container__dbCpV"><div><section class="ant-layout"><main class="ant-layout-content content_container__lQNY4"><div class="content_children__c5NgF"><div class="ant-space ant-space-vertical verticalSpaceContainer_container__nPSqz" style="gap: 16px;"><div class="ant-space-item"><div class="ant-space ant-space-vertical verticalSpaceContainer_container__nPSqz" style="gap: 16px;"><div class="ant-space-item" style=""><h1 class="ant-typography heading_title__JuIgp">Oops! Something went wrong.</h1></div><div class="ant-space-item" style=""><div class="ant-typography">Looks like something unexpected happened. Please retry the link in 1 minute. If you have any
additional issues or if that does not work, reply to the email and we will look into it.</div></div><div class="ant-space-item"><div><img class="blockContainer_image__upVL6" src="/static/media/error.021de2335d3b58d77d0a9fb8c5933141.svg" alt="Error"></div></div></div></div></div></div></main></section></div></section></div></body></html>